Quoted By:
>trying to beat Elite Four Koga SoulSilver
>Being a dumbass, forgot to bring revives, have only 2 Pokemon left
>Typhlosion and Quagsire
>Toxics Quagsire
>Quagsire kills everything with Earthquake until...
>at 25% health from toxic, need to switch
>switch into Typhlosion
>Double Team
>Try to kill before this can happen
>Miss Fire Blast (No shit)
>Double Team
>this continues until I run out of Fire Blast
>Max Evasion
>Poison Fang crit gets me Badly Poisoned
>Look at what I have left
>Quagsire about to die
>Typhlosion with only Strength left and ~50% hp and badly poisoned
>Crobat at +6 Evasion
>Almost white knuckled over this
>He uses Quick Attack
>no damage basically
> use Strength
> miss
>There must be a way!
>this continues until I am at literally 2 health
>Pray to the RNG gods above
>Click Strength
>Fucking Crits
>Crobats health drops
>And drops
> survives with no hp bar visible
>sitrus berry activates
>typhlosion is deed
>Quagsire comes on out
>uses quick attack
>I use muddy water
>mfw I beat koga with swagsire at red health and badly poisoned
>heal as best as I can, full health, no poison