>>41519157You are a treasure and a gift to these threads. Keep on keepin' on drawfriend.
>>41518443What area of Pokemon research does Aspen want to specialize in? It seems like genetics. Is that the idea here, that his Slowpoke helps him catch Magikarp which he then examines for genetic differences and mutations? Fuck that's really strong. Porygon and Magnezone are good fits for this sort of angle, too, but what's the story with the two starters and Alolatales?
>>41516962Hey, that's Humbert's neck of the woods! Welcome to Solaceon, partner. I like the design-- it seems really easy to just default to a pre-existing sprite or the countless hex maniac pictures lying around. The rosary beads around the waist is surprisingly cute. I imagine they jostle and clack whenever she walks.
>>41519988Please give the icedino a good home. Maybe a blanket.
>>41520213A friend of the character's breeds Eevee, because yeah, it's easy money. A breeder's bread and butter, right
there.It makes perfect sense, and it helps explain how Eevee are so popular and abundant even though they're supposed to be rare. It's how Humbert here got his, at least.
As far as routines, though, probably start with which Pokemon does which contest. And, I'd recommend not doing the obvious, necessarily. Sure, Alolan Ninetales is elegant, so it makes sense to have it do Beauty. But it's so much more interesting if it's Cute, or Smart, maybe even Cool. Humbert's Azumarill likes doing contests, and despite how cute the species is, she likes going into Toughness contests. She's proud of her strength and wants to show everyone that even if she's a cute and sweet that she can still crush rocks with her fists and stuff. I think it makes for a more interesting story and shows a greater amount of skill, personally, to not pigeonhole a Pokemon into the most obvious contest based on its appearance. Maybe that's just me.