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So I'm going to a college tournament today that's using Pokemon Showdown, I have a team ready, but I don't know all that much about the gen 5 metagame. I want to see if my team can compare to what's out there.
My team:
Gyarados: Intimidate, Leftovers, Taunt, Dragon Dance, Stone Edge, Waterfall
Metagross: Clear Body, Leftovers, Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch
Porygon 2: Eviolite, Download, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Recover, Tri Attack
Forretress: Leftovers, Sturdy, Rapid Spin, Spikes, Volt Switch, Hidden Power Ice
Heracross, Leftovers, Guts, Close Combat, Megahorn, Stone Edge, Swords Dance
Togekiss: Leftovers, Air Slash, Nasty Plot, Thunder Wave, Roost.
Is my team any good for the new metagame? I tried it out a couple times and did okay, but I'd like to do better.