Quoted By:
>Be me, a week ago
>Work restaurant job
>Playing Pokemon Platinum in the kitchen on my break
>Coworker comes up to me "Hey man, whatcha playin"
>I am a shy autist
>"J-just some Pokemon Platinum"
>"Is that the sequel to Pokemon GO?"
>"No! Pokemon GO is garbage compared to the real thing"
>I said that louder than I thought and the other workers heard me
>Some of them had the goofiest smiles like they wanted to laugh and shit
>Wish I was online so I could call them cucks
>"I gotta go punch i-in..." I said as I walked away
>The next day
Should I continue my fucking cringe.. like I'm cringing just remembering this shit. I quit that job because of this embarrassment...
>Go into work
>"Hey anon, PIKA PIKA PIKA CHU HAHAHA" one of the fucking Chads tell me
>I laugh with him though...
>Day goes on with people still mocking me about Pokemon
>I don't get it, why do they mock me when they play the shitty mobile game
>3 hours into work and someone spills coffee on the kitchen floor
>I volunteer to help clean up the mess
>As I get the mop one Chad says to me, "Look out! He has Mopmon!"
>The whole kitchen bursts put laughing
>Enough was enough. It wasn't even funny
>"Fuck you!"
>Right then the kitchen went silent
>No one said a word but there was a bit more laugher
>I just went on cleaning up
>Supervisor stops me before punching out
>"I got some complaints of loud swearing coming from the kitchen--from the customers. I asked around and everyone told me you did it, even the cooks."
>"I'm sorry! It'll never happen again!" I said
>"I know it won't. I've already written you up. Don't do it again."
>I leave the building and see Chad and friends laughing it up.
>I turn red and immediately get in my car in drive away as fast as I could
>Next day I don't show up and instantly get fired
Still cringing over my choices desu...