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To those who were around during Pokemania and actively participated. What were your favorite Gen 1 Pokemon?
For me it was
>Ivysaur (I didn't like Venusaur)
>Charmeleon (I was somewhat indifferent towards Charizard.
>Wartortle (Blastoise disappointed me because the design wasn't more like Wartortle. As an adult I now know why. Pic related. I would have absolutely loved Betastoice as a kid)
>Kakuna (I thought the design was cool)
>Spearow (Everyone else used Pidgey and I was kind of a contrarian even as a child)
>Raichu (I liked the design, also again I think part of me liked Raichu so much because Pikachu was the mascot and again I was a bit of a contrarian at times)
>Nidoran Male
>Nidorina & Nidorino (I was indifferent to Nidoking and Nidoqueen as a kid, but now I love Nidoqueen and am still indifferent to Nidoking)
>Venonat & Venomoth (Again they seemed like the contrarian bug type options compared to the more mainstream Butterfree lines and Beedrill lines)
>Kangaskhan (One of my number 1 favs, I just thought her design was cool)
>Rhyhorn & Rhydon (They looked cool and seemed like the contrarian Rock/Ground type option).
>Abra & Kadabra (I did not like Alakazam at all)
>Haunter (Didn't like Gengar's design at all as a kid)
>Cubone & Marowak (For obvious "coolmon" reasons)
>Hitmonlee (for contrarian reasons because most of the kids in my school picked Hitmonchan)
>Ekan & Arbok (Partially because I liked Team Rocket. Not the stealing pokemon part, I just thought their outfits were rad and I liked Jesse James and Mewoth, and sometimes I rooted for Arbok to beat Pikachu).
>Scyther ("coolmon" reasons)
>Lapras (I just thought she was pretty and cool. Part of the reason why I chose bulbasaur sometimes is so I could have room for a Lapras on my team).
>Kaputops (Coolmon)
>Dragonair (I thought it was pretty and cute, and I sort of kind of disliked Dragonite at the time, but as an adult I've grown to love Dragonite).