If you don't have a Facebook, here's what you do:
1. Go to
https://www2.axeapollo.com/en_US/122849/christopher-pooleWhy you might ask? Because m00t lives in America, so all other links are useless.
2. Click "Enter/Login" in the top left corner
3. Click "Sign Up With Your E-Mail"
4. BS a First Name, Last Name, E-Mail, Password, and Date of Birth, and Check the US Official Rules box.
NOTE: The email can be utter bullshit, it just has to end with @ a valid domain (like @yahoo.com, @gmail.com, etc.). The Date of Birth must make your age over 18. And make sure it is a US Official Rules box you are checking, not a GB Official Rules. Once again, we in 'Merica.
5. Create your AASA Profile Photo: Click "Upload Photo" and pick something random, click "Open," and edit how you would like on the following screen. Click "Next" on the right hand side when finished.
6. Enter a reason you want to go to space. m00t perhaps? Click "Next" when finished.
7. Click "Finish & Join AASA," on the right hand side.
8. Go back to "
https://www2.axeapollo.com/en_US/122849/christopher-poole" and click "Vote" on the left hand side.
9. ??????
10. Profit.
Let's send moot to space!