>>44942078I've already explained that this thread can cause issues for you if you really reach your head out for the chopping block. Let's get to what we can explain openly. With this large variety of topics we will have to be more general...
Hoenn was Masuda's creation inspired by significant events in his own life. Notice how it was "cut off" from the second generation, which he had much less involvement in developing. What was going on between Iwata and Masuda? Why does Masuda continue to attempt to "cut the dex" as it were? Why does he insist on cutting the traditional movesets down to such an extent (HM cuts relate back to the moveset deduction).
I don't think I need to explain what "Filthy Gaijin" means to you, or that /vp/ is a shill board meant to advertise the games indirectly to fans who are jaded with the series but ultimately continue to purchase Pokemon merchandise and video games. This is done through representing all "extremes" of a discussion and constantly generating traffic toward awareness of the topic. "Filthy Gaijin" is also just our way of showing that Masuda is not a kind, fun-loving cosmopolitan as he likes to pretend.
We are drawing attention to Yoshi and the Mario vs. Wario soundtrack to entice the typical Mario autist to contribute but also to show that Masuda has a heavy hand in other areas than Pokemon.
Competitive? He participates in it, and has a hand in directing personal interest toward the competitive scene.
We think you can figure out the significance of Melmetal on your own. Have you noticed a lack of creativity in Pokemon development? Why was this such a selling point in Go and Let's Go?
The Sexy Zone incident. Well, let's just say pic related will lead you to some interesting places. We would dare say that it is the real "Me Too" moment that was obscured by the false pasta.
>>44942125Friend? We are not alone, just as you are not alone. This. Is. War.
>>44942159Failure to address the points with dismissals just as we outlined.