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I need a female Ralts in a Premier Ball with HA, IV's/eggmoves don't matter it just needs to be female and in a Premier Ball and have it's HA.
In return I've got:
female Ralts in a Love Ball with Confuse Ray, Disable, Shadow Sneak, Destiny Bond with Trace/Synchronize
Zubat with Brave Bird, Defog, Whirlwind, Hypnosis and HA
female Gastly in a Moon Ball with Perish Song, Smog, Disable. Clear Smog
female Oddish in a Dream Ball with Synthesis, Nature Power, Teeter Dance, Ingrain and HA
Scyther with Counter, Defog, Baton Pass, Quick Guard with Technician/Swarm
Froakie with Toxic Spikes with Protean