Quoted By:
Justified/Shell Armor
BST: 500
HP: 75
Atk: 110
Def: 100
SpA: 40
SpD: 55
Spe: 120
Dex1: "I doesn't actually have arms. Instead, it emits manipulative energies from its stark-white shell, using it to pick up objects it deems useful."
Dex2: "Said to be the spirit of a resourceful warrior who died long ago. It's cries lure prey into clearings, which it then tries to fight in a sort of duel."
Wanted to make a Ghost/Normal that isn't a possum/Schrodinger's cat, and something that could take advantage of that typing + Justified without being overly broken (It gets fucked by special attacks, with most of its weaknesses including Dark being primarily special).