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Have some autism.
> ”Anon?”
>Dozing and nearly asleep on your living room couch, you snort and blink your eyes open. The hand that tries to rise and rub the sleep from your eyes is weighed down by a book you are reading. You shut the book and gently place it on the floor by the couch, yawning as you do so.
> ”Anon?”
> A warm, furry weight settles in your lap. When you look down, you see none other than your Espeon looking up at you with curious violet eyes.
“Yeah, Espi?” You raise your arms above your head and groan in contentment when your arms and back pop pleasantly. “What’s up?”
> She tilts her head, blinking as she does so. “Sorry for waking you. I have a question.”
> You can't exactly tell word for word what she’s saying, but being together for so long has given you ample time to dissect her limited speech, body language, the inflections in her voice, and other subtle cues to get a general idea of what she intends to relay.
“A question, eh?” You relax back into the couch, prompting Espeon to shimmy up so that she is laying on your chest. One of her soft little hindpaws lands perfectly on the bit of skin that your slightly ridden-up shirt exposes, so you suppress a ticklish laugh with a smile. “Shoot. I’m listening.”
> ”Why do humans kiss?”
> That throws you for a loop.
“Uhh…” You stop and think for a moment. “Really, it’s just an expression of affection.”
> “I know that,” she nods, her twin tipped tail slowly waving behind her. “But why? It’s unsanitary. A hug or nuzzle makes more sense.”
You smile, holding back another laugh. “That’s a real clinical way of looking at it. I guess it’s more… Well, I’m not really sure. Obviously both parties like it or no one would do it. I’m sure someone with a fancy degree that I can’t pronounce could tell you more, but that’s all I really know.”