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No.11936503 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Meowth, a Pokemon who normally only speaks in Pokemon tongue like almost all the other 600 fucking Pokemon (even the big fucking genius Alakazam with 5000 fucking IQ still only says his name) was able to learn how to speak English.

This is apparently possible.

Why can't they just make a 'Human Language' TM or something so you can teach your damn friends how to talk to you? Unless you're some faggot like N who talks just like them which I still don't understand how it works.

I'm just saying. If Meowth can learn to speak through sheer determination yes I saw the episode then why can't other Pokemon? Or even if they can, why the fuck do people not capitalize on this? Lord knows Ash's mom has nothing better to do than to jerk off Mr. Mime while thinking of her non-existant husband. It'd be a lot easier for everyone if owners would teach their Pokemon to speak.