>>11918788You know, I automatically associate bronies with animal fuckers, but it doesn't annoy me when people wear t-shirts or decorate their personal work spaces
What kind of controlling freak are you?
Also, I spent about 15 years trying to learn to like myself as I am, and convince myself I'm not some trans freak. I spent 15 years thinking the trans community was just a group of whiny people that didn't understand that masculine tastes, or feminine tastes, don't mean you should be a part of the opposite sex--I still feel that way, to a point.
But, TL;DR learning to just accept that I have brain damage and feel like I should be a boy took me about a week, whereas trying to convince myself I wasn't anything but a masculine faggot didn't work for fifteen years (when I was five I threw tantrums if people called me a girl--it was quite dramatic)