Quoted By:
>Is a rich and powerful motherfucker on top of being a champion, but never shoves it on anyone's face, only introducing himself as Steven, the stone-getter, and a trainer
>Recognizes other people's talents and gives them help, advice, compliments, useful stuff
>Treats the player respectfully, asking them for help, telling them to stay safe but if they want to get involved he won't stop them saying shit like "let adults handle it"
>Has a personal crisis when he's defeated, saying he'll start a soul searching journey
>Not perfect by any means, he's a fucking autist/otaku about stones and steel Pokémon but despite that he manages to appear cool
>He becomes a champion by using a largely shitmon team of mons he likes, except for Metagross, and ends up using cutemons sometimes for the sake of it because they remind him of gems (carbink) or are fossils(archeops)
>Wallace says he doesn't even really go out of his way to fight, he's just a natural talent
>Likes his father but says he could never understand shit about him in 25 years
>Does whatever the fuck he wants, including building a villa in Sinnoh and giving it away when he gets bored with it, or escaping his champion duties by running to the battle Maison
>Has befriended Latios and Latias during his journey, obtaining the eon flute from them
And I'm probably forgetting something, and this is only his lore from RSE/ORAS(and pt). Fuck you guys, fuck Leon, fuck swoshills. Steven is best champion and the one with the most characterization, game-wise.