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Is it a problem... that I can imagine Pokemon in a CoD setting? Like I had a dream a few nights ago in which I was a Weavile running around slashing other pokemon into pieces, blood everywhere, like some Conker's Bad Fur Day shit. Killed 5 pokemon and then used a random radio thing to call in an attack of houndooms that ripped my victim's apart giving me 5 more kills, then a box fell from the sky and I opened it. A ice ball thing was inside and when I grabbed it, I felt incredible power, struck the ground and suddenly a huge eruption of ice burst from the ground and killed 4 more pokemon around me. I continue running around cutting pokemon up left and right until I see a helicopter in the distance. Hop in, somehow knowing the controls and begin launching dunsparce missles at my victims, until finally the chopper is taken out and I parachute down on a drifblim. Then drifblim hands me a remote control and tells me to press the button, I press the button, a nearby mountain explodes and an enormous avalanche occurs, and all I see is pokemon getting swept into a giant cloud of dustlike snow gushing forth as a Braviary carries me away.
then I woke up thinking "what the actual fuck".
>tl;dr Pokemon is Call of Duty.