Project Orion 2.4 is here now. This one's mostly just a grab bag of miscellaneous changes such as a few updated portraits and sprites as well as tweaking some item spawns.
-Sneasel is now a Fully Featured Pokemon, having all its missing sprites.
-Minccino's portraits and sprites are updated
-Updated Mareep's sprites
-Updated Wooper, Ralts, and Chespin's portraits
-Slightly buffed Bubble's PP
-Made Mist Ball ranged
-Made Solarbeam ranged and gave it 10PP. This move's weird though, the chargeup fails if no enemy is in front of you on the first turn so you can't bait an enemy into walking into your line of fire. Looks like a limitation with how chargeup moves work in Sky. It's not like the move is useful in its vanilla (foe in front) form, though.
-Guaranteed a Max Elixir spawn every 10th floor in Zero Isle South from 10F onward
-Removed Doom Seeds from Southeastern Islands
-Added better buried item spawns to Oblivion Forest/Trecherous Waters/Southeastern Islands/Inferno Cave
-Concealed Ruins was a pretty lackluster place as far as treasure goes. Now, nearly every TM in the game can be found here, buried inside the walls.
-Nectar IQ gain boosted by 5 points for +15IQ per Nectar
-Changed the Master rank reward from a single Joy Seed to a Pierce Band. Useful for getting your team buffed up
-Nerfed Pelipper's exp yield once again