Pinsir, Scyther, and Heracross all get babies, and Pinsir gets a trade Evo.
Magcargo DESPERATELY needs an evolution.
Ledian needs to evolve, because it sucks a bag of dicks.
Kangaskhan needs a baby withg a split male evolution.
It also needs to get that baby out of its pouch and quit claiming to be a kangaroo, and if it doesn't I will hate it forever.
Mawile and Sableye need evolutions, so do Tropius and Absol, though not as desperately.
Both of those will probably also get babies.
Claydol should evolve, but I doubt it will.
Sigilyph needs a baby so I can get it earlier in the game.
Skarmory will probably get a baby, which I personally really want, screw all you babyhaters.
Audino and Druddigon both need prevos and evos.
Beheeyem is hopefully going to get an evolution based on a UFO.
Lumineon and Basculin both need to evolve into large serpentine Pokémon.
Maractus should evolve too, honestly.
And lastly, Lanturn and Banette. Make it happen.