>>38746681 here>>38746879>>38746948>>38747028>>38747055>>38747175This is nearly half of what I'm talking about. I genuinely don't understand why it's necessary to call people out for what they enjoy if they're not hurting anyone. Are you really that insecure that you feel the need to get up on a pedestal and smear people who you perceive as inferior to you for whatever reason? Maybe it's true, that I'm a meaningless piece of shit who will be forgotten after my pointless blip of existence, but at the end of the day, you are too. Tell me guys, what marvels of cultural advancement have you introduced into the world that makes you so great? None? That's what I thought. I get that we all judge each other, but there's no need to flash your perceived superiority in others' faces. Hide the thread if you don't like what's happening.
>>38747165>>38747192>>38747253People like you are just as bad, perceiving everything as a personal attack and REEEEing out about it. My manager told me about a guy that got fired at his last job because he said he was gonna "go pop his tarts", because he was well known for bringing pop tarts to work every day, and some dumbass took offense to it because she perceived "tart" as offensive towards women. (I live in the US where nobody even uses that as a derogatory term) People like you are the ones that cause that shit and needlessly ruin lives. Stop and think about context, or in this case that it might take more than 5 minutes to draw something, or fuck off.
This is why people suck, this is why I isolate.