>>28715055Now, let me interject for a moment.
Knights, as we know, fit both Fighting and Steel types.
Chesnaught got fighting to balance out the Fighter/Mage/Thief combo with the other two Kalos starters
Coincidentally this seems to be what they're aiming for with Luchalitten and friends but in a different light on the same base concept. But that's for a different time.He also got HA Bulletproof to signify his tanking abilities despite having some of the worst type coverage one could ask for.
On the other hand, Jang here has both bulletproof and soundproof, both of which abilities currently span multiple types, but still rather specific on the moves.
Because Knights Gallant are fighting/steel, this could go either way.
And while Jangles here is stated to train lots, technically so was Bagon and he ended up part Flying.
Now taking this information, we can't confirm Jangles is Fighting, nor can we confirm it's steel.
Then we look back at previous knight themed mons.
First we have Gallade. Gallade is very much a fighting type.
Then we have Excavalier. He's steel and also a fucking faggot thief.
Then we have Chestnaught. He's fighting but has Bulletproof to make him seem more defensive.
I'm not gonna get all screechy about muh patterns but so far we've seen Knight themed mons go between the two possible types. So that would lead to thinking Steel.
Now, here comes the important parts that we actually need to look out for.
As is known, Fighting is known as the Good type in japan. This goes in meaning from skilled to morally good, and there has not once been an actively malicious fighting type.
What one would need to look out for is how the second form is explained. If all they do is train train train then one could expect more Steel type.
If it goes on to state them helping others and being a stand up guy, then fighting would be more feasible.
As it is however, expect either.