tl;dr I'm trying to track down a nuzlocke comic series I saw years and years ago (probably 6 or 7 ago) and haven't been able to find again.
Basically, I something reminded me of this one nuzlocke comic series I read when I was younger. I thought it would be simple to find again, since I didn't know there's just SO MANY comics of people doing nuzlockes that I didn't know about. You guys probably have better things to do, but pretty please if you might stay awhile and listen...
Admittedly, there's not much I remember because like I said it was a real long time ago. But, I think it *might* be the same character from The thing is, the comics on this site seems to take place after the series I'm looking for now. Pic related is something I found after various searches in Google images, and I distinctly recall this as being one of the first strips. It doesn't seem directly accessible from the site though, and a lot of the site seems defunct anyways (the layout is also different than what I remember) so maybe it's changed so much and they're not up anymore. That would suck for me since I had a lot of joy reading that series.
So I guess the only thing left to do is leave a checklist and see if this jogs anybody's memory. I don't want you guys to go out scavenging for this, but leave a tip if you know anything.
-It was in the Kanto region
-The guy eventually was defeated by the Elite Four or something, then I think the next series involved May... could be wrong, though
-I can't remember his starter (it was gen 1, though) but I recall there was a recurring joke that Bulbasaur was never picked by anybody so it went around causing mischief every so often
-I can't remember much of his pokemon lineup except for that he had a really classy Sandslash.
-The last bit of information I can give you is that there was a flash animation montage that played