Wiki: Forums: ?
Current Demo of the Game: Current Comments Pastebin: Right now we need:
>Design Revisions (For Pokemon with less then 66% approval rating) >Region details & Mapping >Names (Make sure to add your ideas to the wiki or forum!) >Sprites >Movepools, Stats & Abilities >All the rest of the dex info If you have constructive ideas for revisions, post them. If you're going to complain about the starters, don't.
Ideas are only as good as the person willing to execute them.
If you're working on maps, music, programs or art, please continue!
>All submissions are closed at this time! >Pokemon with Green Arrows are ready design wise to go in game, they can still be changed but your time is much better spent elsewhere. >The region is based off of South and Central America, but not everything needs to be Latin American in nature. >Yes, we are making this a game, and we're using RPG Maker to do it. >The dex has low quality images, check the wiki for better quality. > If you do not like a design give constructive criticism so we know best how to change it! >We are not trying to duplicate GameFreak's mistakes, if your reasoning about anything is that "GameFreak has done it and we should do it too" instead of "This is a legitimately good idea that we should incorporate", think about your idea a little harder. But this also isn't an excuse to to disregard every idea that is thrown out though. >This said, we are really trying to capture the spirit of Pokemon games. We want to make this a fun and enjoyable experience for any Pokemon player. Clash's art folder: Also SZ's Sugi'ed art so far:
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>11855416 >You will never ram your penis into Clash's gaping urethra Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>11855432 ...
Results coming soon~
Also I forgot to update SubBugPrevo, the evo was a tie and will be in runoff.
Any more comments on this before I go work on them some more?
>>11855465 This is what Gamefreak does when they want to add plugs and wires to a pokemon. Look at yours again and then kill yourself for thinking this was a good idea,
>>11855495 that's probably why there's a question mark...
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>>11855465 That a trainer we fight on the Oil Rig?
I can't wait to fight the oil rig Anonymous
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>>11855505 all of it is just terrible
stop while you're behind
>>11855465 the head kind of looks like a dick - remove the line in the middle, maybe?
>>11855465 well, i will upload mine too
I want drunk please
>>11855464 Does this game have latin american theme?
Do you guys actually plan on making this?
Some of these Pokémon look like Digimon.
Some maps are "cookie cluster"
Oh yeah guys /v/ droppin' in to say the project is dead.
>Fire starter is finally updated FUCKING FINALLY YES>Water starter is still there/tied for run off FUCKING YE- wait what the fuck how
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>>11855516 I think you're kind of stretching it to say that... but in the final version the visor is gonna be colored dark so I doubt that will be an issue.
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Livestreaming some oil rig and antag team stuff, and almost whatever pokemon requests come my way. Come in, have fun, and offer input and critique.
Please be gentle, I've never really drawn humans before this point. Anonymous
>>11855525 jokes on you, I ran out of alcohol in February.
I want drunk please
>>11855563 To be fair, I was looking for an excuse to get drunk without seeming like an alcoholic.
>>11855563 Do you have an annual alcohol budget or something?
>>11855575 It didn't work, this excuse is too flimsy.
>>11855623 April Fools day was yesterday Anonymous
>>11855611 >Do you have an annual alcohol budget or something? no, but I dislike bear and the only liquor store close to my house is a 40minut drive out of my way so I usually don't go until I've already run out. I just haven't gotten around to it recently.
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>>11855627 this was the joke DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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I tired so hard to make the fucking feet to this guy but they never came out right, so fuck it.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
Also this line was a bit annoying
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11855635 >I dislike bear DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11855683 Do one of Chimcholio
>>11855669 >literally the entire fucking outline How stupid are you?
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
And here's the last one. This is the biggest update yet, but that's not saying much. Download link: Includes 57 wallpapers
>>11855669 Why do we have such great pokemon like Gravellum but we put up with shit like Artifish and Lavoon?
>>11855718 Because you're in the minority
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11855704 It looked to bland otherwise.
At least, I thought it did.
And to answer your question: I haven't found my limit yet, so I can't honestly answer that.
>>11855710 THANK YOU. That is now my wallpaper. It's wonderful!
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11855728 I agree with him. They're pretty bad. Artifish... I personally don't see any saving it. Lavoon needs to not be a whale.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11855760 ur welcum bby <3
>>11855710 has his evo (my favorite mon) been made yet?
love these btw, your fuelong is my current wall
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>>11855776 Do one of Chimcholio
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>>11855776 where is chimcholio
>>11855790 is there any way we can vote to change one?
prevo is perfect, but the evo needs alot of work
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What happened to the Cowgirl NPC? Are there any plans on spriting her soon?
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11855787 I only do a mon if it has the sugi art done.
I do that because the Sugi arts have better colors to pull from, as well as being generally nicer and cleaner looking. So if a mon doesn't have Sugi art, it isn't on the to-do list yet.
And thanks! These are my way of contributing to the project, because I doubt I could really be helpful otherwise. Don't really know what else I can contribute.
>>11855815 >is there any way we can vote to change one? That's what revision surveys are for.
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>>11855827 Chimcholio has sugi art.
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>>11855827 But Chimcholio does have Sugi art
c'mon man i need my fix
be a bro
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>>11855815 Yeah, it's get an artifish design in for redesign. Then see how it does. That's how it works. Sadly, Artifish is one of those, like Cowatti, where it's like pulling teeth trying to get what we as anons want for the design. Don't ask me why, but we're going to get something of quality in for those
>>11855693 I suck at homophones.
>>11855846 It's not a homophone.
>>11855831 i know, i just meant that the
>majority wants glocto to stay, but wants lavoon to get redesigned,
so i bet if we had individual surveys, glocto would be final and lavoon would need a lot of change
>>11855861 ur mum is a homo phone
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>>11855623 Love it
It still needs the iron ball of
>>11855539 though
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>>11855867 That's not how it works. You want Lavoon in? Do something about it. Glocto and Lavoon and Doppole and Artifish are tied at the hip. They were voted in together, they live and die together.
>>11855861 I mint I suck dicks. ... Watts the word for when you mist up simulation spelled words? Serendipity may bee?
Kirn !ZIX1K1Rn42
http://www.surveymonke y.c om/s/KGKGQZR
current platform survey^
So, are these gettin in the next survey?
>>11855930 >that graveyard >ankle high tombstones When are we ever going to even use that?
Also change the dojo to tatami, it looks like hardwood floor. I recommend olive green for the tiles and red for the intersections.
>>11855942 No, they are going in the trash where they belong
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>>11855945 >graveyard >missing the dragon graveyard That thing needs more exposition
>>11855942 after the Flairees DESIGN confirmation survey Remember to vote concept and not art silly peoples!
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>>11855950 No, every dog has his day. You saw your designs get fair shots, let them have theirs
>>11855930 >not even including a comment box. Anonymous
>>11855942 >still didn't draw one with big spiral horns made of flaming hot stone. Anonymous
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>>11855930 the new lava platform doesnt look very good
the graveyard could use some atmosphere, like a dark version of clouds
>>11855967 this is the comment box you tool
>>11855930 what about a platform that was dirt with grass patches
>>11855930 Treasure will look retarded unless it's animated with all those sparkles
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11855858 Hey man, I'm really butthurt right now, so I gotta say: It'd make me feel a little better if you didn't say "fix'd" and just said something like "no lines", seriously my ass is so devastated right now.
Also, because I had nothing better to do.
>>11855930 >lava rocks The other ones that got scrapped were way better.
>>11856028 Okay. That image there had no lines, this is what the fixing entailed. I'm surprised you couldn't tell that by looking.
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>>11856019 >Treasure will look retarded unless it's animated with all those sparkles diamond facets still reflect light without being in motion. Those are 'shine marks', not sparkles.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11856046 I think we're already having two different conversations.
That's exactly what I'm saying.
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>>11855973 I think that the guy who drew those left. Can anyone make a decent version with spiral horns?
>hiker-ish >new eronze i hate you all
>>11856087 I didn't realize the gollems were supposed to be so small.
>>11856087 is dat a Foster redesign?
>>11856107 the wiki says 16 feet tall
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>>11856087 That hiker looks handsome as fuck
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>>11856117 I'm pretty sure it's just a hiker...
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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Just threw together a imgur album because why not Anonymous
>>11856126 damn, that hiker must be ginormous.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11856134 Wait, that's a hiker?
I thought that WAS the Eronze re-design...
>>11856145 I don't think Eronze should have a beard.
>>11856154 >not wanting a giant flame beard Anonymous
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>>11856157 >wanting a giant flame beard. Anonymous
>>11856087 Nonono.
This is what I meant Durrtle.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11856165 5+ hours MS paint.
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>>11856180 Nono, 20,7+ days
What the fuck you guys did to the fire starter?
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>>11856195 yruoe a gntia fggato
Kirn !ZIX1K1Rn42
>>11855945 >ankle high is something you made up, compared to a joltik they are inches high, compared to groudon theyre massive, the point is to have something with no set size, crosses can be made of toothpicks, or made of lumber
>When are we ever going to even use that? read
>I recommend olive green for the tiles and red for the intersections. i was basing it off of pic related
>>11855967 just tell me here
>>11856000 read, if there isnt a tile that has that then it wont be used
>>11856039 ive heard this opinion a couple times now
even if it looks better, the empty center works far better for pokemon, if someone wants they can try to improve it, but keeping the middle basic is needed
someone said we could add rocks and little details though, i thought that was a good idea someone could try
>>11856209 >implying anyone was going to pick it anyway Anonymous
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>>11856219 >not going for full completion. Anonymous
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11856219 I know I am.
At least, now I am.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
Oh yeah, by the way guys, I may have more time to make wallpapers soon because I'm pretty sure my employer is passive-aggressively firing me.
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>>11856273 The fire starters arent finalized....People can still change the fucking art after it gets game ready...
Kirn !ZIX1K1Rn42
>>11856278 i lold but thats not good
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>11856258 Hey! Hi! Would you be able to give art of the Rainbow Serpent prevo and evo without the background? The prevo that was in the survey and then for the evo it would be the white one and black one.
They both require runoff but seems like those were the winners. Mainly the prevo and then the white evo.
>>11856278 Well with the way you vocalize your opinions I can certainly understand why
>>11856294 Those back hooves turn me the fuck off.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11856295 Fuck those guys, this job sucks anyway.
>>11856299 I'm not good with the written word.
But I'm sorry I'm 2kewl4u
>>11856336 Because the way it runs looks incredibly awkward and I'd think it'd look better with uniform hooves
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11856361 The rocks make its bucking kill like a mother fucker.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11856376 Ha, joke's on you, I'm already on Skype.
>>11856212 And I'm telling you it looks like hardwood. Now that we're done repeating what we all know, change the colors.
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>>11856294 Love it anon! And I'm not just playing devils advocate, I really actually enjoy the back hooves.
>>11856374 But how rams/goats don't really buck...
>>11856393 Your a fucking kike
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11856398 I've watched plenty of cartoons in ym time anon, and they say the contrary.
>>11856403 >using cartoons as an accurate representation of animals I bet you think bulls hate red flags and not the motion of the flag too
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for a moment, i tho all of you were sirius
>>11856294 i have this question... please dont kill me... is he Fire/Rock or Fire/Ground?
Kirn !ZIX1K1Rn42
>>11856393 >>11856402 lol, but dude we spent awhile getting that right, and it sounds like your the only one, id be happy to do it if more than one person wanted me to... can you atleast show me a dojo in which those colors are used?
its really not that hard you can do it yourself that way i dont have to keep going: "hows this" then you tell me its shit "hows this" then you tell me its shit "hows this" then you tell me its shit...
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>>11856425 Fire/Rock. All of our starters can defeat the primary and secondary type of another. Fire/Rock beats Grass/Flying which beats Water/Fighting
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11856422 Red = Agression, duh.
Also, it's the motions of the guy himself, not the flag Anonymous
>>11856485 >>11856422 The flag excites the crowd, not the bull Anonymous
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>>11856485 >>11856495 The whole ordeal arouses me Anonymous
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>>11856422 >not using cartoons as an accurate representation of pokemon Anonymous
>>11856438 This is like the fifth thing on google images
all the images I've found are some shade of light green
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>11856498 Thankyou!
Also the one on top can you make it black like the one in the survey pic? That and the white bottom one will go in runoff.
Thank you so much though!<3
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>11856538 the place i tain has red and black, though I guess its not technically tatami
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>>11856498 Fuck off, we're discussing about cartoon bulls.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>11856575 Probably that Faux rubber/plastic puzzle peice floor shit huh? though its not as bad as though foam latex covered roll up mats, that shit starts to stink after awhile and its gets noticeably heavier after so many years. eck
>>11856538 this shows up even sooner
>>11856546 here you go... god I hope the black one does well.
>>11856609 More fucking tatami
I don't really partake in this topic, but I gotta say, you really fucked up your water starter. It looks like a giant pile of autism, and not the good kind either.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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>>11856607 yup. and holy hell that sounds gross.
>>11856609 this is what we want!
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>>11856632 Well then you can take your unproductive criticism and partake in the going of fucking yourself
Its the salt- hard to draw without making it look water ice or water rock
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>11856623 ThankyouThankyou! It don't like putting art with backgrounds in the dex or wiki pages.
>>11856629 It's not technically wrong to use the colors you did, but you laid them out in a shitty way. All of these are arranged with a vertical piece next to a horizontal piece to great a pattern, you laid them out so all the pieces are horizontal like every fucking hardwood floor ever in the history in the world so it still looks bad.
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>>11856680 Also here's this
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
Just to clarify, we're calling the cave next to Coal Town Themthar hills right?
>>11856651 What about pink salt? Don't get me wrong, I check out the update daily and a lot of the things I think have severely improved like your fire starter. Also I was mostly referring to the final evo of the water starter. It looked pretty neat before and now it just looks messy.
>>11856715 lmfao
I thought we surveyed this
>>11856715 >people still care about my stupid ideas Anonymous
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>>11856716 >Aguade with a pink bunny mask... I'm okay with this.
>>11856546 Hey faggot
This one was supposed to be in the survey too. Fix this problem.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11856738 Did we?
>>11856749 "There be gold in them thar hills" is fucking incredible
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>>11856715 ha, I just figured out how that's supposed to be pronounced.
are we talking about tatami mats for dojos?
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>>11856770 this is basically the same design as this:
>>11856623 but just not in a battle pose.
>>11856776 Nuggets erry'where. Use rock smash to get'em.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>11856770 That is the same design as the one above... also Dia is faggot not me.
This is just another example of people who vote on art rather then design.
>>11856716 This.
Would salt oxidize if it was part of a living organism?
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>>11856776 The joke is only funny if you meet one of Themthar's descendants, made rich by the lucrative coal and gold and diamond (?) business
>>11856825 salt is already oxidized/reduced to decently stable/hella stable ions. so no. metals will oxidize if it's energetically favorable.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11856816 I was thinking they could be a 10% drop rate or something.
>>11856787 Speaking if this. I thought Durrtle was going to have his arms rest outside the sleeves of his kimono robe like Auron from FFX and pretty much anyone badass enough to wear that.
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>>11856882 And i thought you weren't a faggot.
We're all wrong sometimes, except who, who is wrong all of the the time. Because you're a faggot.
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>>11856882 that would be awesome (I'm thinking Jin in SC's last episode)
>>11856821 No it isn't. Look at the shape of the fins, the head feather things, and the front of the helmet. It's similar, not the same.
>>11856875 Cmon, a little higher than that. Its Themthar Hills.
>>11856875 >>11856816 there could be a stone like the giant fallen star in Black/White where the player can "rocksmash" a nugget once every day.
>>11856847 Yes, but if it's part of a living organism that contains iron, wouldn't the salt turn into a pinkish hue? Such as Himalayan salt that has the pink color due to the levels of iron.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>11856923 Well, it is the beginning of the game. Then again most people wouldn't know that they're drops.
>>11856941 Infinite money at the second town
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>11856935 This is also a great idea.
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>>11856941 maybe it's blood from all those fights.
>>11856957 I agree.
I think this mechanism is a good idea but...
It would be better suited for a location you unlock after the Elite Four
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>>11856992 if you're not independently wealthy off amulet coin battles by the time you reach the E4 you don't deserve money.
>>11855416 What if one of the forested areas has aids and there aren't a lot of leukoon there and the player has to recruit the help of several Nurshary and Magic Johnson to restore the ecosystem
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>>11857031 make us a magic johnson trainer sprite. just let it cut off at the top of the screen
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>>11857031 I lol'd.
But I don't think most people got it...
>>11857031 when you said aids I thought you meant helpers...
am I officially too politically correct?
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>>11857078 Nah, you're alright Jared
>>11857031 You could give Leukoon an alternate form (a 'corrupted form') which plagues the forest, and you can only get rid of them by spending a lot of money.
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>>11857105 Wow, and we could get a pokemon version of
Cheeseburger in Paradise
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>>11857105 >you can only get rid of them by spending a lot of money. and even then it's not always a sure thing.
if you catch one it's game over Anonymous
>>11857078 >dat reaction image My favourite issue of anything ever is Destiny in the diner. Incredible stuff.
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>>11857031 Fucking finally
/vp/ we are getting shit DONE today
>>11857105 Does anybody have the Pokemon sprite sheet? I'll make a corrupted Leukoon.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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Just the first two frames, working on an essay, so I'm slow right now.
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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>>11857078 aww yeah. gotta get back to reading sandman, I completely forgot where I was
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>>11857197 my favorite is "Ramadan"
>>11857233 > always makes me so happy
we should hurry up and finalize more designs so that we can sprite everything
inb4 people vote it out for something xxx-treme and awful
>>11855517 this is getting good man
>>11856087 his face isn't as fat as his body and i find it adorable>>11856787 why would we make a game themed on south america and then still use japanese tropes?
why? whyyyyyyyyy
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>>11857289 don't be so narrowminded
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>>11857276 Small request: can we make berratel's jelly blue
it looks like it's pulling a tooth out of it's mouth and the distinction won't be clear unless the player already knows about berratel
>>11857289 >japanese troples >what is brazilian jiu jitsu >what is capoeria >what is international culture >what is an idiot answer: you Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11857289 Personally I wish the last one was a deep red like the current one, also it's face is a bit wierd
>>11857289 Because Urobos is a cultural melting pot and not some isolated tribe.
>>11857289 Because the japan-centric game, made by japanese people, includes a lot of tropes from non-japanese culture.
>>11857289 >why would we make a game themed on south america and then still use japanese tropes? why would gamefreak make a game themed around NewYork and still use japanese tropes? It's obviously because there are a lot of japanese tropes prevalent in the pokemon world.
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>>11857289 >The region is based off of South and Central America, but not everything needs to be Latin American in nature. It would be pretty bland if it was just one culture into the region.
We probably wouldn't have half of the ideas we have now.
>>11857382 >>11857405 Raptor, stop making shitty art and get spriting, we all know that's where you are best. Stop being a lazy neckbeard and get to work
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>>11857321 i was going to point out the flaws in your argument but they are so obvious it's not really necessary
>>11857328 those slight changes can happen.
>>11857386 well then how come there weren't any people wearing ponchos in previous games
where were the ponchos dog
>>11857421 >implying I'm dunky We know you can sprite you asshole, stop shitposting and get to work
>>11857395 oh i forgot we're all japanese
>>11857406 >It's obviously because there are a lot of japanese tropes prevalent in the pokemon world. no it's because they are japanese people who made the game
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>>11857405 I like this better than what we have
>>11857429 >implying this is shitposting >>11857382 >>11857405 ehh spriting is boring and it takes to long and blablahblah
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>>11857436 My point is that ...
nevermind. Here.
>>11857406 Anonymous
>>11857450 Your art is shit raptor, hence shitposting. Pls sprite ;~l
>>11857436 >no it's because they are japanese people who made the game why then aren't there tons of Korean tropes in my Saturday morning cartoons?
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>>11857450 Don't let anyone tell you what to do bro, this project is about contributing how when and if you choose.
>>11857405 is glorious
>>11857467 nah, just gonna go play some league of legends.
now this is shitposting
im a really good nasus too
>>11857469 so I'm guessing you'd much rather have little bratty boy king Kuzco?
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>>11857469 what cartoons are you talking about?
i realize there are a lot of korean animation companies but you know they don't actually plan what happens they just do the dirty work
they follow the storyboards and replicate the style guides
>>11857483 >league of legends. Raptor confirmed for shit taste
>>11857492 Actually, as I'm a homosexual, I prefer
the fisherman Anonymous
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>>11857504 This is what we've been saying forever
>>11856915 Also done streaming! I tried drawing humans. We got a ton of good ideas for the antag team, too. Thank you very much to everyone who attended!
The antag team is ruled by three admins (under one boss), each controlling one of the golems. Each has their separate grunts and terrain they rule over. This allows us to have very versatile and interesting plot options.
I need someone else to draw the Eronze admin haha.
Basically, the antag team is divided into three 'sections', all having their own grunts and are autonomous except for one head boss.
One is controlled by the first admin (who has Eronze) (something like the fire section), and who I attempted to draw unsuccessfully. I was thinking his terrain would be the jungle. He's a lively person, and physically strong.
The second (poison) is controlled by the second admin (the tall woman in the pic, she controls Erion). She is in control of the gathering operations on the coast, and commands the oil rig while they occupy it. I drew her female grunt.
She is strict, serious, and loyal (or at least appears to be!)
The third (electric), which is controlled by the third admin (who controls Erace) occupies the cities around Urobous. I didn't draw him/her, but we were thinking he/she would have tron-like attire. I want him/her to be gender neutral, i.e. we never figure out his/her true gender throughout the game, but that could always be changed. Very mysterious and erratic.
The plot would escalate when one or more of the teams go rogue from the rest. This would give us the two (or potentially three) antagonist teams, and we could really play around with their goals, how they achieve them, and we could look into betrayal plots (for those of you who want it, we could connect it to the E4/league too).
Alternatively we could keep it very simple, and they stay together as one group and just be the classic antag team! It's very versatile.
>>11857531 i dig it
i'm sorry if your ban was a result of my reporting
don't post pictures of girl boys is the lesson to be learned
>>11857531 what was you ban for?
>>11857233 Alright.
So basically, after entering the first forest, you find that there are these corrupted Leukoon running around, and everyone is running away out of fear. After navigating around for a while, you find out that Leukoon are the guardians of the forest, and that the evil team has invaded.
Basically one of the eight
Veiled Pebbles is being kept in the forest, guarded by a large tree in the center, but the Leukoon otherwise make it near impossible to actually access. So using a swarm of infected Mosquito Pokemon, the evil team has essentially infected the forest with AIDS.
You team up with Pokemon ranger
Magic Johnson to defeat all of the infected Leukoon, so they ecosystem can be returned to normal. By then, the evil team has already made off with the
first Veiled Pebble (there would be eight: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, and white, which each symbolize a different note on an octave. Later in the plot, it is revealed that those who collect all of them can use them as keystones to unlock the door to El Dorado.
Leukoon's Corrupted (AIDS) form would be a fast, frail physical attacker, the exact opposite of regular Leukoon. Also, the corrupted form would occasionally show up on evil team grunts' teams later in the story. The sprite is a WIP.
You retrieve the
Veiled Pebble later in the game, from one of the admins, at the first evil team base after battling them.
>>11857523 for bug leader? what?
>>11857552 sketcher you are udder shit at drawing pokemon but these are pretty cool
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>>11857556 >>11857557 4chan's banned URL filters are fucking retarded.
Apparently Cap
com is considered a banned url.
>>11857574 >>11857567 >>11857557 Is English your first language?
Did SZ make the Sugi art of the new Kidling family?
more piddling with this one. shortened head, made it more furry , change some outline and fixed the arms a bit
>>11857596 He was waiting for the anon who made them to do them himself.
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>>11857588 are you having a hard time following several different conversations?
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>>11857597 What game are you trying to sprite for? Because dat shit ain't pokemon. Dat shit's Earthbound.
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>>11857597 oh jeez, that new face is bad.
Looks like he has downs.
Go back to the first face and adjust the angle slightly so he's doing a 3/4ths view, not looking to the side or straight ahead.
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So, er... that evil team motivation survey? That's just been forgotten about, hasn't it?
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>>11857597 honestly the worst thing ive ever seen
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>>11857597 Oh god those faces are terribad
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
Dex Survey !c3FtBquQFA
New Confirmation survey!
Please do read the front page, as there are some rather important pieces of information within it.
https://www.surveymonke Anonymous
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>>11857588 dunno about the other, but in my case, I'm just lazy.
>>11857566 This is the greatest thing I've ever read.
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>>11857574 Thank you, I suppose? 'Specially considering it's one of the first times I've tried to draw people.
I'm glad you like the idea, anywho!
>>11857552 Any more opinions?
Best thing about it IMO, it fits in with any motivation or plot we want.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11857566 >Corrupted boss Pokemon. Make. It. Happen.
>>11857566 black/red is too generic.
Make it more toxic looking.
Purple with black or yellow markings? Invert normal Leukoon's color scheme?
>>11857566 How would it change forms?
>>11857702 It would be like the Zen darmanitans in BW, except the infected version can't be stored in a Pokeball due to the code not recognizing AIDSkoon properly. Any Pokeball you use on it gets corrupted. So it doesnt HAVE an extra form, and is just a boss monster.
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>>11857722 I meant the darmanitan you fight at level 35 in the Relic castle by the way.
>>11857722 >not wanted glorious aids leukoon Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11857702 I think he's saying some Pokemon would have "corrupted version" thnk Shadow Pokemon except likely not capturable.
>>11857639 FYI, critique is manadatory on all votes :)
That means you people just blindly voting against designs without offering ideas to further the designs
>>11857639 >people thinking the skull moths are perfect the concept is bland and the drawings are bad
>>11857671 >>11857692 >>11857698 >>11857702 >>11857644 either this is samefagging or you guys are all autistic
i'm not sure which is more likely. it could be both i guess.
>>11857731 Dude, I want an an AIDS Leukoon so I can name him "Hal Igor V" and make him my bro forever.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11857749 >>11857566 AIDS is just a placeholder right?
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>>11857728 Oh but I do want it. Just not as a form change.
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Still better design than the Gen V
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>>11857741 >>11857698 here. Im the only one in that list. Anonymous
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>>11857757 Yeah. It would be an inside joke but the average player can go through the whole forest event without getting it. It's brilliantly subtle.
>>11857757 lol so you liked the idea and just assumed that the stupid parts of it were "placeholders"?
no man they are really this stupid to think that having aids raccoons is a good idea
for real stupid
>>11857741 So then, in your masterful opinion oh master of design, how do make better, because as far as a mimic goes, the drawings aren't bad, you're just getting fooled into what side is the fake face and what side is the real face
It's ok, I did too and then I realized the beauty of the design. It's ready anon. It's already in the dex, just let goooooo Anonymous
>>11857732 What if we want to get rid of this terrible design forever?
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
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>>11857757 Yeah, it should be the Pokemon Immunodeficiency Virus.
>>11857774 Do you have a good reason for it?
>>11857776 You've made a huge mistake
you were off on quads by one post lol thanks bro, it's perfect, now all we need is overworld and we're set Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11857770 Well we can just change to something else right?
>>11857787 No, I just dislike it heavily.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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>>11857787 got it.
>>11857776 hes not perfect, but oh so Beautiful!
>>11857772 >you're just getting fooled into what side is the fake face and what side is the real fac nope it's just bad. here is a picture of a real pokemon that has the same design concept.
what's the difference between this real pokemon and ours? nothing. it's the same concept only ours looks like it was drawn by a 15 year old.
>it has bleeding eyes on it's wings >can you get any more edgy than that? Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
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>>11857787 I'm no Cirno you fool. Anonymous
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>>11857741 >>11857770 You just sound like a ray of sunshine. Want a hug?
>>11857796 Well why do you dislike it? I hate the fire kobold for example, but only because I feel like it's too much dog and not enough kobold.
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>>11857788 "Corrupted" works.
>>11857802 So you're voting based on art rather than the design, only something we've been railing against since the first confirmation surveys...
>>11857821 Yooooooouuuuu guessed it, i'm talking about the Kobold line, which I personally don't get, as I don't care for Koboldy things.
>>11857840 That's fine, but at least respect that people enjoy that line, especially the steel poke, and offer some critique for them. They helped get your bros in, the least you could do is give some direction for their bro
>>11857830 >So you're voting based on art rather than the design nope .
as i literally just said it's design is basically the same as masquerian. we need to add something to the concept or take it in a new direction otherwise it's just a very edgy masquerian.
>>11857732 Great. Found out after I voted. Is there a way I can add critiques after I have already clicked done?
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>>11857863 It said it on the first page man, not knowing is your fault. Be more careful next time and you will get to vote
>including things still getting revised in the approval survey
>>11857863 You can go back in.
>>11857856 >implying i have a bro > implying anybody likes the kobolds that much Anonymous
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>>11857872 I consider the kobolds line a bro line
I know a ton of people hate it, but it is one of my favorites
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11857862 It's not that edgy, I never saw the white stripe as blood until you brought it up.
Maybe if it was red, personally I Chillnobyl is worse in terms of edginess, but I'm not salty about it.
>>11857870 Everything is still getting revised.
>>11857856 I worked fuckin hard to get my bro in, hell I named the fucker.
Why should I have to work hard to get in a poke I don't like, just so someone can get his brobold in?
>>11857883 >salty Get your FGC slang out of here
>>11857895 Yeah but if we're voting on shit that has revisions out that haven't been voted on yet, we've got a clusterfuck. What do we do then, if a new revision is decided on, but it lowers approval rating after the thing had gotten in?
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>11857862 But the design isnt literally the same. Masquerain is by no means a deaths head moth, and its wings are literally diamond shaped. saying one is the same as the other is just ignorant. they share a few minor similarities, but thats it. pikachu and ratata are both small strangely colored mice.
>>11857896 wow, what ardent lack of human empathy
bug samurai reloadednothing here
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>11857900 Salty was used before, the fgc revived it.
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>>11857896 Because it still took 66% to get your bro in.
>>11857910 Rules are
supposed to be that redesign goes to confirmation survey. If it gets a higher percent than the current art, then it's the new art. If it doesn't reach the current approval percentage for the line, it defaults to the old design
Local Moose Friend !MHCNz5M/Cw
All this talk of AIDS Ery/Leu coon makes me think of Fake Groudon and Primal Dialga.
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>>11857919 I'd know that hair and beard anywhere
>>11857933 Can you draw a Corrupted Leukoon?
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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>>11857933 false groudon is my favorite pokemon
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11857933 Fake Groudon is too gross 4 me.
I like the "Primal" one better.
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>>11857871 Oh that's good. I dont think i chose "it needs work" more than twice anyways.
>>11857912 they are both moths with wings that have false faces in them. that is the basic concept.
you are talking about art. i am talking about concept.
>>11857919 can we have a ninja and a sushi chef gym leader too? :l
>>11857918 Human empathy?
So if someone works hard for something they want, they should also work hard for something someone else wants, even if the person who wants it in did shit all for it?
If my bro falls below the line I will work on him.
You should too.
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>>11857933 are these things you are talking about from pokemon games? or are they anime shit?
cause i am looking at that picture you posted and it seems like some dumb anime shit.
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>>11857970 Go Libertarianism!
Local Moose Friend !MHCNz5M/Cw
>>11857954 Fake Groudon is boss!
>>11857944 I finished Ery before I stopped to think "was it Leukoon??". So I can try
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>>11857776 knife looks poor in sprite. buttons/links on cuffs. same front of shirt. not sure about breast pocket or not. rest is very choice. possible gym 2 member?
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>>11857970 ignore the whiny kids i agree with you
>>11857970 >I worked hard for something and understand the emotional connection one can get to project specifics >someone else has an emotional connection for project specifics >fuck em Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>11857977 Fake Groudon was gross as shit.
Good monster, but that thing was almost too dark for Pokemon.
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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>>11857977 he is my all-time favorite
if my more... creative edits hadn't made it apparent.
how about the first stage has a helmet also because....helmets
>>11857973 Bitch now I remembered I want Infinite
>>11857990 >I worked hard for something and understand the emotional connection one can get to project specifics >someone else has an emotional connection for project specifics and isn't doing anything to help it stay in Yes, fuck 'em
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>>11857966 >ninja and sushi chef Why are you so autistic to think that a region based in south america absolutely CANNOT have a Japanese styled Gym leader.
>:l You're from leddit aren't you?
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>>11858007 my exact quote in the new survey. it's awesome
>>11858008 Andrew Ryan isn't in Infinite.
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>>11858008 I like this guy.
Wanna fuck? You can put a wig on me and call me Ayn Rand, if you want. DUNKYWUNKR !EA1kcDpTxA
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>>11858008 You might like this thread:
>>>/tg/24022378 Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>11857966 I'm sorry, you just didnt word that very clearly, you said
> it's design is basically the same as masquerian and then
>we need to add something to the concept The concept, in its base form is similar, the designs have almost nothing in common. the concept is what we voted in. The design can be changed.
>>11857639 Why didn't you take out the part I typed about the confused types?
Survey Man !kfhuSURVeY
Quoted By:
>>11858058 >confused types for the Atom-mon.
>>11858008 pic related reading your post
fixed somethingcant wait to desing the sushi leader imma spam this
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
It seriously makes me sad that Erycoon can't be real. Seriously, I made a stupid fucking post before I used this trip, but it was completely serious: if I could live in-universe of the game, I would just catch a ton of Erycoons, move away to some random house in a random route, and live in peace forever with my Erycoon army, eternally living in fluffy, cuddly happiness. I would declare myself King of the Cuddlefluffs, and spread cuddly joy to all he weary travelers who visited me by trading them Erycoons that I've taught special moves to. And then, when the day comes where I die, I would die among fluffy bliss.
>>11858083 It's more or less a real pokemon if that makes you feel better since it's a recolored furret
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
>>11858083 and they would eat your body, then move to their next victim-to-be.
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>>11858083 If you wanna fuck me, I still have that wig. And you're welcome to call me Ayn Rand. Anonymous
>>11858083 and then all you Erycoons will eat the flesh of your dead body.
It's a nice story
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
Quoted By:
>>11858088 Furret doesn't have near the same fluffyness or cuddlibility.
>>11858080 You spam him, I spam Sam
Quoted By:
>>11858080 >not having a katana sheath that he pulls a butterfly net out of >not having a cool helmet designed to look like a basilect or whatever retarded name was given to that pokemon Anonymous
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
Quoted By:
>>11858094 >>11858104 And then I would return to the life stream
I'm okay with it
>>11858109 i'm okay with this.
>>11858018 bioshock infinite is more a condemnation of ultra nationalism than libertarianism
also you should realize that thinking that people should contribute to this project and identifying with libertarian ideals are in no way the same thing
>>11858040 if it goes above 66% in the dex it's supposed to be good in concept and execution.
for instance the concept of the water starter hasn't ever changed but we haven't voted it in because the execution has never been where it should be.
i don't actually think it's anywhere close to being perfect in either regards.
>>11858080 >imma spam this are you asking for people to report you man
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11858114 No, he DOESN'T row.
>>11858007 I think no helmet is best for the evo. I like this prevo a lot better though.
>>11858126 If I tell him that Elizabeth is Anna would that ruin the game for him? Anonymous
>>11858083 It seriously makes me sad that Clash can't be fucked.
Seriously, I made a stupid fucking post before I used this trip, but it was completely serious: if I could live in-universe of /vp/, I would just kidnap Clash and his tight ass, move away to some random house in a random route, and live in peace forever with my captive sex toy, eternally living in dominatrix heaven. I would declare myself King of the Girlyboys, and spread HIV to all he weary travelers who visited me by trading them bodily fluids that I've ejaculated from my penis.
And then, when the day comes where I die, I would die among Clash's malnourished skeleton.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11858142 Not as much as telling him Booker is Comstock Anonymous
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>>11858147 you forgot the maiddo dress
>>11858153 worse than the fact that the Comstock House level takes place primarily in 1984? And that Rosalind and Lutece are the same person? Anonymous
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>>11858124 I don't think anyone's new enough or that much of a prude to report him.Except you
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
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>>11858153 no, quit saying things!
>>11858170 Haha! saved by the reply box! I wont read your spoilers now you heathens!
Kirn !ZIX1K1Rn42
taking the survey how big is Terrorcotta?
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11858170 That's pretty bad too. But let's not tell him that Elizabeth (actually, multiple Elizabeths) kills Booker. That'd ruin his day. Anonymous
>>11858189 pic related
>>11858191 or the fact that because you managed to get the bathyscape in Rapture to work during lockdown means you are closely related to Andrew Ryan Anonymous
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>>11858196 is it bigger than a breadbox?
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>>11858189 his size has no yet been decided but personally i've always imagined him pretty large. four or five feet tall. he looks imposing and i think it would be nice to give him an imposing size as well.
>>11858204 >pic related >absolutely no point of reference that could be useful in identifying size Dunky you already won the title of Project Retard, no one is competing. Just stop.
>>11858215 >no point of reference >the digletts in its mouth You were saying moron?
Kirn !ZIX1K1Rn42
Quoted By:
>>11858204 oh god thats awesome!
perfect size
just making sure it wasnt several hundred feet or like 6 inches
>>11858215 digglets, it was very helpful
>>11858215 the diglets could be used for size comparison
>inb4 dunky gets really mad at you and calls you foul names Anonymous
>>11857566 So, I guess I'll be the edgy faggot and go against the school of thought and say I hate this idea. Let's assume it's meant to be AIDS; AIDS isn't caused by a rogue white blood cell going "fuck this" and then attacking other white blood cells, it's caused by a foreign agent. What I DO like about this idea is the symbolism of the blood during a foreign attack by a virus. So instead of making it a rogue Leukoon, make it something like a Vultergyst, which is a pokemon that can symbolize death, and it can be done in a similar fashion to Lostelle and Hypno in Fire Red/Leaf Green. If not that then even the mosquito line would work.
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
>>11858226 like duck, or chicken Anonymous
>>11858141 too bad. it lost in the survey.
I feel your pain anon ;_; DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11858204 >>11858204 Yeah, stuff like that. Actually, making these posts in spoilers just kinda brings attention to out posts. Kinda defeats the purpose of keeping it a secret, huh? Anonymous
>>11858232 >Virus >Not using the virus pokemon Anonymous
>>11858232 I was gonna say, or Malaria/AIDS via the Mosquito infects a Leukoon and it spreads to other Leukoon
via pokesexual fluids Anonymous
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>>11858242 but anon, its not a virus pokemon anymore, its a COMPUTER VIRUS now
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>>11858238 They didn't say Fowl
Local Moose Friend !MHCNz5M/Cw
These dont look as good cuz my hand hurts. Ask me again in a few days and I'll just make new art instead of recolur.
>>11858241 Without the context, you don't really feel that hard when Booker goes to take Anna back from Comstock. In a way, we're ruining the experience for him by taking away all the twists and turns. I cried at that scene btw Anonymous
ok so i think lavoon needs to be COMPLETELY redesigned but its prevo is PERFECT how the fuck do i vote?! id rather have both than neither because then ill just give it an everstone
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>>11858240 This. This is the perfect version. I REQUEST A REVOTE.
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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>>11858251 1 because it resembles my poke-husbando most.
>>11858232 Actually, funny you should mention it, because that's exactly what AIDS is.
The HIV attacks the killer-t cells and 'corrupts' them, rendering them useless. As the body's immune system crumbles, all infections go unwatched as the body begins to weaken and die.
That's why AIDS is so horrifying.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11858245 Or, you know, we can not be dumb and just have the mosquito be invading the forest, taking over the local fauna as exotic species tend to do.
>>11858240 i'm not even going to point out why you're wrong.
>>11858232 personally i dislike the idea because pokemon don't randomly have alternate forms and shit with weird coloration.
they have normal and shiny forms. the only exception is spiky eared pichu which was a stupid idea that undermines basic pokemon rules in order to pander to a lame facet of pokemon fans.
So, Professor Northington, he using Lutrajet, Dilophlora, and Flarrapin yeah?
>>11858266 then your opinion doesnt account for shit. Helmet indy is fucking retarded
>>11858259 The AIDS is a sort-of-funny little in-joke that gives the game its unique /vp/ (or 4chan in general, really) charm.
>>11858259 this sounds frighteningly like something that would actually be in a pokemon game instead of the aids idea which sounds like something 10 year olds would talk about on the playground.
>>11858254 vote that it needs moderate design revision and specify that you think the whale is what needs work.
>>11858258 So basically something is corrupting the Leukoon, but then what? How specifically do Leukoon protect the forest? How are the Leukoon infected?
Also, Pokemon Ranger Johnsoon is a
baller idea. When you finish the sidequest he'll call the mission success a
slam dunk , and you could have a tag battle where you and he go for the
alley oop . He becomes a bro and you know you can count on him for
assists .
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>>11858266 Again, that's why I brought up the idea for Vultergyst/Mosquito instead of the black & Red Leukoon.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11858253 I just started a new game and I gotta say, even within the first few minutes there's tons of shit that caught my attention, knowing what was going to happen. >>11858258 There's tons of shit like that thought. Like over the summer I got diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, and from what I understand of it, it might as well be cancer of the immune system.
I just think it's a dumb idea. Just throw in a Pokémon that's unnatural to the ecosystem and say it's fucking shit up.
I would like nothing more than for you all to burn to death
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>>11858254 vote : if it were perfect it would look totally different, then state that the prevo is perfect and what you would change about the evo
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>>11858270 Dilophlora is a pair for Ankillosore
Lutraget, Terrorcotta and Flarrapin are the only other 3-stage FWG core and it would be better to give that to the Champion IMO
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11858279 But isn't cancer the 4Chan thing?
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>>11858277 i wasn't even talking about opinions man
>>11858279 yeah aids jokes is charming. we've discussed many times on here how we don't want to make this game lol-4chan-random-trolling. we just want to make it a good pokemon game and that's it.
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>>11858301 Ohhh, thanks soooo much :3
>>11858301 Buddy, we're already in hell. That's just air conditioning to us.
>>11858299 that's almost as silly as a city at the bottom of the ocean/beach boys barbershop quartet Anonymous
>>11858299 You only think it's dumb because you're dying a horrible death, bugger off with your mosquito shit.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
Quoted By:
>>11858289 >this sounds frighteningly like something that would actually be in a pokemon game Didn't even really think about it, I just thought it was a better idea, like someone else pointed out.
>>11858311 Did someone say my name?
>>11858291 Well, the original idea was that they were trying to steal an ancient artifact relevant to the plot, but couldn't get to it because Leukoon kept stopping them (as its lore says it would, considering it's the immune system of nature.) So they introduce this corrupting virus into the environment via the mosquitoes so the Leukoon would become pacified and start attacking the forest (body) rather than invaders (pathogens.)
>>11858299 i too have an immune system disease. it's not as hilarious as people think.
i think we should play up the antagonistic relationship between the mosquitos and the blood racoons and use that as the basis of the conflict rather than having corrupted aids racoons and things which would never be in a real pokemon game.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
Also, I'm sorry, but your vague death-wish is in vain. I'm in remission. I'm not the only one who thinks the cancer/aids thing is dumb.
>>11858326 Corrupted AIDS racoons via Zen-moding as a result of infection from the Mosquitoes. Which was the intention. Goddamn why is that so hard
>>11858326 it's hilarious because the earth uses disease as it's immune system and has
correctly tagged you as cancer
It's like a cosmic pun or something
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>>11858330 >I'm not the only one who thinks the cancer/aids thing is dumb. i'm certain that this is true. a large percentage of the world is older than 15.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11858321 But why does it have to be a virus? Why not just say they introduced exotic wild life which took over the ecosystem, making the Luekoons unable to preform their job?
In other words, make the Pokémon THEMSELVES the virus.
>>11858318 >>11858326 >>11858299 i also agree. a case of invasive species brought on by the evil team is way better than a case of aids brought on by the evil team
>>11858340 Congratulations, now no one will ever use the mosquito and will hate anyone who does because now its a villainous asshole who kills forests and cuddly raccoons.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11858334 See
>>11858340 Why is THIS so hard?
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
Quoted By:
>>11858321 I like this. It works. But I really dont like the idea of anything aids/cancer related in the game.
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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>>11858342 this seems like the final solution to all our design problems
>>11858340 >In other words, make the Pokémon THEMSELVES the virus. this. the mosquitos have run the white blood cell racoons out of the forest and now they are preying upon the unprotected red blood cell racoons.
you need to bring back the white racoons to restore the balance.
this version centers around the pokemon which is what the game is about.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11858345 I... what? If we went with the alternitive, the mosquito would STILL be the bad guy, because it's the one spreading the virus.
I swear you only thought out half of that post.
Which is totally okay, because I do the same thing all the time.
>>11858340 Leukoon's purpose in life is GETTING RID of things that threaten the forest, which is invasive species. That doesn't make sense. Some kind of chemical agent that targets leukoon themselves makes more sense, because theya re less equipped to deal with that.
Say the evil team engineered some sort disease using Pokerus or something.
>>11858349 <Player>! Hurry hurry! Leukoon are falling ill by a disease being spread by [Mosquito]! Hurry to the forest and help us eliminate the problem and heal the sick ones!
>>11858358 >Mosquitoes being deliberate dicks >mosquitoes going about their business and causing harm on accident >the same thing Anonymous
>>11858360 >Say the evil team engineered some sort disease using Pokerus or something. stop and try and think about what pokemon games are like for a second
if evil teams could do things like engineer chemical weapons why would you have to fight so many koffing
>>11858336 you need to realize that people with real problems in their lives don't care if people on the internet are mean to them
Quoted By:
>>11858368 mosquitos need blood man
don't hate the player hate the game
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11858360 You obviously have no idea how the immune system, which is what the goddam thing is based off of, works. Sometimes the immune system simply cannot fight off an infection or virus.
To compare, in your idea, Leukoons are the immune system. The mosquitoes are the AIDs, and the virus kills them off.
In my idea, I skip the idea of AIDs and just have the mosquito be the infection. It makes PERFECT sense, because the Luekoons aren't used to fighting off the mosquitoes: they're exotic, and the Leukoon has no idea how to fight it.
>>11858354 Why wouldn't the other version, though?
To get through the forest, you catch/defeat all of the 'Zen Mode' Leukoon, and then a short cutscene will appear with you and Magic Johnson about how the Leukoon all started returning to the forest.
>>11858360 See, this guy gets it.
Also, what do people think about the eight Veiled Pebbles idea? I came up with it because I thought it would be a cool way to explain why the player continues his journey, rather than LOL IM GONNA GO BE CHAMPION NOW. In addition to that, it would give the game a treasure hunting flavor, which would only add to the adventure.
>>11858371 Because their goal isn't to cause mass chaos, it's to find the City of Gold. They only manufactured the weapon to get past a strange, supernatural force stopping them from obtaining a magical artifact standing in the way between them and their goal.
>>11858371 Then introduce some other gimmick
Mosquitos and leukon/erycoon would already have a relationship, that's just logic
Why should the Leukoon care that the team has brought more in? They are the equivalent of Kirby and are just going to eat them.
Use some other pokemon for you retarded aids shit, why would mosquitos even cause aids
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11858363 <Player>! Hurry, hurry! The [Mosquito] are attacking the forest and the Leukoon can;t fight them off alone!
>>11858363 <Player>! Hurry hurry! Erycoon are being attacked by [Mosquito]! Hurry to the forest and help us.
see this way it's the same but not convoluted for no reason
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11858368 The mosquito AREN'T being deliberate dicks. They didn't CHOOSE to move to the area, they were brought there against their will and just went on as normal.
>>11858386 How is collecting 8 veiled pebbles to find el dorado and get untold riches different from collecting 8 badges to find the champ and get untold notoriety?
>>11858383 The mosquitos aren't the infection. They contain the infection. Besides, mosquitoes attacking a forest is lame. The corrupted Leukoon sounds more dangerous and adventurous, and since that would be the first time you encounter the evil team, it would be a great way to showcase what they're capable of.
>>11858395 >>11858394 but now you're fighting the mosquitoes and they're being villainous for no fucking reason.
In the other version they CAUSED the problem, but aren't the problem itself.
>>11858399 >Mosquito pokemon that are pests all over the region >hurr durr they had to be imported into the jungle That's retarded. What does the evil team have to gain from doing that?
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>>11858402 They'd act as keystones to El Dorado.The gym battling quest and the treasure hunting quest would be totally separate, but both be crucial to advancing the plot.
>>11858392 While I agree that mosquitos and leukon should already have a relationship has part of their gimmicks, I also agree with everyone who dislikes the AIDs idea.
What if the invading pokemon sent by the evil were Chillnobyl instead? The radiation from their bodies could be making the Leukoon sick (random radiation tend to harm and mutate cells)
Imagine how good this project could have been if you all weren't such incompetent idiots. Oh well we move on I guess
>>11858408 It's not just mosquitoes. It's Corruption-Virus containing mosquitoes (let's not call it AIDS. That could just be an in-joke.)
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11858403 Congratulations, you have no grasp on figurative language.
>>11858406 I feel like we're speaking two different languages right now.
No, the mosquitoes did NOT cause the problem, and yes, they ARE the problem.
The evil team moved them into the area to get rid of the Leukoon. Which part of this are you not understanding?
>>11858383 I made a quick picture
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>>11858415 >Imagine how good this project could have been if we weren't such incompetent idiots. FTFY
you are one here posting as anon, you count to.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11858412 I could totally roll with this.
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I want raptor to leave and make his own game maybe we could have something that isn't complete liquid shit
>>11858419 I dont think anyone ever said "Hey lets give Pokemon AIDS". I think they said "hey lets have a corrupted version of Leukoon fighting other Leukoon. it's an AIDS reference." kind of like how Leukoon are white blood cell references, not literal white blood cells.
>>11858406 mosquitos need blood man you can't blame them for that
>>11858403 >Besides, mosquitoes attacking a forest is lame. The corrupted Leukoon sounds more dangerous and adventurous that's like the definition of edgy.
>>11858412 or if they sent in vectols which chased away the leukoon
no aids. just pokemon.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11858425 Once again, you fail to grasp the point. The immune system cannot instantly respond to something it has no clue how to handle. It's why we need to get a different fucking flu shot every year, because it helps the immune system take on the new strain.
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>>11858412 Congratulations on reaching neutral ground. I still think the evil team importing pokemon into a forest is retarded though.
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>>11858438 FEMALE mosquitoes need it for breeding purposes.
>>11858412 Chillnobyl isn't the radioactive pokemon, it's the nuclear winter. It represents what happens after the Apocalypse, not during.
Why not some massive ghostly fire that affects the leukoon mainly because of their extrasensory origins? Then you can ally yourself with some Field Rangers who are trying to fight it futilly with Thoraxe. Or something, because the fire is a fever, or something
it made sense in my head i swear
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11858438 >no aids. just pokemon This is what I'm getting at. Saying an actual infection is spreading is dumb. We should have a species that's exotic to the forest whatever be brought in by the evil team.
>>11858436 No, it actually started as
>lol lets give the forest aids >>11858438 Edgy, edgy, edgy, edgy. There's a difference between a little bit of danger and adventure and being fucking edgy. Fighting off a bunch of abundant, weak mosquitoes is just simply lame and boring.
Is heatproof good as an ability?
>>11858439 it's why you need to get a different group of guys to fuck your butthole every year, because it helps your anus to take on the new dicks
>>11858452 give the forest aids by
>>11858457 no
give the forest aids by infecting the white blood cells with a Poke-disease, or technology that controls them
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>>11858457 Why not this fucker as the infectious agent? Mosquitoes attacking an area they call home is retarded no matter how you dress it up. Plus look at these fuckers, that's evil right there.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11858461 Ouch, I've never been called a butthurt faggot before. I need to go cry now anon...
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>11857933 >>11858251 If this really happens to Erycoon&Leukoon or any of this Aids talk I am going to be seriously sad and probably take a break from the project for awhile... just giving you guys a heads up.
>>11858083 Erycoon has become my favorite Pokemon out of our dex and I am going to get a plushie made of it~
But yes same here, if I could I would have tons of Erycoon and cuddle with all of them<3
>>11858147 ...
This is becoming more and more scary as you go on.
How convenient though... I just bought some hair removal creme today, and now my legs are silky smooth because I just shaved them and used the cream.
>>11858448 how does it's species name stop it from fulfilling it's role from
>>11858412 ?
It is a pokemon that obviously would not be native to the forest and it gives off copious radiation. It's perfect, and we could have an explanation/reference for where the evil team got so many later in the game (something you find/see in one of their bases?
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
>>11858439 dude woah calm yo tits mate, the pokemon has a loose base on immune system, that being it eats bad stuff, what it does and what the thing it is based on does can be only loosely similar in concept and the point would still get across.
but, regardless, I'm not sure if I'm a fan of this plotline.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11858466 Why does it need to be an actual infection? That makes things strange and complicated for no reason. As many like me are saying: just introduce an exotic pokemon and have it take over. Then the pokemon itself is ACTING as an infection, metaphorically.
>>11858457 No, it doesn't make sense. What would make this pokémon fire resistant?
>>11858480 but they're native in the first place.
no aids. just pokemon. why would we invent a "virus" as a plot device when we fucking have a virus pokemon. we have spent a lot of fucking time designing these pokemon we should use them in the game.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11858471 >If this really happens to Erycoon&Leukoon or any of this Aids talk I am going to be seriously sad and probably take a break from the project for awhile... just giving you guys a heads up. Fuck, I'd be mad too. I'd keep on trucking and making wallpapers, but I wouldn't like it.
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>>11858480 Why does it need to be an exotic pokemon? That makes things strange and complicated for no reason. As many like me are saying: just introduce an actual infection and have it take over. Then the infection itself is ACTING as a pokemon, metaphorically.
>>11858480 What if removing the keystone from its given location metaphorically 'kills' the location, and at the end of the game, you have to return the keystone in order to 'bring it back to life?'
And every area where a keystone is found, it is guarded by Leukoon.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11858476 Exactly! So we don't need to make a literal infection. Just have the toxic vial pokemon or whatever come in. Then, that pokemon would be a metaphorical infection.
>>11858482 idk what would make bronzong fire resistent? It's in a glass container and it's some kind of lab equipment
>>11858490 wait are people really being serious about this?
>>11858474 Because toxic smoke can carry infection diseases in addition to merely irritating the lungs, the smoke is ill defined and can be written to do whatever we want (if it needs to be toxic to plants or if it needs to be an irritant to leukoon that they can't eat). Chillnobyl is just cold and icy, we already had an evil team freeze a city as a show of force. Destroying an entire biome, making species extinct THAT is evil.
>>11858507 >Bronzong is based on a dōtaku, Japanese bells which were believed to have been used to pray for good harvests. They are often decorated with patterns representing nature and were buried, occasionally with bronze mirrors and weapons, in isolated locations. Bronzong and the fact that it evolves from Bronzor also seems to be based on an old Japanese myth present in the book Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things by Lafcadio Hearn. The priests of Mugenyama wanted to forge a bell for their temple, so they asked the local women to donate their bronze mirrors for this purpose. A woman contributed her mirror, but later regretted it. Because of her repentance, the mirror wouldn't melt in the furnace until she killed herself. Before her suicide, she said that whoever would break the bell would be given great wealth by her ghost. A multitude of people tried to break the bell by ringing it furiously, so the tired priests managed to roll it down a hill into a swamp. Anonymous
>>11858471 I do like you Clash, but to be honest if anyone let your 'threat' of leaving influence their choice that would be the ultimate betrayal of what this project stands for.
I still don't love the AIDS idea
>>11858342 >>11858480 That's actually a great idea. Mosquitoes chasing after Erycoon and Leukoon trying to protect them.
Creating alternate forms to pokémon only for plot purpose is a bad idea,
let's not be some edgy preteens.
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>>11858514 they don't stop talking about it so there is no way we can know if they are serious or not
i personally disliked it from the start but i put together that image to explain why we don't need to have an actual virus when we have a virus pokemon
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>>11858490 WELL THERE WE FUCKING GO THEN. Problem solved.
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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>>11858506 fair enough, I can see what you, and I believe two others are getting at.
but still, keep things cool, have both ideas in mind for if this concept gets surveyed.
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>>11858514 People are always serious.
>>11858523 So now that the discussion about this portion of the plot is going, what do people think about the Veiled Pebbles/keystones idea?
>>11858523 >>11858523 >Creating alternate forms to pokémon only for plot purpose is a bad idea, >let's not be some edgy preteens. why do the kyurems exist ?
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>11858520 That is true, I shouldn't have said that. This project isn't about me. I have just been having a rough week and am letting things get to me.
>>11858517 Okay fine. But another reason is they wanted to give the player a choice between resistance to ground and resistance to fire. It's a lab beaker. lab beakers get heated up. How about just for the first two
>>11858536 >We are not trying to duplicate GameFreak's mistakes, if your reasoning about anything is that "GameFreak has done it and we should do it too" instead of "This is a legitimately good idea that we should incorporate", think about your idea a little harder. But this also isn't an excuse to to disregard every idea that is thrown out though. Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>11858490 this. I would vote for. No magic Johnson though.
>>11858457 Why does it learn so many fainting moves?
>>11858490 Because they're computer viruses, not actual viruses.
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>>11858547 Pretty sure Magic Johnson was a joke.
>>11858507 But glass container aren't fire resistant. And heat is needed for some kind of chemical reaction. Flare Boost would make more sense.
>>11858535 veiled pebbles is a chuckling 4chan meme reference and therefore has no place in the game
the rest of it sounds overly complicated.
>>11858536 legendary version mascots have always been more inclined to have alternate forms.
>>11858543 That had nothing to do with what I said.
Kyurem has an alternate form for no reason other than plot. Arceus has alternate forms for no reason other than plot. Rotom has alternate forms for no reason other than plot.
Pretty much every form changer except Cherrim has no real reason but plot to change.
>>11858516 Chillnobyl being icy and cold is irreverent, that isn't the aspect of the design I propose utilizing. It gives off radiation. That is an agreed upon part of the concept, and it is all I need for
>>11858412 to work. If you don't like the idea that is fine, what is at issue here is if it is a viable idea at all
>>11858535 way too videogame man. I can't count how many times I have "collected x number of arbitrary object because reasons" one too many times in my gaming life. make the story fluid. think outside the box
>>11858539 Totally fine man, it happens to all of us. I'm still a huge fan.
>>11858557 What's overly complicated about
>eight keystones >evil team is looking for them >they unlock the door to el dorado >untold riches await them >you have to get there first because if they go down there, they'll awaken quetz who'll rampage the region Anonymous
>>11858542 it's not the biggest stretch but there are plenty of abilities which make a lot more sense
>>11858551 this
nobunata has this problem as well.
>>11858553 they're both
>>11858561 >Rotom has alternate forms for no reason other than plot. do you know what plot is
>>11858567 if you just remove the keystones and have it be the riches of el dorado that people are looking for it's better.
>>11858556 >glass container aren't fire resistant The sort exposed to heat are.
So maybe one of two possible?
>>11858579 Well, the idea is to make El Dorado difficult to access, so the evil team can't just walk in, accidentally piss off Quetz, and game over.
>>11858556 How about flare boost and heatproof for whether the glass is fire resistant or not
>>11858508 toxiphage redesigns. bringing them back to their roots
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>>11858556 >Flare Boost Oh wait, that's a fucking awesome idea. I say go for it.
>>11858568 Like what?
Also suggestions for abilities for the third one
>>11858561 >>11858561 >Rotom being part of the plot >Arceus being part of the plot >Darmanitan being part of the plot None of the form changes are created by the evil team on several random pokémon. Kyurem is a legendary pokemon and the villain team only provoke the form change, they dont create it.
>>11858471 >and now my legs are silky smooth because I just shaved them and used the cream. i knew you were lying when you said you were straight.
Either that, or you're a swimmer.
>>11858586 It should be hard to access because it's hard to find. Center the plot around the evil team ruthlessly looking for hints to the location in ancient ruins and scraps of information on el dorado from locals and experts.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11858488 What are you talking about? The mosquito? I'm off that now. I'm saying ANY exotic pokemon, as in pokemon that can;t be found directly in the area in question. pokemon from across the region, for example.
>>11858501 This can also work.
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>>11858490 That's hilarious
And way better than the AIDS idea
>>11858601 That's a good idea. But how can that be integrated into the forest idea floating around, since everyone seems to like it (but not totally agree on all the details)?
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>>11858490 fucking perfect
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>11858600 No I just like being more feminine, just because I don't like my legs to be hairy doesn't mean I am homosexual. Also this is the first time I have fully shaved my legs. So far I really like it though.
>>11858599 >they don't create the form changE >ghetsis didn't force the dragons to splice against their will Anonymous
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>>11858594 Yes please please please thanks raptor
>>11858612 Why would it? The forest idea is a relatively minor side thing.
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>>11858615 >just because I don't like my legs to be hairy doesn't mean I am homosexual. I have some news, son.
>>11858564 >way too videogamey man Bioware pls go
>>11858621 Well, the idea is that the evil team gets introduced into the plot relatively early, and since the forest is after the first town, that'll give the player a chance experience what they're capable of early on.
>>11858617 Still, it's a legendary pokémon, not just some random bunch of pokémon.
>the villain team only provoke the form change, they dont create it. They were already meant to splice.
>>11858630 Even though I don't like the AIDS idea much, the motivation for the evil team to infect the Leukoon is pretty clear.
>>11858594 Make them look crazy and malevolent instead of just penis
drapion is a monster scorpion because the game is pocket monsters and not pocket scorpions, this is a stylized scorpion except you lazily added a second tail
>>11858583 >>11858588 I personally think Flare Boost and Aftermath are the best abilities for this 'mon.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11858634 I thought it would just be 8 random pokemon.
So are we still doing Pokemon Ranger Johnson or not?
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11858615 It's okay Clash, I still love you.
In a totally heterosexual way.
>>11858629 This. I feel one of the best parts of B/W was having the evil team introduced so early, establishing their goal and giving an intimidating feeling right away.
>>11858612 >>11858621 is right it doesn't have toBut, what if there was some kind of expert living in/near the forest, studying the forest habitat and the relation between the Leukoon/Erycoon/mosqitos. The evil team thinks he might have information on El Dorado. When he refuses to give them the information they fuck up the forest to try and force his hand. Then you show up, kick them out and save the day. It turns out the expert did have a tiny hint to the location of el dorado, and he gives it to you out of gratitude.
eh? eh?
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
Oh yes, also, I don't think the Leukoon thing should be a major focus of the plot, but just a small part of their grand plan. Kind of like the Galactic Bomb at Lake Whatever in D/P
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>>11858645 Well, it would be a whole bunch of Leukoon via mosquito. Then, knowing AIDS, the infected Leukoon would spread it to other Leukoon (the ones who don't manage to get away.)
>>11858650 Draw up a concept.
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>>11858664 i think everyone on both sides are in agreement with this.
>>11858645 How about pokemon that represent treasure:
>Diamat, >Monkezuma >Musburry evo, representing the bounty of the land >Nurshary, the treasure of health >Chimcholio, the treasure of beatuy >Thoraxe, the treasure of safety >Berratel, the treasure of food >Viipii, the treasure of friendship >Gnuru, the treasure of wisdom Anonymous
>>11858674 Each guarding a
Veiled Pebble. Anonymous
>>11858636 >instead of just penis wut
its a scorpion in the shape of a virus that turns into a scorpion with multiple Genetic inspirations
>>11858508 . Also, not everything has to look like its gonna tear your face off.
>>11858674 >vipii, treasure of friendship >implying we actually like each other Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>11858674 That works, but first we need a vote on this.
Also you spelled beauty wrong. >>11858682 This.
>>11858674 >chimcholio >treasure of beauty Anonymous
>>11858636 I would play pocket scorpions
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>>11858684 Vipii, treasure of
autism Anonymous
>>11858598 i made a list of abilities for them yesterday
poison touch
cursed body
liquid ooze
white smoke
>>11858615 clash come on that's not what these threads are for
>>11858640 but then it's just drifblim
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>>11858704 That sounds painful as fuck, bro.
>>11858683 It doesn't have to be scary. It just looks like a cartoon scorpion. Scizor isn't scary, but it is cool and you get that it's a...thing. Gardevoir is elegant and it's a person. Skitty is cute but it's not just a cat. You need to play with the proportions to get the that pokemon effect.
Example: a real scorpion has legs, claws and tails and shit, drapion has bigger claws that match the size of it's tail, dimunitive legs and a prominent face because it's moves off its body. yours is what i would get if I drew a cartoon scorpion and added another tail.
tl;dr: it looks like penis, play with the proportions of shit
>>11858707 i think that "pollution" custom ability would work, since they're giving off gas.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11858697 I didn't catch that, Oarwish then.
>>11858627 >fetch quests are good! No.
>>11858697 >Implying this fucker isn't beautiful Anonymous
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>>11858650 go back to /b/
>>11858664 i agree. it's just a little bit of dickery.
>>11858674 >pokemon that represent treasure >not the bug covered in precious gems what
>>11858594 i think the scorpion tails should reference joysticks to go along with the fact that the first stage looks like a mouse
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>>11858723 i was just giving you shit for using a terrible phrase.
It's cliche, not too video gamey.
>>11858717 what would it do
>>11858721 oarwish is fucking shit
make it the bug waifu and change it to love or some shit
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
>>11858725 >implying he isn't a digimon Anonymous
No opinions on
>>11858654 ?
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>>11858734 Pollute you stupid fuck
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>>11858654 That's actually a pretty neat idea.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>11858707 If no Pollution, I'd propose
Liquid Ooze -> Liquid Ooze -> Stench
Flare Boost -> Flare Boost -> Flare Boost
>>11858734 someone came up with a move called acid rain.
It's essentially sandstorm but poison (and possibly steel) types were immune to it.
"pollution" would change rain to acid rain upon switching in.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>11858735 What difference does it make?
>>11858674 how did this game become digimon adventure?
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
>>11858758 flare boost makes no sense though.
beakers and vials don't get faster when they are heated. they just get...heated.
>>11858759 when was this made up?
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>>11858764 well according to some people, half of our pokedex are digimon anyway.
Might as well make the story digimon as well.
>>11858784 >when was this made up? I believe like 2 or so weeks ago.
>>11858674 >red veiled pebble >a note >found in a volcanic area >orange veiled pebble >b note >found in ruins >yellow veiled pebble >c note >found on a deserted island >green veiled pebble >d note >found in a forest/jungle >blue veiled pebble >e note >found under the sea >purple veiled pebble >f note >found in an industrial area >brown veiled pebble >g note >found in a cave What would each one represent?
>>11858789 Uhg, do we really have to force some Zelda quest into the game to have a plot? Jesus, this is the most inept juvenile writing I have ever seen. Making up items to collect is easy, writing a plot is hard. Doing the first and calling it the latter is lazy.
>>11858789 Courage
making slow progress on these was trying things with head. comment on top or bottom designs as they have tweaks and attempts to deal with issues caused by all the detail on this mon. still no shading fyi you all wanted original-art right arm so it's just there for me to trace out and eyeball. was considering making a raised knee for right leg as well.
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>>11858798 The veiled pebbles are a joke. Don't flip tits.
>>11858799 >these are all the things the average 4chan user lacks plus light Anonymous
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>>11858798 We can make up items to collect without them being directly involved in the story, you know.
>>11858802 the head is tiny and invisible and shit
>>11858789 how about they represent
and hear me out on this because it might sound weird at first but i think it would be great for the game
what if they represented that some guy on the internet keeps spamming a stupid plot that he made up which is way too complicated and uses stupid memes that nobody cares about
eh? eh? i think it would be pretty cool.
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>>11858811 which head. both?
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>>11858814 it's not complicated.
It's just cliche as fuck.
>>11858789 Instead of brown, it should be
>black veiled pebble >g note >found in a cave >white veiled pebble >a note on the next octave >found in ruins >>11858814 Love you, anon.
>>11858784 Flare Boost ups special attack, not speed. It makes complete sense.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11858789 >red veiled pebble >a note >found in a volcanic area Health
>orange veiled pebble >b note >found in ruins Wisdom
>yellow veiled pebble >c note >found on a deserted island Beauty
>green veiled pebble >d note >found in a forest/jungle Land
>blue veiled pebble >e note >found under the sea Safety
>purple veiled pebble >f note >found in an industrial area >brown veiled pebble >g note >found in a cave That's the best I can come up with.
>>11858824 but lots of things can get hot
you can heat up rocks and they are fine but no rock pokemon get flare boost
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>>11858802 I think the legs need to be changed. The pose looks good in sugi form but the angle their at doesn't quite work for sprites. Too stiff. And as
>>11858811 said, the head seems a wee bit too small. Keep it up though!
>>11858806 >not browsing 4chan in a pitch-black room minus screenlight Anonymous
>>11858789 >>11858799 >>11858823 >>11858837 Is this a joke, or a serious suggestion?
If it is serious, is it for the main quest or a side one?
>>11858837 i'm just gonna stop you right here and say that none of this sounds fun
>>11858837 So Kahdclwesfesect and Monkezuma represent material wealth while Diamat is ignored so it can be the E4's signature pokemon, right?
Are we going to resurvey Grolem and Diamat now that we know those are actual pokemon names? Anonymous
>>11858842 But the poison vials are also based on chemical reactions. There's something that reacts to heat in that vial.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>11858854 >Are we going to resurvey Grolem and Diamat now that we know those are actual pokemon names? um, what?
>>11858856 i get it i just think it's a bit of a stretch. especially since the last stage isn't even in a vial. the first two stages don't really resemble vials much anyways.
i voted to remove it from the dex anyways so i don't know why i would care if it's abilities make sense...considering i think it's not good in most any way.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11858849 It was proposed as a serious plot point.
>>11858851 How not? It wouldn't take long.
>>11858854 If enough want too.
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I hope you all know this idea is not ever going to happen it's awful
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>>11858856 nope. medical waste and ghost pokemon. physical form is extoplasma(obviously with some sort of poison attribute) and medical grade plastic.
>>11858872 Then whoever proposed it should be taken outside and shot, it's a worse idea than the AIDs forest.
>>11858860 Dragem
Pronounced Drah-jem
>>11858870 >Diamat is also apparently a word it's not
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>>11858870 diamat isn't a word it's a portmanteau of syllables from other words. but i support changing the names...
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>>11858879 can we vote on this i vote yes
>>11858842 That's because nobody heats up rocks to do science.
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>>11858871 Wait I voted this too, why do I care so much Anonymous
>>11858870 if we end up getting a translation to french, they'll have different names in the french version.
Easy peasy.
>>11858849 I think at this point we're just looking at some potential collectables.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11858879 I don't really see how it's bad, it's like the Light Stone/Dark Stone plot of BW. But if you're this adamant about it fine.
>>11858882 I just checked, apparently it is. Something about materialism.
>>11858880 "Drag 'em" is how normal people read that.
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>>11858892 >That's because nobody heats up rocks to do science. i'm gonna do you a favor and not explain why this is wrong so lets just move on
>>11858898 >implying it's a good thing to confuse things just because we're not in French Anonymous
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>>11858899 hmmmmm what could we possibly make collectible in this pokemon game
oh man i can't think of anything okay lets go with the complicated zelda pebbles bullshit
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>>11858902 Then what about Drahjem
>>11858879 You know, being angry and ranting isn't going to make the project any better. If you care so much about the project, come up with something better. You know from experience that coming off as an angry fuck is going to turn people off of your ideas, so don't do that. All we're doing is tossing out ideas, and like it or not, there are people who disagree with you.
>>11858880 I think we can default to Diamonarch for Diamat or have an entirely new survey.
Same for Grolem. Can I make a survey now and do that or what?
>>11858901 If they are just a side quest or random collectable then I would actually support them. If they get in as the main plot I swear to god I will go assassinate moot just so this site shuts down just so this project can't finish just so that can't be the plot.
>>11858901 >I just checked, apparently it is. Something about materialism. Diamat isn't the actual word though.
Dialectical materialism is.
And so what? Did you know Seel is an actual word? >>11858909 Except there would be no confusion because it's not the french version.
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>>11858919 >You found health inside a volcano! >You found beauty in the underwater ruins! what
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>>11858917 we should look back at what names came in second in the surveys that we did to choose those names and run those 2nd place options against any new options
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>>11858915 I did come up with something I think is better
>>11858601 You may disagree, but I honestly do think that is a better idea. I would be open to hearing something even better than it though
>>11858924 >Google Diamat >get shit about dialectical materialism >google diamat and pokemon >get shit about zweilous >purpsoefully annoying bilingual french players >knowingly keeping the names after Gamefreak has already copyrighted them for their own shit Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>11858924 It's fine to me if it's a word, I was just sayin'.
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>>11858938 >purpsoefully annoying bilingual french players fuck the french
>>11858942 I don't like seel either, but i don't think it was a mistake.
>>11858942 How was it a mistake?
>>11858945 You think they knew it was a word? Seriously?
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>>11858947 Because it's the number one go to example for a shit name?
>>11858955 The bottom one just screams u b33pity wot m8
>>11858950 they probably just didn't care.
Remember, Golem's name is simply JUST FUCKING GOLEM.
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>>11858955 bottom left i haaaaate
i'm not immediately opposed to the bottom right though. in the very least it's truly a redesign which most people are afraid of doing and i applaud that.
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>>11858955 y'know, it kind of reminds me of a microscope now
>>11858959 anyway, Grolem's name is an easy fix.
Just stick a "w" in there.
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>>11858969 Fuck, you're blowing my mind man.
>>11858969 I personally thing it's too close to Growmeo as it is and that just exacerbates it. We're original enough to think of a different word for the portmanteau at any rate.
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>>11858978 Verdian
>>11858978 nigga please.
Growlem and Growmeo are very different.
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>>11858958 >u b33pity wot m8 I lost it.
>>11858981 Growmeo
not that different.
>>11858955 what if it was like this
>>11858981 looks like GROWL EM to me
how about groelim, growlim, groelem, grollim etc
>>11859003 How about we stop using the one fucking word we already used for a completely unrelated grass-type
this is not difficult
Like Roolic, it's Relic and Root. Is it perfect? Fucking no, at least I'm out there. Shit niggas, get it together,
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>>11859003 I like Grollim, because it sounds like pic related
>>11859003 still has the problem
>>11858714 brings up.
if you mean for the prevo, then it still doesnt look like a virus, which is the whole idea
>>11859011 >Roolic that just plain old sounds bad
>>11859021 is this cuter
>>11859031 I know, I just want people to stop trying to force the word grow into it, we've established it doesn't work.
How about Guardifact? Guardian, Artifact. Come the fuck on guys.
>>11859033 no.
the body shape and the size of the stinger were fine.
The tail made of rings is what we killing this.
>>11859044 That doesn't sound half bad
>come cuddle wiv me says adorpion
>>11859044 you don't seem to understand that the reason people are trying to just change the spelling is because it was already surveyed in
>>11859051 so you don't like the ring tail but you liked everything else?
>>11859051 the ring tail is the only think keeping it from being just a cartoony scorpion.
>>11858938 Man, should we rename it?
>>11859065 yeah
color scheme was fucking perfect.
Legs could have used a bit more detail and I liked the double tail idea, but other than that (and the stupid fucking rings, of course) everything was good.
Draik !sgg1MEH.f2
>>11859044 Some variation of relic+ton because it makes sense, and Renakton sounds dope. idk. goodnight.
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>>11859069 You do understand that pokemon are cartoon animals right?
there are better ways to make a tail than just turning it into random shapes.
>>11859077 i see you didnt realize that the rings were meant to represent the double helix of DNA. its ok, not many do. its one of those things where you have to have graduated from school to understand
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>>11859083 damn straight it does
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>>11859054 You don't seem to undertstand that names can change when better ones come up and that the name we voted in is shit for numerous reasons
e.g. Aztekid
>>11859095 doesn't mean it looks good. also its twisted not the double helix it needs to be to be different from what people hate
>>11859095 >questioning my intelligence because I think a genuinely bad design is bad. maybe if it actually looked like a fucking double helix it wouldn't be retarded.
>>11859095 i personally agree that the rings are a bit much despite the allusion being interesting
pick your favorite chumps
>>11859112 >>11859108 No, it's much easier and funner to say you didn't get the design and that you're retarded.
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>>11859122 it would be nice if they actually looked like double helixes
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>>11859122 A or D absolutely
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>>11859122 dont forget the current ones
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>>11859124 nobody is even asking for this shit
go away
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>>11859124 >~ Stop that. You're not Clash.
>>11859122 add dis shit son
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>>11859124 why did you change Calcifer's name?
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>>11859130 >funner please, continue telling me that I'm the one that's retarded.
>>11859147 the old designs? why
>>11859155 cause they're better than the horrible shit we have now
>>11859147 >>11859157 those got voted out, nigga.
We don't want to turn this into Aguanaut
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>>11859130 it's bad, and i have a degree in biology. i can't draw well and am not gonna comment on poke-biology because its subverted and goofy and not to be looked at with too much seriousness. seriously though design doesn't work, people don't like the chain tail. just like they don't like the chain arms.
>>11859157 but we can't have the because they are old and blah blah blah rules blah blah blah autism blah blah blah blah blah
>>11859162 >>11859163 >>11859171 so add them. others have had originals get polled along with the new
>>11859176 >others have had originals get polled along with the new It's because they were the current designs.
>>11859176 people usually put the current design next to redesigns not the old design
this isn't an official poll or anything i'm just curious what people like
>>11859176 Okay I slightly changed the colors. Now vote on it
>>11859031 Tothedge (totem + hedge)
Totemot (totem + tot)
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>>11859209 I'm reading that as Toth-edge
which I like, but wasn't your intention
>>11859190 it might just be me being
relatively new, but i haven't seen those surveyed multiple times.
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>>11859208 That was bearly decent.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>11859219 Likely before the end of this year.
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>>11859219 appoximate release date june 15th
2016 Anonymous
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>>11859220 yes, that is you being new
they're aguanaut level, I can remember at least a dozen surveys with these fuckers
>>11859220 they have. each one, multiple times. stop being new
>>11859208 There is nothing in the rules that says there must be a minimum amount of change for something to be resurveyed.
>>11859219 Oh my sides
>>11859209 What about Cubush?
>>11859209 Motmot you're not fooling me
I see through that disguise
>>11859232 >stop being new gimme a bit, it'll happen.
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>>11859240 Robots for Everyone!
>>11859220 they were stating as an example of failed forms being included in later surveys. toothy artifish is here to stay for now. later forms are entered to expose new artists so they can make a 66% form and kill the damn issue once and for all.
>>11859243 I like you anon
>>11859246 also the first form of this fucker was added for WHATEVER REASON in one of the last polls
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>>11859252 ya, one newfag seems ok. who'd have thunk
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>>11859241 Goddamnit.
I like Cubush, though.
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>>11859255 Because they think it's better and the namefags do whatever they want all praise the namefags
>>11859237 recolor =/= redesign
it's listed in the rules posted in the backroom section of the forums
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>>11858802 looking for leg motivation, demotivated by the hideousness of gen 3-6 fighting pokemon,
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>>11859380 >recolor =/= redesign Except that's false.
>>11855416 Is the new space turtle official? Anyone have full size art?
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>11859466 I like it. IT is a stretch from the original concept but it is still great.
>>11859466 needs heat crash & meteor mash
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>>11855465 Is that supposed to be a golem? Because it looks more like a Looney Toons knight. Don't think it would fit in the pkmn world
>>11859466 New stats for the new design?
First one
HP: 60
Attack: 40
Defense: 90
Special Attack: 40
Special Defense: 70
Speed: 55
Total: 355
Second one
HP: 90
Attack: 55
Defense: 130
Special Attack: 55
Special Defense: 110
Speed: 70
Total: 510
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>>11859527 lower the evo's BST by about 30.
Scarred-Zoroark !/73ORiYgDY
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>>11857596 >>11857604 I made one but as he said i was waiting to see his sugi art but he never posted it, i was also waiting for them to get into the dex
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>>11859527 Make him slower
Kirn !ZIX1K1Rn42
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i swear i posted this earlier to the anon(s) wanting olive+red
Kirn !ZIX1K1Rn42
never seen this thread so dead...
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>>11860613 >not memorising the forum while you wait for new replies Anonymous
>>11857597 Please stop, and let someone who doesn't have severe brain damage take over.
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>>11860873 hey man, be a bit nicer. right now most activity is dead
this game is looking so fucking great! so much better than other fakemon games (pic related) i think we really need to figure out the big question: NAME!?!?!
>>11861115 pic related pt2
>>11861121 almost as good as these.
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>>11857639 Is sub bug supposed to be in the survey? They have an orange arrow in the OP dex image.
Kirn !ZIX1K1Rn42
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>>11861340 jaguile still boss as ever
>>11855464 >Results coming soon Where are they? I want to see how well everything did
>>11861423 >Where are they? obviously they're coming soon.
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>>11858725 What's chimcholio's story
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>>11858955 bottom prevo actually looks a lot more interesting
>>11861441 >14 hours later >soon Yeah, sure, whatever you say
Kirn !ZIX1K1Rn42
figuring out my team (whats yours?), just based on favorites, and not doubling types and water has some great mons so water type run trying to figure out my last mon, needs to be able to fly, have we figured out which mons can fly yet?
>>11861463 well, in a geological context...
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>>11861470 Solely based on aesthetics.
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>>11861470 Many of the learnsets are on the wiki
>>11861470 it's gonna be hard letting some of my team evolve.
>>11861470 >have we figured out which mons can fly yet? all the birds that aren't the grass prevo burrowl platypunch or smashiary,
shit bat, drifloon, all the dragons except Ragnrow, the sphinx?, Also Quetzl can all fly.
>>11861472 >geological context The guy posted that 14 hours ago to my post, I don't get what you're trying to say. I just want the results
Kirn !ZIX1K1Rn42
>>11861525 i like your taste
it was really hard to pick for me, i know by the time i play the game i will fall in love with totally different mons
ive been playing pokemon for a long time and i still cant pick a top...any number
>>11861545 alright thank, also:
>drifloon and oh really shIbalbat? HOLY SHIT I JUST GOT THE NAME
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>>11861568 >it was really hard to pick for me it was hard for me to decide between Montegrew and the Electric mushroom mon... I'm still not sure.
>>11861563 in a geological context 14 hours isn't even a noticeable moment in the history of the earth's life.
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how come mapping doesn't interest anyone?
>>11861595 Not the guy asking for results, but no one cares that you are an in into earth science class.
>>11861625 >no one cares the guy said he didn't know what 'geological context' meant, I was just explaining.
>>11861637 make it look more like this:
>>11855539 Anonymous
>>11861647 I am the guy who asked for results, thanks for letting me know what you meant. Still no results though
>>11861656 i tho Erion was supossed to be the tank, and Eronze a physical attacker and Erace a special attacker
>>11861690 this one is too bulky
>>11855539 dsnt look like a physical
sweeper Anonymous
>>11861711 it's bulk might be off, but it's design is good.
>>11861637 looks like a retarded marionette.
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>>11861470 Although I might replace the rainbow snake and fantasmare.
Why, why these golems are in here? What is so fun about them ?
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>>11861754 there's nothing good about them. we're stuck with them because of autism.
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>>11861726 w-well that one looks like Foster!
>>11861637 use the third one along as a basis for redesigns of the other two please
we should have the era golems as one pokemon with three forms
>the form it took when inspiring men to forge metal >the form it took when it inspired the industrial revolution >the form it is taking now to inspire the digital revolution and there could be debate as to whether or not it's changing to reflect the times, rather than inspiring change
like David Bowie Anonymous
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Choosing this team was difficult. Harder than real mons.
>>11861979 >More forms No. They are three different goddamn pokemon.
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>>11859494 >learning comet Punch >with no fists Anonymous
>>11861979 >form no, they should be 3 different golems, awoken by the spirit of the earth to wreck shit every time humans push too far too fast with technological development.
>>11861545 >Chardinal >safe to fly on I'd prefer Simon not to suffer 3rd degree burns
>>11861568 >>drifloon Ironic shitpost?
>>11861470 I really love bugdragon. I wish I was here when he was conceptualised, God that design is awesome. And it manages to look awesome without looking LOL COMPLEXIMON.
Yes, I know it's a Dragonite ripoff, but does it matter when the look works so well? Anonymous
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>>11862028 damn, that shit is so cheap ...
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>>11862062 >Chardinal >safe to fly on it grabs you with it's feet.
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>>11862145 I don't really play that many shootumup games.
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>>11861637 Far left is the best (incorperates the Golem nose). The crest on it's head needs to look more like a "centurion brush" (maybe using "spikey fire" like on Typhlosion instead of a normal flame).
Depening if the other golems are changed, this eronze needs a larger head and a rounder body.
>>11861995 >implying that we have more than one pokemon with seperate forms while I ordinarily would say 'that's one pokemon much', I'd prefer three forms of the same pokémon than having two stupid-ass trios
>>11862250 furthermore if the era pokémon was just one with three different forms, it'd be different to GF's usual thing with forms that puts me off them
generally their 'formes' look pretty damn alike, whereas in this case it'd completely change its 'armour' and typing
>>11862250 Love this idea, and I agree
>>11862373 It'd also make it easier to make it cohesive in design
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>>11862386 >>11862404 Sure is samefag in here
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>11861663 Umm I am really not sure, Sketchers internet has been acting up. I will ask her once I see her on, sorry about any confusion or wait. I want people to know though that a few require runoffs. So they haven't been updated in the dex though.
Also with the dex in this thread I missed some. In the next thread I will post the correct version of the dex.
And on that note we are on page 9 so will be making a new thread momentarily.
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>>11862373 for example:
>rotom >shaymin >giratina pretty decent
>deoxys >keldeo pretty pointless
if we did the formes properly it'd be bearable
>>11862488 and as requested by dunky and dia...
a slendier tail
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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New Thread
>>11862532 >>11862532 New Thread
>>11862532 >>11862532 Remember to take surveys!