>>38466518That's such a cool idea, but if you do that show the backside of the card and fill it out with details about each pokemon.
>>38465933Great choice of mons, though i would've picked one of the two dragons not both. the trainer pic is unique + points there - points for the owo uwu
Alakazam is the best psychic type and serviper > arbok imo. Interesting you went w classic sandslash and the Smeargle is always nice to see. (the original date rape mon)
8/10 for custom pic, flying the flag pretty based team selection.
>>38465249I like your trainer pic and the background you chose. If you aren't using badges i would've put some notes there trailer goals, ideals, pokemon history or team combos , same goes for the number slot. Also cleared the create your own tag. Your team is pretty based but hard to recognize by their pictures. (at least idk who number 6 is and number 5 is hard to tell which evolution its at but that might be my own inability) I like the rainbow background on your first pic and turtle island is probably one of the best grass starters. Onion bird is probably my favorite flying type overall it's a pretty based team nothing too OP from what i can tell and an interesting line up.
I'd give it a strong 7/10 with room for improvement.