>>32336573>How are things at your LGS?Pretty nice lately. I don't see this one bastard that I hate anymore, so that makes it better.
>Have you taught anyone to play recently?No, but I correct people on small stuff that they either didn't know or were doing wrong all the time.
>Any cards you want for your collection from SM2/Guardians?So many. Lele, the ability A-Ninetales and the GX, Aqua Patch, Field Blower, Turtonator GX, etc. Probably more I'm forgetting. I'm excited, the set looks great.
>What is your current meme/FUN deck?The closest I have to that would be Volcanion.
>What is your current meta/TRY HARD deck?Darkrai Turbo.
>do you play any other card games or online games like Hearthstone, Shadowverse, and so on?I used to play Yugioh, but that game has turned to shit, even more than it already was. I quit right after Link Monsters were announced.