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My picks.
His in-game team (duh)
-Typhlosion because a) It's my fav; b) Most fanart has it c) Feraligatr fits Silver much more than the others
-Espeon because you get Eevee form Bill in Goldenrod. Evolved to Espeon because I think it fits Ethan more than Umbreon.
-Hitmontop: Tyrogue from Karate guy. Evo to 'Top because genII
-Sudowoodo: Road block
-Togekiss: Togepi egg from the begginning of the game. Evo up to Togekiss because HGSS is gen IV
-Red Gyarados: Do I have to explain why?
(I left ExtemeSpeedD-Nite because he would have an OP team)
-Swampert. Dunno, it fits I guess, also Water.
-Castform: get it from the Weather Institute
-Kecleon: Road block
-Wobbuffet: Wynaut egg from Lavaridge
-Slaking: connection with his dad
-Metagross: Beldum from Steven post e4.
(Left Fossil out, for no real reason now that I think of it... should I replace Kecleon or Slaking? And should I give him Armaldo of Cradily?)
-Torterra: Infernape MUST belong to Barry.
-Drifblim: Drifloon in Valley Windworks
-Porygon: Guy in Veilstone
-Lucario: Riolu egg from Riley in Stark Mountain
-Spiritomb: Spiritom "quest"
-Rotom: Old Chateau
-Samurott: it's.... blue? and Serperior knda fits Cheren's personality
-Simisear: because Samurott
-Archeops: Becaause he already has a water type
-Munna: because
-Braviary: same
-Volcarona: Larvesta Egg post-E4
-Emboar: Trailer
-Sawsbuck: Gift Pokémon at season research lab.
-Cinccino: w/ Skill Likn. Hidden Grotto.
-Zoroark: N's Zorua
-Carracosta: Because Hilbert got Archeops
-Shiny Haxorus: Nature Preserve.