Wiki: Forums: ?
Current Demo of the Game: Current Comments Pastebin: Right now we need:
>Design Revisions (For Pokemon with less then 66% approval rating) >Region details & Mapping >Names (Make sure to add your ideas to the wiki or forum!) >Sprites >Movepools, Stats & Abilities >All the rest of the dex info If you have constructive ideas for revisions, post them. If you're going to complain about the starters, don't.
Ideas are only as good as the person willing to execute them.
If you're working on maps, music, programs or art, please continue!
>All submissions are closed at this time! >Pokemon with Green Arrows are ready design wise to go in game, they can still be changed but your time is much better spent elsewhere. >The region is based off of South and Central America, but not everything needs to be Latin American in nature. >Yes, we are making this a game, and we're using RPG Maker to do it. >The dex has low quality images, check the wiki for better quality. > If you do not like a design give constructive criticism so we know best how to change it! >We are not trying to duplicate GameFreak's mistakes, if your reasoning about anything is that "GameFreak has done it and we should do it too" instead of "This is a legitimately good idea that we should incorporate", think about your idea a little harder. But this also isn't an excuse to to disregard every idea that is thrown out though. >This said, we are really trying to capture the spirit of Pokemon games. We want to make this a fun and enjoyable experience for any Pokemon player. Clash's art folder: Also SZ's Sugi'ed art so far:
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
Current Survey:
New Confirmation survey!(Feedback is required)
https://www.surveymonk rmation2
Platform survey
http://www.surveymonke KGQZR
New Name Survey
https://www.surveymon iednamespart2
Signature Moves:
http://www.surveymonkey .com/s/V2 RKXRM
Beetle Evolution BST Survey:
http://www.surveymo BST
>>11862532 inb4 samefag circlejerk
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Is this it? Is Terracotta's reign of 65% accepted finally over?
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topic of discussion: replacing the golem trio with one pokemon that has a form for each era, representing the way it influenced/is influencing mankind
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I-Is this the culling?
>>11862558 >tfw you will never spread Clash's buttcheeks and take firm shit right inside his tight little butthole Anonymous
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Wait, when was the final evolution for the fire goat voted for?
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>>11862592 I thought that guy from last night told you to make it LESS shit, not more shit
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>>11862588 omg what the hell is this thing?
looks disgusting
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>>11862582 Life is suffering.
>>11862588 Cowatti is fine just leave the fucking thing alone
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>>11862592 bottom looks like a penis.
>>11862532 Man these names are fucking great. If there's something you guys did right (not saying it's the only thing you did right) is the names. Fucking genius.
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>>11862588 I love it to death
>>11862592 Bottom first, top second
>>11862627 >pounther >carapace >Skullarva >soakoth >good Anonymous
>>11862667 Rename them right now, then.
>imagine the possibilities
>>11862667 >Foliat >Florabri >Florresum >Warquila >Hurricanine >Avalynx >Magnitogre >Dreamdery >Necronite >Gravellum >Many more >Not elder god tier Betcha couldn't come up with better names if your life depended on it.
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>>11862667 Shouldn't be so hard for you to think of new names if they're so shit, right?
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>>11862686 >Forthorn >Not Yog Sothoth tier Anonymous
>>11862677 Kittle
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>>11862716 >That >Better Look at this fucking tube.
>>11862684 I love these designs, but they are looking less pokemon like.
I mean that humanoid pokemon are usually warped in such a way it is unlikely to be a guy in a suit; either too large or to small in certain purportions.
I'd prefer the line with slightly larger heads. I also like Erions big maw on it;s current design.
>>11862667 is pounther pronounced with a /ð/ or a /θ/?
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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>>11862592 I like the top row, minus the dual stingers. Also, I like the "rings" in the tails, I'd reintroduce that into the base stage.
The bottom row is an interesting concept. It's such a sharp departure I can't decide whether I like it or not
Why is "It's shit" not accepted but "Holy shit perfect" seen as acceptable criticism
>>11862769 because one of those is the goal and the other is as far away from the goal as possible
it's the same reason you get recognition for winning a race and none if you quit before the finish line
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>>11862769 I think you mean acceptable praise, but I get what you mean.
Shit, I did that alot. I suppose I should have said what I liked in case the designs changed.
>>11862684 colour that industrial stage and we're done
>>11862794 that space one is pretty much eve from wally crossed with iron monger
>>11862794 Close to the colour scheme of the origional. Dark maroon with silver and orange. Purple fumes.
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>>11862798 and it's perfect.
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>>11862764 You can't reverse Rule 34
>>11862831 what do you think?
>>11862764 das a lil creepy dude
>>11862777 Shit analogy, we're dealing with opinions here, if everyone just hates something but doesn't know why because the design just generally doesn't look nice, do they really need to justify themselves?
You can be sure that you like/dislike something, but not debating why doesn't make your opinion any less true.
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Those two legendaries at C, D 23 look like they need a third partner. It looks like an incomplete set.
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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>>11862838 it just wants a hug
maybe a kiss
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>>11862835 /θ/ at first but that would just make it "pouncer" said with a lisp or said by someone from Spain
>>11862742 all i can think is Bisharp, but yes, you are right, gotta try what you says
>>11862794 >>11862804 mkay
>>11862764 Hey Dia, you should desing virus digimons
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>>11862841 Because if you don't like something you aren't helping the artist to redesign it in any useful way, you're just making it know you dislike it
if you have nothing to add then just vote that way, don't bother leaving comments in the box and don't bother posting it since it's a waste of time, the artists will know how much something is disliked by the survey
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
>>11862858 I am virus digimons
what do you think my name is short for?
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>>11862798 I see no flaw with that. Eve from
Wall-E is a ridiculously basic design. Most functional robots are going to look like either Eve, Wall-E or some creepy uncanny vally abomination.
>>11862684 The leftmost Eronze is the best one
>>11862873 D-i-am-a-faggot
>>11862903 no, there has to be something holding the arms together
On erace it's electricity or magnets or some shit, which makes sense. Eronze isn't psychic, and this isn't Rayman.
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
>>11862905 >>11862915 eh, close enough, points for effort
anywho, I seem to do my best(worst) work by request, got any?
>>11862929 Fettlekish Rule 34
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>>11862937 umph that spout
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>>11862922 I said the leftmost.
You know, the one with chains, saying "hi"
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>>11859830 But then he'll be exactly the same as gravollum
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
>>11862937 where would fettle-no, you know what? I can be creative with this.
Just had a thought about the rainbow dragon/prison rod. If it has Color Change as its ability, then it can't have Levitate (Yes, it can fly by other magic means, but seeing it float a few feet off the ground and not having it immune to ground is strange). Maybe having it as Dragon/Flying with the dragon part changing with colour change. Or having it Normal/Dragon with Levitate and giving it the move like Camoflage or a custom move that changes it's type. Or have it as a "low flyer" like Magnezone that can get whacked by ground moves (minus moves like magnet rise)
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>>11862922 thrust from fire
he has rocket arms
fund it
>>11862950 The spout. Always the spout
The "final poll to enter pokemons" just completely fucked up the dex. Do people REALLY like the special snowflake dragon?
>>11862952 how about fucking forgetting about that shitty ability and giving it an ability that isn't gayer than Clash at a One Direction concert
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>>11862929 Howlequin masturbating.
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
Something for those of you that want something to do. I'll work on the Rock Bird.
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>>11862684 This one desperatly needs colours
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>>11862972 what's the special snowflake dragon?
The rainbow?
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>>11862972 This is why we shouldn't have cut it off. People just panicked because our dex was so shitty and we need something to make it better. They were hoping it would be remade.
Maybe we could have just kept having surveys but if people really didn't want any more pokemon, they would have just not voted for them
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>>11862982 didn't half this shit get done already?
I guess dibs on Squink and the gold pixie then
>>11862982 why u do this people who know what they are doing were slowly working on this and now every retard is going to flood in and submit their shit good job
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>>11862999 the good ones will be chosen regardless, calm your tits.
Your stat suggestions are probably shit anyway.
>>11862982 this is completely incorrect... aren't you supposed to be the wiki manager.... jesus namefags
The electrons and positrons spin around its body in an ellipse. Since our current (beachball) approach isn't working, I decided to take a different approach. Here, I emphasize its typing through color and try to use an aesthetically pleasing combination of colors, rather than focusing on making them physically accurate. What does /vp/ think?
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>>11862999 Why can't you speak English?
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>>11862982 god damnit chen stuff and stuff and i dunno you are ahtjth
im so mad at you for reasons i dont know i guess everyone else is yelling at you so djhbrkbjfr skdiebhkgrb fucking die
Legends say that the pokemon Xochi would gift those who pleased it with immortality. Because of this the ancient peoples worshiped it as a god. One day a man attacked Xochi trying to catch it and force it to obey him. Xochi fled into the forest and hid. The people of the land built a golden alter and upon it they placed a golden idol of Xochi hoping to lure it back. A few months later Xochi returned to the city and found that every single person had been turned to gold. When it arrived at the temple that was its home it was attacked by the strange golden pokemon. In one version in runs off the golden pokemon. In the other it gets ran off. Either way the city is forgotten save in legends of a city full of gold. This gives the motivation of Eternal life for finding Xochi and Wealth from the gold pokemon
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
>>11863005 Please fill me in on how it's inccorect?
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11863024 I like the first form a lot, but second one looks too simple. It also reminds me of Weezing.
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Grass elephants seem like they should have Harvest.
>>11863024 It doesn't stand out.
Work on the shitty designs, e.g. pic related
>>11863024 You've somehow made me almost stop hating this concept. That's impressive.
>>11863024 >positron and elektron in the same atom wat
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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>>11862964 >>11862937 >>11862950 as it turns out, we was thinking the same thing
>>11863076 What's it based on? Anything particular or is it just bat with wings with south-american decor?
>>11863053 Do you even pay attention to the wiki? Idk it's really worrying when these people who just put themselves in charge don't even know what's happening. Why do we have tripcodes here again?
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>>11863024 it's too similar to koffing and weezing in that the first evo is only a sphere, while the second is two spheres
>>11863056 It's actually not as simplistic as one would assume by looking at the image. Basically, Atomabom has two ellipses: one path for the positrons and one path for the electrons. I wish there was a way to make a gif, but I'm on this shitty Mac.
>>11863076 I'll do what I wish, thank you. Besides, I think Shibalbat is a great concept.
It just needs better art, since faggots vote based on art style alone. >>11863079 Again, it's focusing on aesthetically pleasing colors rather than physical accuracy. Its Pokemon, so we can take liberties with shit like that. However, any suggestions on how to improve it are welcomed.
>>11863077 Thank you. Anything I can do to make it better?
Why not Macrom into Atomatom Or Microm into Macrom
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
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>>11863092 That's not answering my question retard. How exactly is the stuff in that image incorrect. Last I checked, most of the stuff on there is still missing stuff and the last recent change was Poison Vials stats.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11863102 I see what you mean, but like you said it's hard to convey as a still sprite.
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>>11863110 Hi shiny Voltorb.
Local Moose Friend !MHCNz5M/Cw
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>>11863085 A gargoyle and a bat.
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>>11863115 One of them is an autonomous atom and the other one is an autonomous atom which also happens to blow up.
>>11863121 I really, really, REALLY don't mean to be a pain in the ass, but if I posted the parts, would you mind.... possibly animating it? You're really good with making gifs. I loved your work with Doucherado.
You have no chance of finishing this project
>>11863138 We're going to finish it's just going to be extremely mediocre
>>11863146 No. You're going to bitch about designs until X/Y comes out and give up. What has been accomplished in the last two threads. Why have people given up mapping.
>>11863043 This is awesome save for the version split. There needs to be more solidarity between the versions' stories of Xochi and the idol Pokemon. I suggest the idol escapes
using its signature move and that the version split is based around the formes of Quetzlcoatl. Thoughts?
>>11863102 The golden mask is cool but those wings look awful.
I didn't intend offense, sorry about that.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11863146 I think we're doing pretty well at this point.
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>>11863024 I'm starting to think that an atom pokemon isn't going to work. At least it won't be able to evolve into a molecule, too many electrons everywhere. And accuracy will be a problem, you just can't throw in random particles to make it look pretty
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>>11863154 Our focus shifts every week or so. But whatever, friend. You can believe what you'd like to believe.
>>11863159 Fuck you nondell, asshole namefags like you are the reason this project turned to shit
>>11863159 You aren't, its only getting worse. You have no programmers, no hope. No focus
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>>11863177 A prime example of this failing project are these anons obsession with other named anons.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11863177 >>11863178 I will be a blind optimistic fuck until the day I drop dead.
>>11863178 Skullgirls got cursed by a gypsy and look where they are now
>>11863178 You aren't really helping either
>>11863205 I will enjoy seeing your optimism in 3 months when you are STILL trying to hash out designs.
>>11863205 you're not even optimistic you're just a cunt
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>>11863226 >expecting game to be turned over in less than 3 months Hurr durr
>>11863222 I'm not trying to. It's all
ogre Anonymous
>>11863212 Skullgirls had programmers and some kind of structure. People keep talking about /vp/mon having breeding, perfect replicas of every move and so on, but nobody seems to realize that someone will have to program all that stuff.
>>11863205 Yea of course your fine because you got your fucking retarded decisions put in. That is the reason it sucks.
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>>11863226 72+ of our lines are done, dude. More to come, soon.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>11863226 I will too.
>>11863228 How am I a cunt? I've been trying as civil as possible in these threads,
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>>11863239 >what is essentials? Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>11863240 What retarded decisions?
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>>11863239 We've got people making a few custom abilities, and most of the game comes preprogrammed. We have a PLAYABLE DEMO.
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>>11863239 We are all just trying to kill time until X&Y come out, then we will drop this shit entirely like everyone else
best case scenario we get a game out of it, worst case scenario we wasted our time, but since we are all on 4chan none of our time is valuable
>>11863177 >>11863178 Alright then. How about voting for another deadline?
>>11863024 so this pokemon was formed on the event horizon of a black hole and gives off hawking radiation? w/e not sure why people like these blobby designs. maybe we should go smaller and have just particles with no orbiting groups.
>>11863275 That would be helpful.
It would be more helpful if you faggots just divided into teams in the first place >>11863280 >Joakims seen some shit.jpg Anonymous
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>>11863281 Hey, makes more sense than x-rays from the moon.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11863275 Something along the lines of "If a Pokemon doesn't get a redesign at least 66% agree on in 2 weeks the current design stays".
>>11863310 >>11863275 The worst thing about namefags is they always samefag their own opinions
>"It's completely perfect." is always the first place >62.2% voted "It's completely perfect." for the Lavoon design I smell something...
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11863335 That wasn't me and never samefagged.
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>>11863344 What's worse is when the designs are in a seemingly random order for no reason. You just know the namer making the survey ordered it so his favorite design was first
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>>11863344 To be honest, I just answered that because I was too tired to think of an explanation for why it sucks.
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Reposting what I did last night. tl:dr The antag team is ruled by three admins (under one boss), each controlling one of the golems. Each has their separate grunts and terrain they rule over. This allows us to have very versatile and interesting plot options. I need someone else to draw the Eronze admin haha. ----------- Basically, the antag team is divided into three 'sections', all having their own grunts and are autonomous except for one head boss. One is controlled by the first admin (who has Eronze) (something like the fire section), and who I attempted to draw unsuccessfully. I was thinking his terrain would be the jungle. He's a lively person, and physically strong. The second (poison) is controlled by the second admin (the tall woman in the pic, she controls Erion). She is in control of the gathering operations on the coast, and commands the oil rig while they occupy it. I drew her female grunt. She is strict, serious, and loyal (or at least appears to be!) The third (electric), which is controlled by the third admin (who controls Erace) occupies the cities around Urobous. I didn't draw him/her, but we were thinking he/she would have tron-like attire. I want him/her to be gender neutral, i.e. we never figure out his/her true gender throughout the game, but that could always be changed. Very mysterious and erratic. The plot would escalate when one or more of the teams go rogue from the rest. This would give us the two (or potentially three) antagonist teams, and we could really play around with their goals, how they achieve them, and we could look into betrayal plots (for those of you who want it, we could connect it to the E4/league too). Alternatively we could keep it very simple, and they stay together as one group and just be the classic antag team. It's very versatile.
>>11863295 On the forums you mean?
Yeah, I agree (at least on forums) we say "Hey, whos doing what?!" and getting shit sorted. If no one signs up for a particular job (spriting X poke) then someone gets signed up for it.
Then again, how many people would sign up to work for the project, who knows.
tl'dr, deadlines are good. Actually tasking individuals, not so much. How about all designs are "final" when XY is released?
>>11863354 You're the biggest samefaggot on 4chan
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11863375 There's no way you can prove that, you're being paranoid.
chill out everybody, take a charmander
>>11863335 There are ways working out if someone is same fagging. Check if you want to, and if you can proove it, please post.
>>11863379 The lady doth protest too much, me thinks.
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>>11863391 >>11863375 Jesus just admit you want to have sex with him already
>>11863382 just the namefag bourgeois trying to lull us into a sleep so they can continue manipulating our hard worked project. pay no attention
Seriously, what kind of cunt needs to have an identity on an anonymous forum?
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11863391 >>11863390 If I was samefagging it would say "(You)" right?
>>11863414 Endgame credits
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>>11863423 >responding to him He's just trying to stir up shit.
>>11863430 nobody's being credited.
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>>11863414 Attention whores and special snowflakes.
>>11863430 Since the beginning we have said that NO ONE will be credited for this game. No namefags, tripfags, or fags will get named. All work will have been done by "Anonymous"
>>11863440 But you know it's going to happen. We're going to have a survey for it and it's going to come out 67% yes 33% no
>>11863423 No, theres another thing involving the passwords where you can see if a guy is the same. I can't remember what it is though.
And the yous don't always work. I'm
>>11863390 >>11863370 >>11863275 But some of my older posts don't have the (you) next to them any more, such as
>>11862952 Anonymous
>>11863454 Hate to say it, I'd say yes. Or at least, major contributors.
Origional artists, spriters, survey guys, and writers.
Even if it's just a forum credit. (Hell, I'm registered on the forum, but I avoid namefagging to prevent all the flack)
>>11863472 no fuck that.
The only credit goes to /vp/ as a whole.
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>>11863454 you should trust on the illuminati
>>11863466 sigh...
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11863454 >>11863440 The credits should just have made with "Pokemon Essentials" Then again I like credit sequences so we could just fill the credits with a bunch of bullshit like "that anon, this anon, tricky anon".
>>11863466 >>11863459 Oh well.
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>>11863414 Guys who have the same names on the forums. Otherwise you could have anybody doing the surveys pretending anyone with actual say in the project.
>>11863478 >this game is bring to you thanks to all the anonymous on /vp/ makes a game general >and Clash's buttcheeks Anonymous
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>>11863085 read its wiki- it has a gimmick
its a statue, dormant during the day, but lights up at night
if you see one of that statues glowing, it's a shibalbat and you can encounter it
the wings are more like clubs, since it's gargoyle-esque
>>11863481 The credits should just have made with "Pokemon Essentials" Then again I like credit sequences so we could just fill the credits with a bunch of bullshit like "that anon, this anon, tricky anon".
I like diz
>>11863472 no fuck thats hit
if you want to make a name for yourself, then this project is not for you
>>11863043 >>11863158 Legends say that the pokemon Xochi would gift those who pleased it with immortality. Because of this the ancient peoples worshiped it as a god. One day a man attacked Xochi trying to catch it and force it to obey him. Xochi fled into the forest and hid. The people of the land built a golden alter and upon it they placed a golden idol of Xochi hoping to lure it back. A few months later Xochi returned to the city and found that every single person had been turned to gold. When it arrived at the temple that was its home it was attacked by the strange golden pokemon. Using its trange powers the idol pokemon Full of only statues of humans who were once its friends Xochi sits in its lonely home that is quickly overtaken by the forest.
Now the story has been twisted by time and is told in a new way. The new story says that deep in the jungles exists a city made of gold ruled by a legendary pokemon who will turn you to gold should you try to steal from its city. Both pokemon and humans fear the wrath of this pokemon named Xochi. Some brave trainers hunt the city, not for the gold, but for the chance at capturing a pokemon as powerful as Xochi. Other more shady trainers hope to make their fortues by stealing the golden wealth that resides within.
And Xochi waits within its temple home surrounded by the golden faces of those it loved. Afraid to leave the city it grows ever more lonely waiting for something or someone to find it.
There is a good setup for Xochi. Plus this makes it even more along the Waifu origins of it.
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>>11863494 funny, but no.
Just /vp/.
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>>11863514 'fair nuff. Prevents any egos swelling, so I'm cool with that.
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>>11863454 Wrong. The survey will be done by Dunky and it will come out as 69% yes and 56% no
and anybody who tries to say anything about it will be flamed on a massive scale. Anonymous
>>11863472 Attention whore.
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>>11863511 Just
>quality control anon all the way down until the credit animation is over.
>>11863511 Are we still having the dev team insert like how you can visit the gamefreak office? Obviously not real names, but NPCs in a building talking about the project.
> My design for a pokemon didn't get in... mumble mumble... > Well, it took us a while, but we finished the project! Whats next? Well, lets make another one! Wahahaha!! Anonymous
>>11863521 >One day a man attacked Xochi trying to catch it and force it to obey him since its based on latinamerica, they should be a group of ppl, the family and the group concept is very strong here
>The people of the land built a golden alter and upon it they placed a golden idol of Xochi hoping to lure it back. This is a common mistake, El Dorado, if existed, was just a pile of rocks coevered with gold, but not prue gold, so they should have built a golden TEMPLE (or cover the most part of it with gold), and put inside all that.
>Im ok with the other part btw, the golden pixie should have a connection with the sun, since In a lot of prehispanic cultures the Sun is represented with the shine of gold (especially on the Incan culture).
>>11863554 >You battle a cartographer who only uses Pawter >A fat neckbeard that only uses dinosaurs >A maid with Erycoon who you later discover is male >A winter lass who uses Dreamdery and Devaour etc
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>11862684 imagine if you bothered giving one of them a mace.
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>>11863547 Why not? If the game is successful I can mention it on my portfolio so I can get a job making vidya.
Yes I am trolling. Yeah, if people wanted their names mentioned it would just inflate their egos, and have hate sent their way. Anonymous
>>11863558 >btw, the golden pixie should have a connection with the sun, since In a lot of prehispanic cultures the Sun is represented with the shine of gold (especially on the Incan culture). forgot to say, the fact hes just a midas-ish thing is boring, and the connection with the sun is actually a well knowed myth on latinamerica
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The water starter looks awesome now how come its still not voted in?
>>11863521 The reason the city dun' got turned to gold is because the man who tried to capture Xochi called for the golden idol with all his heart so he could have boundless riches instead of immortality. The idol, not knowing any better, appeared to him and promised him
friendship . The man suddenly decided to kill the idol because he was terribly pitiful and wanted dat gold, idol responded with special ability (turn everything to gold), Xochi returned at that moment, rushes up to the idol as it's releasing its power, tries to make everyone immortal but idol stronk so everyone dies except the man who turns immortal (because he was nearest to Xochi). Xochi and idol flip their shits, flee the city of gold, leaving the the man in it
The man is the final boss of Gen. /vp/ Calling it.
>>11863604 I take a day and watched all the desings of human-like pokemons, sugimori dont just throw objects into them, but if make you happy i will put a mace on eronze if there is really a next survey
>>11863635 a few people are calling for a mace hand.
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>>11863613 I thought that water started didn't get voted in. Why was it surveyed again?
>>11863613 It's not looking too good for him in this survey mainly because of the prevos, it seems like. However, there is lots of useful critique.
>>11863642 I said, i will, one with a mace, the other one without it, one with a big head and a mace, the other one with a big head without a mace...
damn i rly wanna settle down all the thigns about eronze
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>>11863563 >>A maid with Erycoon who you later discover is male >when you beat him your character takes a shit on his chest Anonymous
>>11863423 If people can make sprites in paint, you can sure as hell remove a (You).
I'm not the guy saying you're samefagging, just saying posting screen caps don't mean shit.
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these are some more vectol2.0 from last night
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11863657 if they had agreed upon concept and mythology it would help a lot with steering designs.
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>>11863645 I hate the evo way more than the prevos.
>>11863608 Well the turning to gold thing was but another way to grant immortality. I was doing the idol as something that was flawed and yet the same as Xochi in its own strange way.
>>11863657 - Golem nose
- Large head
- Round body
- Furnace in chest
- Centurion brush on head
- Centurion brush made of fire
- Shoulder pads made of leather
- Pauldrons
- Chain like arms.
- Floating fire arms
- Mace as hand.
- Other "ancient weapon" as hand.
- Leather "skirt" (I know it's not a skirt, but whatever it's called)
And then varying proportions on legs/feet/head/etc. as well as colours, face designs.
>>11863423 it doesn't say (you) if you clear your cookies.
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>>11863696 Hmmm. Should we have a deadline on the story and story elements?
>>11863695 You've pretty much dug your own grave here man, you know what to do now
excuse me coming through just being the correct water starter final evolution. Unlike what most of the people think on the survey.
>>11863724 not give a shit?
>>11863705 Ah, those arn't suggestions, those are just variations based in past designs. Sorry about that.
>>11863715 mine never says (you) when people reply to my posts, the fuck is going on
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11863740 really? it's a feature chris added a while back and it's pretty cool
>>11863732 >>11863695 stop
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>>11863730 I do like the dark blue lower half, tail spikes, salt on legs/knees, and two horns on head. The rest is up in the air.
>>11862545 I'm confused, is feedback required if we vote perfect? Because on the survey it states "Critique is MANDATORY if you vote for it needs work or get rid of it."
Sorry if I hit you with my awesome but I am the correct Age Golems and you will bow down to me.
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>>11863730 get that feraligatr + thundurus shit out of here you autist
learn to let go of the past, then learn to let go of shit designs
let go of your autism if you can and then you can come back
>>11863742 >>11863732 >>11863695 Please just stop samefaggin, your shitting up the thread
>>11863730 Not the best art of it but god that design was so much better.
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>>11863730 FUck. I miss this version
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>>11863756 I don't understand why we hated Ledditers coming around, they try to fit in by being mad at everything.
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namefag genocide
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>>11863767 If you don't like it, you have to say why. You don't have to bother if you think it's perfect.
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>>11863754 Yeah.. Any clue how to fix it? Fucking sucks having to skim posts for replies
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>>11863767 just say something about why it isn't perfect if you don't think it is perfect
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>11863767 No just for everything but the perfect option.
>>11863558 >>11863608 Remember we don't have to replicate meso-American mythos 100%.
I know Midas is cliché but as an integral plot device it isn't worth throwing out. Also the tiny legendaries always need extra-special gimmicks.
The sun idea is cool, we could give the idol Solar Beam, Charge Beam etc to represent that.
Coming through bitches, you know you want me; a sexy and strong mother fucker rather than that shit stain we have now.
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>>11863730 But that one was terrabad, that's why it was voted out
>>11863771 Yes for the first two, the current Erace is my fave though. I wouldn'y complain if it had a colur change.
>>11863774 My fucking dick!!!
Who is this artist?! We need them back ASAP.
Local Moose Friend !MHCNz5M/Cw
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>>11863740 Same here. Sometimes I wonder if it's useful or not. Is it in the 4chan settings option?
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>>11863702 i know, you are a gold statue to the end of times... but take on care the sun thing, coz it's true.
>>11863705 >>11863735 by now i just got three
concepts of a fully moving eronze and will change one or more things on one or another, adn then post all the shit, eliminate some... and we will see, its all to you
believe it or not Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11863756 >>11863773 I'm not samefagging.
Local Moose Friend !MHCNz5M/Cw
>>11863800 Burning. they made the art of the characters we have already and some pokemon.
they left a while ago though.
>>11863808 stop.
>>11863808 stop
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>>11863796 I love 99% of it... but it bugs me it loses it's fire tail.
Still, the new art is pretty boss to.
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>>11863796 But we discarded those shit stained boxers and put on a clean, fresh pair, just check the op and you'll see what I mean
Scarred-Zoroark !/73ORiYgDY
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>>11863796 you had your chance to be in the game
come back when you don't have a turd sitting on your face
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>11863808 stop posting already fuck
litte guy coming through, i'm just gonna wait here until you realise I'm the best choice
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>>11863730 Nope.
Weren't we meant to innovate in the design?
The current one does that, despite its inferior art style.
Scarred-Zoroark !/73ORiYgDY
>>11863814 Why'd he leave?
>>11863814 Balls. Any way to get back in contact? Or just hope we win them back by not being fags/making progress.
>>11863817 The sad thing is, if that had a slightly smaller head, and the right sized legs, I'd vote for it.
>>11863795 >Remember we don't have to replicate meso-American mythos 100%. i know, but having a legendary/god mon and not givin him another more "awesum" power would be a waste
and no, dont throw the idea of the midas cliche, just try to add the sun god on it too, would make him more intersting imo
>>11863844 The same reasons you stayed: Because this project is shit and he has a life.
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>>11863854 good point. I'm gonna go oustide I guess.
>caring about long gone artists when we have better things to worry about
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>>11863817 >mah sides i havent lol'd so hard in so much fucking time
>>11863841 I liked the colours of the current one, but the line art is very clean.
Great for the spriters as a guide.
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>>11863838 The one we have now is basically the same. It just has different wings and is drawn more shittily. If you put it in that pose it'd look pretty much the same, which is why the sprite looks like that one.
>>11863867 it's just that they were really GOOD
bang bang mother fuckers, get down on the floor and bow to the true pistol shrimp
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>>11863878 lots of talented people are now dead and in the ground but everyday we have to keep being humans
>>11863826 honestly SZ you're getting a bit lazy
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>>11863838 the face of the new one is so damn ugly
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>>11863886 I can't tell if it's the art version or the sprite version.
move out the way or you might get slapped with this big ol' monkey dick
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>>11863847 >The sad thing is, if that had a slightly smaller head, and the right sized legs, I'd vote for it. you do know you're basically describing a recolored Marvin the Martian right?
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
So I have class in an hour and I have a paper due (that I haven't even started) but I don't wanna. MAYBE I'LL DO A WALLPAPER OR TWO
>>11863901 I still don't get why people hate this idea. Even as a split evo.
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>>11863926 i liked it too, but we just have to accept it.
It's over.
>>11863886 I've been meaning to ask for a while. Is Doucherado going to have one of these? It'd fit since it's a pistol and he looks like a cowboy.
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>>11862532 Idea for Monkezuma if anyone wants to draw it: make him resemble Mr. T and give him diamond studded knuckles
I think it'd be a pretty clever way to unify the gold and boxing (?) motifs it's trying to pull off and the distinction of the facial hair might help differentiate it more from its evo
You better watch out, You better not cry, Better not pout, I'm telling you why: the real waifu's are coming to town
Local Moose Friend !MHCNz5M/Cw
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>>11863847 Burning hasn't updated their DA in months and months, and the activity is nil. So I'm not sure.
>>11863925 Dash, I do my uni stuff during the day, and this in the evening.
DONT waste your time with /vp/ when you have better things to do. We'll still be here when you're done.
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>>11863936 I hope so, it just fits so well.
>>11863948 still pushing this idea.
>>11863852 Yeah. I think its BST should be higher than Xochi's, if they're equal then people think of them as a pair. The idol should be the patron of wealth and Xochi the patron of life (materialism and humanism). The people of the ancient civilisation were fascinated by both, one who grants infinite life and the other who forms gold out of the simplest things. Xochi is technically weaker but she was loved by many (
the power of friendship ) as opposed to the stronger idol who wandered alone, feared by all except the greedy (representing how one with riches is stronger than a few, while one with riches is weaker than many).
>>11863630 btw Anonymous
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>>11863948 Now you're just being silly. The only real tragedy is what happened to aguanaut.
>>11863981 >I think its BST should be higher than Xochi's >imblying They're both gonna have 100 in all stats.
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>>11863980 Sounds great. Upboat.
>>11863980 I like the idea that she saved sailors from drowning and was treated as a mirage.
Since when "industrial age" means "age where everything was junk"? Can't we an industrial golem that doesn't look like a rusted old crappy bycicle?
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>>11864020 it is referring to the pollution and negative effects.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11863969 Nah man I got this #yolo
I've heard that fanart boosts moral also trying my silly hand at the new fire starter
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
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>>11864020 the industrial age is basically to blame for the poor state of the environment today. It's not that the industrial age was shitty, but it poisoned the earth and as such should look sickening.
Way I see it, the bronze age golem is bulky/war themed technology, Industrial age is corrupted/evil technology purely for the sake of profit, and space age is clean/altruistic technology embodying the dream of a better future.
>>11864015 i hate that little spic and what she stands for.
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>>11864045 dat pawter makes me sad
can't even tell why
Does this do anything for the design of the rockparrots?
>>11864050 Okay it already has stats, and they are way better than that. And the moves are shit too.
>>11864063 >and what she stands for. good food at a decent price?
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>>11864087 see? people like you
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
>>11864079 First stage looks lovely especially the one in the bottom left corner. Evos head looks a little small.
>>11864081 lrn2criticism m8
Scarred-Zoroark !/73ORiYgDY
>>11864050 Swap speed and sp def.
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>>11864079 why is the prevo a nigger
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>>11864119 it's looking pretty excellent, but how about some of that clean shine?
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
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>>11864116 The issue with the bottom one is JGB syndrome, according to the pastebin. Unfortunately the most favorite designs for this one are like that.
>>11864116 It's just shit. You're shit at moves. Wait for someone who is good to do it. Please.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
Hell yeah, TOTALLY just finished that paper. Lucky it was a short assignment anyway. I'll do some more wallpapers tonight. Requests?
>>11864157 Did you already do chlorophin?
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
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>>11864155 Yeah, nah. I'll stop when you get better at responding.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11864168 Not finalized design.
>>11864172 I did not, it'll be in the next batch.
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>>11864179 awww come on, it's THE KING for fuck sake
>>11864050 I was under the impression this was going to be a late game/one shot pokemon as an artifact or something. It should definitely be stronger than 460 BST.
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
>>11864203 Should I raise to
480 DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11864188 I did that because it was late at night and I said "Fuck it", it's the exception to the rule.
>>11864210 Yes I don't see what all the butthurt is about it anyway. More importantly though, it's been brought up in conjunction to Grolem, who, right now, has 550 BST. That's Pseudo status, and since it seems people want them as artifacts, I feel they should have similar BST's to reflect them being counterparts.
I'm not saying they should both have 550. I'm just saying we should wait until we decide what these guys are in the game.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
Also, something I noticed about the current movesets I've seen: A lot of actual Pokemon, when they're fully evolved, have base moves that are somewhat powerful. For example, off the top of my head, I think Gallade gets Leaf Blade, and Charizard gets Dragon Claw. Are we doing this? I haven't seen it so far, and I think it'd be neat.
>>11863991 Shit, nevermind.
>>11863630 After spending decades hunting for the pair of legendaries, spanning the entire Inquisition etc., the man decides to instead look for and capture Quetzalcoatl so he can control the entire world (he's also insanely rich and skilled, he smelted the goldified bodies of his fellow citizens/family members and became a very happy merchant who bartered when he wasn't searching and learnt all sorts of things). However, only the waifu trio know where to find Quetzalcoatl; even he was no match for them, let alone the golems. However, because you earn their trust, they tell you where Q. is after you beat the E4 because they want you to stop the bad guy. You need the three golems to awaken it (which you must catch after freeing them from ___ Inc. (bad guy's megabusiness which controls the entire region)). Bad guy sends in a special forces unit who sneak after you and stop you just before you awaken Q. You release golems who fight said unit. Bad guy arrives in helicopter, commands you to tell the golems to awaken Q. for him (he knows better than to think they'll listen to him, also he has technology with which to control Q. You say no. You battle (shitalbat insane team you're up against, all lvl 100, Grass dragon, hyper-rare (please) Boarealis, Gnuru, Monkezuma, Turkistador, Flarrapin, maybe?) You win, now what?
>>11864252 >leaf blade >dargon claw >powerful Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
>>11864251 Then wait we shall.
has anyone named the grass elephant thing yet? Eleafant Palmyderm or Calfage (calf cabbage) Trunkiarch (trunk matriarch)
>>11864255 What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11864274 I want you to read my post again.
Very carefully.
As carefully as you can.
There's another adjective modifying "powerful", let's see if you can find it!
>>11864210 Chen can I make a change on the Wiki for the Pepper Hare? Last time we spoke about it many people agreed it should have Leaf Blade as an Egg move. That's not reflected right now. It needs a nice Physical grass move since it's very mixed right now.
>>11864299 Middle one is stolen from another fangame.
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why not have the evil team searching for a lost gold city built by natives to honor the sun spirit, but secretly the leader believes that there is a pokemon with the power to make gold who is really responsible. Legnd holds that a great stone behemoth rose from the earth and sank the city below the ground when foreign invaders began searching for it.
replying to 11864287 wtf wtf wtf u think ur bad but u cant even punch a wofl and gorilla warfare? do u fight with banana? i bet u donset even work for gorila two words: kil. urself.
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
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>>11864295 Go for it. We'll get to Egg moves for every Pokemon eventually.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>11864299 >>11864307 >>11864313 Also we don't survey sprites, so getting an artist to work on your concepts or drawing them yourself would be beneficial.
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>>11864313 I like the one on the second row from the bottom, but it's eyes make it look retarded.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11864325 >we don't survey sprites When was this decided? This is a fucking stupid policy.
>>11864313 >mfw atoms are a cool as fuck concept and these fucking idiots refuse to draw anything aside from beach balls and voltorbs Anonymous
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>>11864299 >that blue electrode shit nope
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
>>11864325 >Also we don't survey sprites Not to be 'that guy' but that's kind of a dickbutt rule.
replying to 11864334 yes im very rude fight me irl to see my super powerful muscles
>>11864276 Let's work on the Rainbow Serpent. Last I checked there was an image floating around with it having 110 Speed and 120 Sp. Attack. There was talk of Color Change being an ability if we could rework it to only change the primary type instead of both types.
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>>11864285 I like Eleafant and Trunkiarch, rework Palmyderm and I'd like that too.
Calfage is gay
>>11864337 >When was this decided? it wasn't ever officially decided.
I know at least one of the people who makes the surveys just refuses to use sprites in their surveys...
something about people voting for it just because it's more game ready and not based on it's design.
I get it since most chuckle heads around here still don't understand the difference between design and art.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>11864350 >>11864337 We just would then have to have a survey over art of the Pokemon. Which would cause more problems because then people will complain about the art. If you get art in the first place it will make things much easier, cause less surveys, and since people seem to vote based on art it could skew peoples votes.
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>>11864356 >There was talk of Color Change being an ability Color change, Airlock, Forecast, Drizzle/Drought? would all be acceptable abilities.
>>11864132 It already has stats. Who put you in charge of managing the wiki?
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>>11864356 >Color Change being an ability if we could rework it to only change the primary type instead of both types If this were possible it would be glorious.
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>>11864119 Looks good, but I'm not sure why you're sugi-fying that pokemon even though it isn't finalized, looking at the current survey results. Maybe you should Sugi-fy something else we know will get in instead, like
pottle Anonymous
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>>11864339 Alright, how would you design it? We need fresh perspective since anatomically correct atoms are just not doing it for anyone.
>>11864132 Well now it's good.
>>11864369 >something about people voting for it just because it's more game ready and not based on it's design. But that's fucking retarded since people vote for art quality anyway.
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
>>11864395 Correction dingus, only one has stats.
>Who put you in charge of managing the wiki Who ever said I was in charge? Everyone is free to edit it as they please.
>>11864377 That makes sense.
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>>11864377 Can somebody sugi the yellow atoms, then?
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>>11864354 >my super powerful muscles lel
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>>11864414 No it's not. The moves are just random good moves with nothing interesting and bunch of moves that don't make sense. Just take some more time on it
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>>11864354 You sound underage.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
Phony Psychic.Sorry for being stubborn.
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>>11864354 >yes im very rude fight me irl to see my super powerful muscles Whoa
>>11864422 Bullshit you have administrative abilities that no one else has even thought you're an idiot who doesn't even pay attention and just changes whatever you don't like
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>>11864421 >But that's fucking retarded since people vote for art quality anyway. some people want shit to be done already and might vote in poor designs that have had more work done just to move the process along... I don't personally think this would actually happen, but some are afraid it might.
Anyway, I'm not the one who makes the surveys so I'm not the one to be arguing with.
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>>11864307 Didn't know that, someone posted it and I put them all the redesigns I have seen so far.
>>11864437 Hmm where's his art?
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
>>11864448 And that makes me in charge? Okay...
Please lets avoid Voltorb/Electrode
>>11864456 So why the fuck do you get admin powers? Because you're a namefag? This is an anonymous project and we are letting some cunt have special power over everyone else?
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11864460 looks like a retarded beach ball
>>11864465 >what we should do is have no admins and then everyone can change the wiki whenever they want even if it's just for lulz. Anonymous
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>>11864473 They all do, I didn't vote for faces
>>11864471 So what pokemon would he use?
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>>11864465 >Because you're a namefag? Pretty much.
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
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>>11864481 Its best to ignore now before we head straight into another 'thread namefag moment'. Anonymous
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11864484 Exclusively half psychic pokemon or normal.
>>11864481 They can already do that. And anyone can already change it back.
You're just giving yourself special privileges because you think you're some kind of special snowflake because you're a namefag.
And on top of that, you're an idiot, you suck at stats, and you only fuck things up
>>11864437 YES!
My thanks are yours now.
hey butt buddies i was gonna start plugging species names into the wiki but i can't seem to find the means to do so. do you need like a editor account or something? the species names would be up for further review btw but so far i haven't gotten too much input and i feel like if i put them into the wiki it might get more attention down the road. thurnks derds
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>>11864502 >You're just giving yourself special privileges because you think you're some kind of special snowflake because you're a namefag I don't even use the wiki... and I hardly ever namefag.
Okay, so, something I've always thought would be a cool gimmick is something along a critical hit abuser. Give it Super Luck, an item like "stick", and most/all of the enhanced critical rate moves. Adjust its stats so it's not completely broken. Am I the only one who wants this? Can we do this with the secretary bird?
>>11864516 Just click the little puzzle piece at the top while editing, I think you can do that without an account...
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
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>>11864502 Guywhohateshavinganaccount? Anonymous
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>>11864460 We could make the neutral charge black.
>>11864500 Well since he's a phony psychic he would want to keep up he image that he's psychic but at the same time suck at training psychic Pokemon. It would make more sense if he had only first stage psychic Pokemon.
Is is possible for someone to be a tripfag and not a complete idiot?
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>>11864516 >i feel like if i put them into the wiki it might get more attention down the road oh, you'll get attention alright.
just reposting this top-tier redesign from yesterday
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>>11864484 dark types? he's a phony after all.
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>>11864568 I love this, I actually commented about it in the confirmation survey.
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>>11864561 Moose, Burning, etc.
I used a trip once, and since I contributed a few things, nobody cared. I found people were more appreciative of my occasional contribution when I took it off, though.
>>11864559 no the half physic pokemon makes their psychic power be overlooked and reinforces his status as a human psychic. basically hiding in plain site a dual type you have trained to help you on the dl.
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>>11864568 i commented about it in confo survey too. its better. i like the idea that like the parasite fishbug it carriers its home/host with it but it's main body in this case the poisonous ecto grows
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
>>11864516 >>11864595 Please do not edit Pokemon pages without discussing it in the *thread* first. As a general rule, silence is not approval.
If you do in turn not follow this your changes will just get rolled back.
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>>11864484 steel types, because "magnets"
>>11864605 No, this is namefag authority bullshit. If it is something small, and there is nothing there, you can go ahead and add it in.
Don't listen to these namefags who think they run the project.
>>11864605 lol clash i have posted this shit for input at least four or five times and taken any suggestions people have thrown at me. i'm just trying to get it done because nobody else seems interested and eventually it needs to get done.
>>11864299 I believe we should stick with the current design.
>>11864534 Yes, this sounds great.
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>>11864605 "will get rolled back"?
You mean you will go and change them back because you think your judgement is better than other people's because you have a tripcode.
>>11864629 >the rules we've all been following for the most part for 5+ monts >namefag authority bullshit Just saying from experience, there's lots less buthurt rage-posting when people follow the common law.
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Haven't the namefags plagued our project long enough?
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>>11864586 The phony psychic is supposed to be a conman of sorts. Since he doesn't have psychic powers but wants people to believe he does it would make sense for him to have psychic pokeone but be shit at training them which is why they are not evolved.
>>11864634 save it in a .jpg and post it to the forums for safe keeping until such time that people are ready to revisit the topic.
>>11864664 For the last 5 months the law has been, If there isn't something there you can add it. Until these idiots like chen came in and decided they should have control over everything.
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>>11864679 i've got to go to work but i'll give that a try later and hopefully get more responses.
>tripfags and anons will never all co-exist in chonland
>>11864688 But Chen has been here since day 1...
>>11864701 Tripfags are just anons who trip. They are not different people, we have nothing against them. But this thing they do, tripping, is completely fucking retarded. And it is fucking everything up. Please stop tripping, anons.
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
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>>11864715 Stop responding damnit. Anonymous
>>11864688 >>11864688 >If there isn't something there you can add it then add shit, but don't change shit that's already there without group approval. If your shit gets rolled back then just re-add it. Eventually you'll draw enough attention to the item in question to get it discussed bu the group regardless. Just don't expect to do it without piles of butfrustration being hurled at you from namefags and anon's alike. /discussion.
do we have a collection of our overworld poke sprites?
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>>11864747 its in the forum
I haven't uploaded mine yet
>>11864285 >Eleaf stopped reading there, shit name
>>11864735 Notice how he only wanted to add stuff that wasn't there
CHEN is the one who wants to change things
CHEN is the one who deletes things he doesn't like, even if there was nothing there.
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>>11864747 > I don't think so, which sucks since a good number have been made.
Sandra likes the new snakemole
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>>11864727 >But this thing they do, tripping, is completely fucking retarded. And it is fucking everything up it's the people that actually care that are actually shitting things up.
>>11864735 If it's a name, it has to go in survey. Other information usually will get in-thread approval. It can take ages unfortunately, but it's the most fair way to do so. Forum is a really good place for storage and critique (although it doesn't happen often, it's usually more indepth and you can get a better discussion going if you get some repliers).
We might make a general survey for the current movesets and stats for official designs, just to get some input.
Also, sorry for taking so long to get the survey results posted. Clash reminded me.
Here are results and critique associated with the designs! Image is in the title. Anonymous
>>11864765 chen doesn't change things, just resets things after idiots throw shit in that hasn't been approved.
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sup faggots, what is goin-
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Just enter the species names. Please. Don't listen to these guys.
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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>>11864789 that is fucking adorable like holy shit
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>>11864789 That is crazy adorable anon.
>>11864812 Most of the time he just sleeps idly on his self appointed throne of wiki administrator. Then when something comes by that upsets him he deletes it and bans the person.
Most of the actual administrating is done by anonymous contributors.
>>11864802 >We might make a general survey for the current movesets and stats for official designs, just to get some input. make sure it has a disclaimer discouraging idiots who don't understand move-sets/stats from voting. I personally know diddly about how stats work and certainly don't want other similar idiots from fucking up the results.
>>11864854 so it's simply that they use a name that bothers you? if it was any other anon deleting updates there wouldn't be such animosity?
>>11864789 Best ground gym leader.
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>>11864857 Yeah, we'll have to work that out. I don't think the stats should be under the same percent rules as designs. Maybe just overall approval?
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
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>>11864854 >bans the person Except no one in the wikis history has been banned.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11864507 What should I do next, Shibalboy or Thunder Hunter.
>>11864878 He has powers on the wiki that no one else has. He can ban people, he can make new pages, many other things, but he's an idiot and doesn't help at all.
It's a fucking joke
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11864823 seems a little too obvious?
Eleafant was a step above that, but still not good anough.
I liked Trunkiarch though
>>11864911 >He has powers on the wiki that no one else has That's where you're wrong. Broccoli and Clash are also admins. Moose too I think.
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>>11864911 you should make your own wiki where you're the admin and you have all the power.
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>>11864924 Yes, that's the point. it's so obvious and horrible
>>11864906 there is a sprite, but it's not vegeta. Looks good anyway.
Local Moose Friend !MHCNz5M/Cw
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>>11864925 I don't think Chen is Brocccoli, considering Chen has his own account. So no. He has no more powers than Pawter, Clash and I have. Brocccoli usually adds pages we need and major cleaning edits. It'll tell you who does what on the front page,anyway.
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>>11864954 make one that's vegeta
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11864954 That's exactly what I was looking for.
>>11864924 Elemenos and Elemas
mas + menos = spanish for more + less
Elemas = also Elephant + Mastodon
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11864994 I like the way he looks and I'm going to sprite this regardless, but what the fuck is a Thunder Hunter?
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>>11865028 >elemenos l m n o s
>>11865032 Probably the same as a Storm Chaser?
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11865028 How does 'more and less' relate to the elephants?
Reposting some sea slug names for your consideration. Glauqua Glaucomis Glauqueus Glauxic Altantikis Atlancomis Atlanqueous Atlanqua Hydranticus
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>>11865093 One is bigger (more) one is smaller. (less)
>>11865102 >glaucomis SUBTLE
>>11865113 Hmm? Comis is the latin word for friendly and/or calm (I can't remember which one). Were you referring to something else?
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For our Battle Tower equivalent, we need to give all the NPC's throwaway phrases to say before and after battle. I say we make them all say shit in reference to /vp/ memes through the years.
Well i'm glad that shitstorm is over. Hopefully, anyway.
I wonder what tomorrow's forecast is.
Anyway, more music.
First, just a little edit to the regular trainer theme. Just smoothing some things out. And a Battle Subway remix.
I haven;t properly adjusted the volumes for everything though. Anonymous
>>11865128 This project really damages my nerves!
>>11865102 Glauqua is the only one I like, the others are bit too long + harsh sounding for such a cute little guy. Maybe simplify to Glaqua, or change to Glagua?
hello, I'm flying face made of atoms
>>11865135 It's too grandiose to be the regular trainer theme. I couldn't imagine listening to that every single time I battle. How about making it the gym leader theme
What about instead of eight fucking fetch quest items, we only include two or three, which are all guarded in ancient ruins?And still call them the Veiled Pebbles. The door to El Dorado would be guarded by dragon statues which look a lot like Charizard, who shoot fire at anybody who tries to walk through the door, but by putting the Veiled Pebbles in their keyholes, the 'Charizard' statues crumble and disappear.
>>11865155 I agree.
The last five or so names (all that start with Atla, with exception of the last) are for the evo, though.
>>11865175 >What about instead of eight fucking fetch quest items, we only include two or three, which are all guarded in ancient ruins? we zelda now?
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>>11865173 heh. I don;t think it's grandiose ENOUGH to be a Gym theme.
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>>11865135 wow thats amazing
>>11865173 is right, too much amazing for a common battle
>>11865175 >What about instead of eight fucking fetch quest items are you talking about badges? if you don't get all the badges, how will you prove that you're strong enough to face the E4?
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>>11865199 whether its eight or three, it's still "we zelda now"
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>>11865168 Looks like bronzor
>>11865212 No, there was discussion last night about having the door to El Dorado require some sort of items to enter, which the evil team are trying to gather.
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>>11865175 thats too Zelda-rpg-ish
no thanks
Okay that's enough music for me. Back to spriting.
>>11865102 >>11865181 Atlantikis is nice, could be shortened to Lantikis
>>11865224 Lame,
It should just be blocked depending on the overworld move needed to reach it, ie. underground rivers requiring dive, craggly caves requiring strength and rock smash...
maybe one of the leaders is an explorer who trades you a key in exchange for some random key item you find in the desert or something and it ends up being the key to eldorado.
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>>11865180 >>11865144 >Oh These are for evo:
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>>11865260 or just Lantkis
>>11865273 what if its blocked by a mountain or some geographical shit, and then the antag team use lots of hyperbeams/dinamite or some shit, so they partly destroy El dorado, maybe just the entrance
>maybe one of the leaders is an explorer who trades you a key in exchange for some random key item you find in the desert or something and it ends up being the key to eldorado. I feel bad for the bad team if this gets approved
>>11865304 We never actually discussed what is so inherently evil about finding El Dorado.
Maybe if one goes in there, it awakens the Quetz statue, who is said to have the power to destroy the region in a rampage. And the evil team could be totally aware of this, and are willing to have an entire region destroyed in exchange for a little wealth.
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>>11864641 Ah, nevermind, it looks impossible. It's hard to think of a Pokemon in our dex that we could give superluck AND a decent amount of these moves to: Anonymous
>>11865335 what if the entrance to El Dorado needs a Quetz's hyperbeam/dinamyte or some shit to open, since no other mon can destroy it/open it
but they fail and Quetz go on a rampage
>>11865335 I find 'we want wealth/money' to be a really boring motive, to be honest.
>>11865381 It's what the vast majority wants.
>>11865380 What if by opening the door, some kind of curse is cast upon Urobos, and it's somehow up to the player to lift it?
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>>11865304 have the evil team searching for a lost gold city built by natives to honor the sun spirit, but secretly the leader believes that there is a pokemon with the power to make gold who is really responsible.
Legnd holds that a great stone behemoth rose from the earth and sank the city below the ground when foreign invaders began searching for it.
The evil team uses hyperbeams/explosion's to dig through the mountain to find the lost city at which point they accidentally awaken the behemoth "Quetzle!". The leader, thinking this is the great pokemon who's responsible for creating gold tries to capture it but instead just pisses it off enough that it starts wrecking shit around the region. The player climbs the mountain and sees Quetzle flying around
Quetzle encounter...
The protag returns to the cave and finds the evil team has continued on. The Protag follows the cave path, through underground rivers and such until they reach a hidden golden city (like sootopolis?) Where the player has to fight through the evil teams minions before a final showdown with the Leader
The pixies show up to thank the player. Post game the player can return to catch the gold pixi, the fire pixi becomes a random encounter like Entei.
>>11865335 >We never actually discussed what is so inherently evil about finding El Dorado. the evil team wants to use the gold for evil purposes. Also, it's the home of the gold pixi, if it gets discovered the gold pixi might get captured and exploited for profit.
>>11865424 I think since the evil team is looking for gold, we should make their faces resemble le happy merchant. I mean, why not? It's either that or a regular old face.
On the topic of Xochi, I think that its signature move should be Thermobaric. It's a move that ignites the air around the pokemon, acting as a fire version of surf. If you're curious about where I got the name, wikipedia thermobaric explosives
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>>11865441 >not wanting them to look like a meowth... Anonymous
>>11865398 Really.
Was there a survey or something for a general motive? If so there are more ideas out there now, we'd require another one. And since plot is so much more than a simple idea (we have to implement characters, locations...) I think we can do better.
Even so, the way you're describing is really boring. WHY do they want the money? What would they do with it? Where and how would you encounter them? What is the antag team like?
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>>11865461 I miss Mr. Pixar
>>11865461 I agree. A Team Rocket clone doesn't sound very fun.
>>11865461 It was surveyed. That idea won.
And the original idea is that we don't want an incredibly complex, intrusive evil team shitting up the plot. We just want it to be a classic Indiana Jones-like adventure; with thick jungles, high mountains, mysterious ruins, and of course, dangerous bandits.
>>11865457 >I think that its signature move should be Thermobaric. we already have decent enough moves like blueflare, fire pledge, flame burst, and inferno
I think you could think of a better move to be worthy of making a signature move.
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>>11865491 i hate this idea, and the survey was way too biased, explain a lot that retard concept, and minimazing the others
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>>11865496 Well what if it had an added affect like a confusion, burn, or stat lowering.
Also, I want the damage to be either 100 with 10pp or 120 with 5pp
>>11865461 One plot idea is that Professor Northington, jealous of Professor Mangrove, sets out to search for El Dorado so he can infinite wealth and fame. Personally I like the idea of Northington being the main antagonist but I think he needs more motivation.
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>>11865485 Just reminding you guys should be happy with the plot we settled on, instead of the plot that could have been.
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>>11865491 >That idea won At the time. We have new ideas, we need new surveys. Also having a survey before ideas are fully fleshed out is an idiotic idea. I'm not saying the survey wasn't valid, it just isn't valid anymore. And it was just a directional survey, not a "we have to do this idea".
I'm not asking for complex. I'm asking for something that isn't so drab as to make me want to fall asleep. This is a case of "we are evil for the sake of being evil because we want the treasures!"
Not to mention, Rocket already did the "we want monies" plot thread.
>>11865511 Here, give me a couple of moments and I'll flesh out a couple of ideas.
>>11865511 For motivation:
There are the classical options:
-I need to outdo Mangrove.
-Having the treasure would complete a collection/he wants it for status and controlling the Quetz would also allow him to control the region.
-The treasure, while very beautiful, rare, and valuable, also has the added effect of being able to summon the Quetz. There is possibly a second artifact that could change its form. This would not only give him power and status, he would be able to do "stuff" (I dunno what yet) he couldn't before and outdo Mangrove. Maybe there is a place that is only accessible with the Quetz, or when it changes form it gives access to an alternate or hidden dimension/room (or access to Pokel Dorado or something).
This could tie in with that three-admin idea that was posted. The Oil Rig division takes over the Oil Rig so they can access the ruins down below, which hold ancient and valuable information that wouldn't be understood by any but a select few. Jungle division would be searching for other ruins in the Jungle, or maybe one of the legendary pixies or something. That other one would control things in cities and gather information.
That's what came off of the top of my head. Might be getting a bit complex but we can always simplify.
>>11865637 Team Midas?
Obsession with gold?
ok, so the villains are nazis that fled to south america after WW2. Plot is nazis searching for old occult magic/technology (legendaries). Main villain's name is something really sublte like Holph Atler
>>11865637 Well with this we finally have a team leader. Northington has that evil adventure villain vibe going on as well. He fits the role pretty well.
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>>11865725 That was the idea we've had basically the whole time, but yeah, I certainly agree.
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>>11865721 Evil government tier retarded.
>>11865721 thats not what we meant by Indiana Jones
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>>11865682 Team Conquista? Pizaro? Cortez?
>>11865757 Plot for the MC: They got your father. Xochi would also be the fountain of youth pokemon, but only the one that catch it gets to live forever. You can let your wounded dying father have it, or take it for yourself.
>>11865721 Does their logo have a Red Skull?
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>>11865807 Team Hydranazi would like to battle
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
Finished Thunder Hunter.
>>11865796 In a game where you don't age that would be a pointless choice, it should be "save your father" or "get infinite money".
>tfw when missed the wiki shitstorm Oh well. Let me clear some stuff up anyway. No one has "self appointed powers" on the wiki, except for me. Because I made it. The admins do not have the same level of rights as the creator. Anyone can edit the wiki, add a new page, etc. Chen is an admin because he does a shit ton of tedious work I'm too lazy to do, and because I know nothing about stats. The other admins are Clash, Moose, and Pawter. I have banned users from the wiki, none have been permanent. Guywhohateshavinganaccount, you're kind of a dick. If you have any more questions about the wiki please direct them here. On that note, I've been looking into how to protect the wiki during the summertime. There is a wiki backup tool which allows a download of the wiki, as well as global protection tools that can be requested from wikia.
>>11865883 Guess it's the fountain of money pokemon, and you can choose to use that money for yourself, or buy your father some medical care
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>>11865917 No, don't start it again...
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>11865922 Yeah, that works too.
>>11865921 I'll try to get Shibalboy done before tommorow.
If there are no problems with the body or face (i probably fucked up the abs in some way though), it's time to move on to the shorts and board.
>>11865994 Abs are a lil too defined, but the real problem is the face. He looks way too old.
What ever happened to the post-game islands crystal castle?
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11866023 I don't think anything happened to the idea of it but we're not really focused on that now.
>>11866037 Well, obviously, but if nobody's super opposed to it, I thought I'd play with it a little bit. It was one of my favorites.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>11866048 Go ahead, flesh it out man.
>>11865102 Glauqua is cute
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>>11866048 >>11866023 I believe in you anon
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>>11866098 I agree! I think that's the most preferred name. Of course, it still has to go to survey.
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>>11866181 hot damn I wanna play wind waker again
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
So guys remember that paper I rushed to do because it was due today? Well turns out I did the wrong one and the one I did is due in two weeks. Oops!
>>11866243 Ouch. Sorry man, that sucks.
Welcome back, though.
>>11866243 don't really need job or education with all the rep and wealth you'll receive when this game's done
Cardinal !VjfrmY3ryE
Evening everyone. Its been a little too long, hasn't it? The dex looks nice and I would complain but I wasn't here during the changes so I have no right afterwards. Anyway is there anything that I could work on? Im not sure if that list
>>11862982 is correct.
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>>11866272 >wealth >Non profit pick one
>>11866290 If you're not sure then check the wiki dumbass. Fuck tripfag are stupid.
>>11866290 What do you do?
Cardinal !VjfrmY3ryE
>>11866347 Jesus tits its getting hostile.
>>11866349 Move sets and abilities and Dex info
>>11866369 >Jesus tits its getting hostile. heh. You must've not been in this thread earlier today.
It was way worse.
Cardinal !VjfrmY3ryE
>>11866381 Clearly not if you read my first post saying I havent been here since the dex was updated.
Man anons are so stupid.
trying to work on overworld sprite for warquila. just back frames (easiest) are done though the back of the head of a feathery Pokemon is tricky.
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>>11866347 >If you're not sure then check the wiki dumbass. Fuck tripfag are stupid. >Fuck tripfag are stupid. >tripfag are stupid. HOW DO I WORDS
>>11866399 well fuck you, i wasn't even the guy that called you stupid.
And there was nothing stopping you from reading, or even just fucking skimming the thread, dumbass.
Maybe if you paid attention you'd know what to do.
Nice work giving anti-tripfags more fuel though, retard.
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>>11866369 Then yeah, that image is fairly accurate.
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>>11866400 It's very dark, and a bit hard to see because of that. Maybe lighten it up?
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
>>11866327 I'll be sure to send another one your way soon.
>>11866290 I'm sure its correct but I'll do a double check through the wiki just to be safe. Anonymous
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>>11866400 post a larger version please.
Cardinal !VjfrmY3ryE
Whats the consensus on the Rainbow Snake. Quick and vicious, slow and sturdy, mindful and elegant? Basically what role is this going to play all I can think of is a quicker version of Mantine.
>>11866432 >Jesus tits its getting hostile.
>>11866459 Change the firebreather's short they're copy pasted from the gen 5 cycler
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
>>11866478 Any colors you have in mind?
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
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>>11866266 It's not TOO major of a deal, my professor was real cool and send she'd only take a few points off if I emailed it to her before midnight tonight.
So now I'm writing that, plus the next paper already done. It's a win-win.
How much progress has been put into completing the first portion of the game?
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>>11866526 very little. We've only had one map survey since route 1.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>11866526 Oh yeah I was going to make that image with stuff that would allow us to make an acceptable demo. And things that need work in each department.
I'll do that now.
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>>11866526 not enough sadly. mappers are at least somewhat focused. otherwise we'd have lake town, gym, members and fawning line being worked on again. mind you starters come first. unless we block final evo in our next demo because no one needs to be that over-leved for the first gym.
Kala Posting for DUNKY because(...)
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Dunky got banned and wanted me to relay this message to you guys Just your friendly reminder that voting major overhaul or get rid of it on the confirmation survey without valid critique to better the design will result in your answer being forfeit for that question~ We're already at 100 votes already and some of the lines are close! I hope to get the name survey next one out soon. Lots more run-offs needed before we can hit the forums though. Remember, if you have a name you'd like for a line, any line, submit it to the wiki/forum so I'll see it for round 2 of the surveys for these names!
>>11864437 >>11864471 But I don't want him to be in the game, he's disgusting
Should I stream tonight? Are there any requests if I do? I could always get a head start on the minor things that people don't like from the survey. Alternatively, I could try working on some more antag teams or pokemon designs.
Local Moose Friend !MHCNz5M/Cw
>>11865258 Your shading is backwards. On his face the light is on the right and on the rest of his body it's on the left.
>>11866327 Yourboard is really jagged. There are quite a few spots of double pixels (two near the top, a few under his hand, one under his ankle). It makes the thing look really rough far away.
I keep falling asleep zzzzzzzz
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
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>>11867002 A redraw of Rockano?
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11867089 but moose-senpai you can't fall asleep
Local Moose Friend !MHCNz5M/Cw
>>11867108 Why not? Sleeping is great~ Except I missed most of the day...
Chen !!nlrLrc/pgY6
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11867120 Trust me, I know that feeling.
But I hated it, I didn't have a choice in the matter and it fucked sleep schedule hard.
Plus we love you here <3
>>11866477 Here's what I came up with.
Local Moose Friend !MHCNz5M/Cw
>>11867151 My scheduled is out of whack since on Tuesdays I need to wake up at 4 to go to work. The other days are 6, and the rest of the week it's 12. It's hard to keep a rhythm when that blasted 4 am appears.
I get bored as a shark when I can't draw, so sleeping is my go-to thing for boredom, too.
I wonder if I have enough fleece for Clash's Erycoon plushie.......
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>>11867184 Oh wait, I think SDEF is raised by 10 and DEF lowered by 10.
And it has lower stats in general. Wait, I posed the wrong version. Let me grab the right one.
>>11867184 so....
Is it a pseudo legendary, or just really strong?
captcha: EgyThis document
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11867304 Pseudolegends have 600 bst.
>>11867324 Yeah, that's what I thought, so the question is:
Will we have Pseudo Legendaries or no?
>>11867346 Diamat and I THINK Basilect are our psuedos.
This thing is just strong.
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11867372 Yep, Basilect is our second pseudo.
>>11867396 >>11867372 I suppose I can live with that. I still think Gigaard could be a solid one, given Pebblosa isn't available early on.
>>11867184 you could lower the bst to 520, the same as Flygon
The other two stage dragons have 540 bst
Nondell !PJ.OdWT5NU
>>11867422 Gigaard is sick as hell, a bit of a shame.
>>11867457 I thought Flygon was 500.
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>>11867457 The current version has it at either 520 or 500 IIRC. I just can't seem to find it.
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>>11867476 I, too, agree on the Gigaard part.
I don't know if I'm sold on an insect/dragon Pseudo, though.
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>>11867184 Seems too strong. I'd lower SpA and Spe by 10 each, other than that looks good.
Finally got my map tiles all set, think I'll try my hand at mapmaking soon. Forgive me for not checking myself, but can someone tell me what our next things to map are? Lake town... what else?
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11867214 Erycoon plush?
I'm jealous.
Anyway, are Kidling and Pyroat's designs official? Everyone seems fine with them, just not Flaires. I really want to do those wallpapers.
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
DashingHero !!jDn6qImItZZ
>>11867603 Almost all of the comments comment on how Flairees needs some work. I know SZ sugied the other two - while they aren't official yet, I think the two prevos will be staying.
I tried reducing some stats as per suggestions, with the left-most being the original.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA
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>>11867214 Yay!Yesyesyes! Then I can cuddle with Erycoon everyday!<3
>>11867603 They are not yet. Even though it seems like everyone liked them, they can still be changed. Up to you if you would like to create art with them. Same thing goes with sprites, you can sprite unapproved designs, but it is highly recommended you do not.
>>11867625 What about 90/60/65/110/85/110? That's a BST of 520, weaker to the trio, comparable to Flygon.
>>11867184 I liked the one where it had 110 Base Speed. 120 is crazy, and we already have a lot of 'mons at 120. Just my 2 cents.
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>>11867801 >speed of light Anonymous
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>>11867625 I'm afraid what's going to happen is we won't be able to decide on a final evo for a while, and when we do, it won't make sense with the current prevos, forcing most people to say that it needs work again. Same as Aquanaut. We need that artist back to give us a 3rd redesign.
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>>11867746 I like that. I'll put that on there.
Clash !BMy7CLasHA