[280 / 83 / ?]
Part 37: http://pastebin.com/BLXwfMb0
>There will be no more bonus stories.
>This is the final "regular" chapter in the story.
Using the power donated to you from the Force Deity Mask, you unleash a Sword Beam at the wanderer from afar, striking him and temporarily catching him off-guard.
As soon as he's down, you rush toward him with typical shonen running. (Which for you stupid Unovans, means running with your arms behind your back.) You try to slash him with your glowing sword, but it locks with his scepter.
The wanderer gets up, turning the match into a tug-o-war style fight, which climaxes in a tie. The wanderer jumps back, as do you.
The mysterious man unleashes a "Tri-Attack"-inspired onslaught. Three orbs, colored pink, blue, and yellow, come flying towards you.
You slash each in half with your sword, disintegrating them with ease. However, he just keeps firing more in return, and at a faster pace.
You continue to keep slashing and slashing, but it's no use, eventually one of the orbs strikes you. It is a blue one. As soon as you're hit, you drop to the ground, blue energy sapping out all of your willpower.
The wanderer smacks your sides with his scepter, knocking you a good way away from him. He turns to see the impenetrable crystal prison that Rosa is in.
The items are beginning to react, but the process is far from complete, time must be killed, and it must be killed off now.
The wanderer sets up a force field around Rosa to prevent trickery, and then makes his way over to you to finish you off.
>You're losing the will to fight! How do you continue the battle?
Part 37: http://pastebin.com/BLXwfMb0
>There will be no more bonus stories.
>This is the final "regular" chapter in the story.
Using the power donated to you from the Force Deity Mask, you unleash a Sword Beam at the wanderer from afar, striking him and temporarily catching him off-guard.
As soon as he's down, you rush toward him with typical shonen running. (Which for you stupid Unovans, means running with your arms behind your back.) You try to slash him with your glowing sword, but it locks with his scepter.
The wanderer gets up, turning the match into a tug-o-war style fight, which climaxes in a tie. The wanderer jumps back, as do you.
The mysterious man unleashes a "Tri-Attack"-inspired onslaught. Three orbs, colored pink, blue, and yellow, come flying towards you.
You slash each in half with your sword, disintegrating them with ease. However, he just keeps firing more in return, and at a faster pace.
You continue to keep slashing and slashing, but it's no use, eventually one of the orbs strikes you. It is a blue one. As soon as you're hit, you drop to the ground, blue energy sapping out all of your willpower.
The wanderer smacks your sides with his scepter, knocking you a good way away from him. He turns to see the impenetrable crystal prison that Rosa is in.
The items are beginning to react, but the process is far from complete, time must be killed, and it must be killed off now.
The wanderer sets up a force field around Rosa to prevent trickery, and then makes his way over to you to finish you off.
>You're losing the will to fight! How do you continue the battle?