>>49332645>Decidueye is fine>Like that Thyplosion is slimmer, just hate the "Submissive and Breedable" expression on its face>Samurott is fine, just a little too similar to the original>GrowlitheCool
>ArcanineCould've been better, just looks like a dirty Arcanine
>VoltorbNot bad
>ElectrodeBoring and generic, fan designs were way better
>KleavorLike the concept, just wished his arms were thicker and his face more bug-like
>Qwilfish lineNothing special, pretty boring
>SneaselReally like it, even if it's just a color swap
>Sneasel evoWhat a disgrace, another fursuit abomination
>UrsaringLike the quadrupedal hunched cave bear look, just think there's too much extra details (the grey eyebrows, the back arches, etc.)
>Stantler evoNot bad, gives the "Wise Spirit of the Forest" look
>LilligantAtrocious, completely ruins Lilligant
>Basculin lineMeh
>Zorua lineLooks cool, a bit too edgy
>BraviaryNot bad, not too different from the original
>AvaluggWtf is this, looks like the dirty snow on the side of city roads
>SliggooOne of my favorites
>GoodraLazy and only appeals to dragonfuckers
>GenieUgly af, doesn't even look like it belongs with the original trio
>Palkia and DialgaJust when you think you've seen the absolute worst...