>>20950754"B-But I don't like staying healthy.."
Your lack of enthusiasm does not influence her to relent or give you any breaks whatsoever, it just fills her with more passion to train you. Korrina digs that finger deeper into your torso, she can literally feel the spooky skeleton inside of your body, "I said NO BUTS! Excuses won't save you now, Caley! You may hate it, and it may even hurt tons, but you're gonna buff it up to the max and it's gonna pay off later today, I guarantee it!! HIT THE FIELD!"
>'Is she..foreshadowing?'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SCIZOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!"Korrina doesn't change out of her pajamas or even so much as comb her unruly bedhead hair. She immediately jumps out of the tent, cartwheels onto the field, sends out all of her Pokemon, and sends them on their morning routines. Before your eyes, the auradoges, shiny luchador, strongman, and ermine are all performing synchronized one-arm push-ups.
You are encouraged by your rollerwaifu to bring Pokemon of your own to the table to increase their potential experience gain, but only Luchy and Noibat answer the call of the maximum gains. Luchy to see if he can keep up with his rival, Noibat to git gud.