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Blastoise = Venusaur > Charizard
>I honestly can't choose sometimes. They all have too much nostalgic value for me :\
Typhlosion > Feraligatr > Meganium
>Chose fire-type due to neglecting Charmander in gen 1. Typhlosion became my instant bro and I can't help but be a fan. Wish I could get a trade on my Kalos cart but no dice so far...
Sceptile > Swampert >> Blaziken
>Sceptile is a lizard ninja. Nuff' said. Can't get past the face that blaziken is a chicken. Just a lame animal to base a pokemon off of.
Empoleon > Infernape > Torterra
>Probably my least played gen. Digged the resistances and lack of weakness from the 'plup though.
Samurott > Emboar > Serperior
>Didn't care for the design for most of these. Ended up boxing them and sweeping the game with Galvantula
Chesnaught > Greninja >> Delphox
>The fox is too feminine for my taste.