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ONE incredibly small change? I don't think I could manage that, so I'm just going to crosspost my personal autism about gen 1 Pokemon from another thread:
>Make a fucking Kanga baby jesus christ that should've been done back in gen 2 there's literally no excuse
>Nidoran Male and Female are one Pokedex number/species
>Nidoqueen can breed
>Slowpoke gets a retconned evolution method whereby you must have a Cloyster on your team
>Magnemite gets one too, you need three Magnemites to make a Magneton
>Exeggutor can asexually reproduce if you put it in the daycare centre alone
>Female Mr. Mime's are called Ms. Mime
>Leafeon retconned to evolve via Leaf Stone
>Psyduck and Golduck get psychic typing
>I honestly don't know how I'd fix the Cubone skull/mother issue but it's always made my autism flare up so I guess something to do with that.
And as one last bonus, using Sunny Day in a cave literally makes no sense but I guess it'd shit up the gameplay if they did realism changes like that
Pic very unrelated