>Red has a strong lisp/speech impediment. He's deathly afraid people will make fun of him.
>10 is the minimum age to go adventuring. However, only people in very poor/rural communities go at that age. Most Children still go to school, however its common for a household to at least own one "pet" Pokemon
>Pokemon meat is fairly common, however most of it is either cloned or taken taken from Pokemon that have been pampered for all of their life, and usually were bred to be dull as shit IE Kobe beef.
>N is actually fairly spoiled. Anthea and Concordia are concubines/harem girls given to him as a going away present. Since he has the mind of a child, he doesn't actually "use" them.
>Ghestis's outbursts can be partially attributed to his erectile dysfunction. He's always eager to try out new aphrodisiacs such as "Charizard Spit" "Breeloom Powder", or "Ryhorn Tails".
>Hilbert/Hilda aren't looking for N, they though he was creepy as hell and would prefer to never see him again.
No basis whatsoever, but I think its spices the world up.