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No.11736423 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What the fuck is wrong with you people?

I simply wanted to know some do's and don'ts around here, and before I know it I get hit with a bunch of self-centered, idiotic, degenerates that wouldn't even answer a simple question.

I've actually lurked on here occasionally throughout the years, and from what I've seen the majority of everyone on here is egotistical as fuck, I mean what you think your better than everyone else? what makes you feel that way? Oh you love more forgettable pokemon than I do well congrat-u-fucking-lations does it really look like I'm going to lose sleep over that?

I mean christ why do people on here get so upset when someone mentions a mainstream pokemon? are you going to sit there and tell me you hate EVERY mainstream pokemon in existence? I call bullshit on that, and it doesn't even have to be mainstream, even mention a series that is reflectively popular with pokefans across the board is met with rage the only thing that isn't met with rage on here is apparently pokemon that nobody has fucking heard about except for you, and a handful of other people. Am I saying that I only love what is popular or whatever one else is loving? No I'm not, but at the same time you people won't even let some make a simply casual thread about charizard, with it turning into "Oh sneaky pebbles LOL, or that is shit..etc" I mean damn are you people so arrogant and egotistical that you can't even just let someone talk about a series they like, of course your free to have an opinion, but that doesn't mean turn the entire fucking thread into a flame war zone.

Anyway the people on this thread as pricks, and the rules are completely idiotic and serve no purpose in my eyes I mean you can't use actions? what the fuck does that really matter if I say *hug* seriously is that fucking bothering you that I did that? Do you people not know what Roleplay is, because it's very popular and common on threads/forums, you can all go fuck yourselves, I'm out.