>>11916783Not the other guy, but I share his opinion, so I'll try to say what I liked about it.
-It took the player somewhere new, the land segments were rather mind-blowing in comparison to the previous games of "forest, plains, cave, water" Now there was a desert, tropical islands, a volcanic waste etc.
-the new stat system was, while not as refined as today's, (no physical special split) vastly improved over the first two gen's
-the graphics were taken up a notch from gen 2, and the music was also on a better sound chip.
I really don't get the trumpet hate-the villains, rather than being a crime syndicate, were actually trying to create a disaster of apocalyptic proportions, raise a god from slumber, and use that to create a better symbiosis between people/pokemon, and so, while dumbed down, it does give a bit of grey morality to the story(in concept anyway)
-the legendaries were hyped up more in-game as forces of nature, and suddenly, catching them meant a bit more
-it set a bit of precedent for the next gens to have a better story and to keep on innovating with the regions.
I don't know about you, but these are my reasons.