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ITT: Things people mix up in the games. For example:>speed People seem to think that the speed stat is like "GOTTA GO FAST" since they always complain that Dragonite is very slow even though it can circle the globe in 16 hours. But if you look at the Pokémon with high speed, you'll notice that they don't have high movement speed, but that speed seems to be related more to the reaction speed of a Pokémon. For example, Alakazam can't run very fast (or doesn't seem able to), but his speed is one of the highest in the game. The same goes for Electrode, he's just a ball, but his speed was unrivaled in the first 2 gens. But the Pokémon who are specified to be really fast (Arcanine and Dragonite) usually get moves like Extremespeed or Aqua Jet but have average to low speed. This is also on bulkier Pokémon, who might be able to go fast, but tend to be less nimble or duller (Aggron and Quagsire)>dark types Most people think that dark types edgy pokémon or are related to literal darkness. But when you look at their moves and the general design of dark types, you notice another pattern: dark types are assholes. Most dark types aren't even that "edgy" to begin with, but the characteristic that they all share is their using underhanded tactics to have an edge in the battle. You can see it from Zoroark's ability to fool others into thinking it's another Pokémon, to the general low nature of dark type moves. Some moves such as bite, sucker punch, thief and beat up, I'm surprised that the type wasn't named asshole or something (yes, censorship) Also, I heard that the fighting type is also known as the hero type, which would explain why fighting is super effective against dark (villains are usually assholes) That's all I could think off, feel free to agree or disagree. My arguments might not be clear enough, but I blame that to sleepiness
>>11732422 >Speed You forgot one pokemon in that post, Excavelier is said to be able to fly at high speed...yet its have a base speed of 20 I think.
Just imagine it fighting.
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This is pretty smart OP Keep up the good work you bastard.
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Already knew about dark type, but that's not a bad way to think about speed.
>>11732456 Well, his armor would make him bulkier and less likely to react quickly which would explain the low speed, but he doesn't get a move that references his "flying at high speed" other than Aerial Ace
>>11732493 >Gen 6 >Bug type priority move >Excavelier gets that and Shell Smash Anonymous
>>11732550 Why would he need shell smash? the speed and spatk are useless on him, especially with priority, and he already has swords dance. besides
>bug priority >double stab priority scizor Anonymous
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Any other ideas like these? I had thought of another one, nut I forgot which one it was... Oh well And also, if anything, ghost type should be considered the "edgy" type
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>>11732573 Oh yeah, I forgot about Scizor.
>>11732422 >The same faggot who keeps wanting people to believe "speed" is "initiative" OUT
>>11732422 >Heroe type No you fucking faggots, in moonrunes the character for "Fighting" type is literally the word used for hand-to-hand combat
No, fighting type is not the "hero type", get that through your thick skulls
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>>11732658 This, fighting beats dark because proper technique trumps dirty fighting
sandflapjack !2Ze1d7IESk
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>>11732422 >Psychic types psychic doesnt always equate to brains or smartness. It is mainly a "magic type". The reason why alakazam is psychic isnt because its smart, but because it uses its brain to use "magic" like telekenesis.
For instance, siglyph probably doesnt have a brain, but it has magic powers and the such.
Explain attacks like Dark Pulse and Dark Void, OP
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>>11732636 I haven't even heard of that guy before, and what I meant for speed was reaction speed as in how fast it would take the Pokémon to process the order combined with its nimbleness and agility.
>>11732658 As I said, I was just stating something I had heard, I wasn't very clear on that one but now it's cleared up
sandflapjack !2Ze1d7IESk
>>11732684 Putting someone to sleep or filling thier heads with dark thoughts is the most underhanded thing to do.
Think: freddy krueger
>>11732707 Dark pulse is literally just smacking the shit out of someone with dark energy though.
>>11732684 Ok you got me on those, but I was gonna mention how in later gens dark type seemed to include literal darkness as well (including Night Daze as well). But the secondary effect and it's intentions are related to the other patterns as well (flinching, 100% sleep and accuracy drop)
sandflapjack !2Ze1d7IESk
>>11732714 >The user releases a horrible aura imbued with dark thoughts. It may also make the target flinch. Its putting bad thoughts into thier head.
Its like condensed bullying.
>>11732723 How do you explain umbreon and Absol with the dark = underhanded mentality?
>>11732707 >Putting someone to sleep is underhanded >Grass Whistle, Hypnosis, Lovely Kiss, Relic Song, Secret Power, Sing, Sleep Powder, Spore, Yawn >Not dark And by that logic, every other status ailment, and several other attacks, are underhanded as well.
>>11732684 if an 80% accurate aoe sleep on a fast legendary isn't underhanded as fuck, i don't know what is
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>>11732734 >unleashes a horrible aura sounds like evil dark energy bullshit to me
>>11732734 >Dream Eater > Literally eating your dream >Its not dark Anonymous
>>11732741 Then surely spore is pretty evil as well.
Just admit that pokemon types don't always correspond to a single thing, like how fighting is both actual fighting and possibly heroics (swords of justice etc.)
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>>11732735 Yeah, Umbreon is literal darkness, and Absol is just misunderstood.
sandflapjack !2Ze1d7IESk
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>>11732738 Now youre just finding excuses.
Its mianly those types due to the mon that is using it, plus it would be boring as fuck to have them all the same type.
>>11732757 not op, but i think things like dark pulse can be explained by just needing to balance the game, like special type fighting moves
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>>11732767 >game freak >balancing anything Anonymous
>Mega Punch/Kick is not Fighting Took me awhile to realizes that anyone can just slug or kick the shit out of someone without any skill.
sandflapjack !2Ze1d7IESk
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>>11732754 Its a cultural thing. Having your dream eaten by a baki doesnt mean you are hurt, it just means you dont remember your dream.
>>11732735 >sneaky shit is more likely to happen on a full moon >disasters are bad times general. people lose their minds when the world as they know it goes to hell, ie. looting Anonymous
>>11732786 >extreme grasping at straws sandflapjack !2Ze1d7IESk
>>11732804 >Umbreon evolved as a result of exposure to the moon's waves. It hides silently in darkness and waits for its foes to make a move. The rings on its body glow when it leaps to attack. >attacking prey unnoticed isnt underhanded >oh god i love cocks Anonymous
>>11732786 But Absol doesn't cause disasters, he tries to save people from them.
>>11732812 >Dex entries >Umbreon is a reference to the moon and night, it has nothing to do with being underhanded Anonymous
>>11732824 why are you so afraid of the truth, my love
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>>11732830 I could ask you the same thing. I'm sure you beleive that Magcargo is as hot as the surface of the sun as well.
sandflapjack !2Ze1d7IESk
>>11732824 You probably think fenniken is a dog.
>>11732815 I never seen an absol ever help before any major problem happens in the game.
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>>11732846 Fennekin is a fenec fox though, it also has nothing to do with my point
>>11732779 I'm more pissed that they're the signature moves of Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee, yet they're still normal.
>>11732804 you've never heard of it being a "full moon"? urban legend about crimes and bad behavior being more frequent during a full moon...
i don't know about absol, though. 3edgy5me?
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>>11732846 >What is a Pokédex Anonymous
>>11732863 Hitmonlee's signature move is hi jump kick
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>>11732846 He only has 75 speed, it takes him a while Anonymous
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>>11732867 Pokémon can have more than one.
I believe Hitmonlee actually had 4
>>11732864 It's true, the word "lunatic" comes from lunar, related to the moon. It is said that the full moon brings out the craziness in some people.
Of course, it is a bit of a stretch to connect this to fighting dirty and such.
sandflapjack !2Ze1d7IESk
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>>11732927 Foxes are like the dirtiest, angriest little bastards.
The dont just attack, they rip them to shreads and fling thier peices everywhere.
Give them black fur and an even angrier personality and youve got your dark type.
7 chickens experience here.
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>>11732684 >implying having dark thoughts and forcing people to have nightmares isn't evil Anonymous
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>>11732824 >Umbreon is a reference to the moon and night But it's of the type named あくタイプ in Japanese. Hell, it existed before NoA's translators even decided to call that "Dark Type". It was never intended to be related to literal absence-of-light darkness.