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>eats up cart space/development time that could've been spent fleshing out Johto
>routes and cities downsized almost to the point of parody, some caves and other dungeons outright removed
>almost no story or events, level curve even worse than Johto
>some Johto Pokemon only appear in Kanto
>erulean cave was going to be in the game
>seafoam islands was going to be in the game as a proper dungeon and not a single room
>cinnabar islands was going to have it's gen 1 layout meaning blaine would have had a proper gym and pokemon mansion would have been accessible
>pokemon tower might have been an actual dungeon still
>power plant might have still been a proper dungeon
>they opt not to do any of this in the final game
>rock tunnel was supposed to be blocked off but they kept it even though it's the most bland dungeon in the game