>>57434971>>57434937Thanks anons, that is good to know! I hope we get cool Team Rocket cards in it.
It stinks that they bloat them like that. Yugioh sometimes does the same thing. I mean, thats the least of Konami's sins when it comes the TCG Yugioh.
I only collect a few modern Pokemon cards and was overhearing how Pokemon fans are being screwed over by distribution and scalpers. I feel for ya guys. Then I heard something about a Team Rocket set coming in one of the videos, which made my ears perk up. I was a sucker for the Team Rocket set back in the day. I wish they'd call them 'Dark' Pokemon, but 'Rocket's' is fine for me too.
Also I just checked my collection and I thankfully had the foresight to get the Jessie & James full art card a few years back (along with my boy, Guzma).
I hope you guys can get your cards and that the scalper/hype dies down. I think it was bad back a few years ago, but it got better. Seems like its back again for whatever reason.