Here is where you draw, request and ask for critique.
This is not a thread strictly for requests and delivery, nor is it a thread for mundane ass patting and ignorance. This is a thread for /vp/-generated artistic content, discussion and growth. We are a community, we should act like it; because at the end of the day, we're all here to have fun and maybe learn a thing or two.
Requesters are free and welcome to request art from the artists who frequent, however please have some degree of courtesy. If your request is not taken, just try your luck on a different day. Spamming "bumps" or whining isn't pleasant for anyone. If, however, your request is taken, even the smallest of a "thank you" means a lot to any growing artist. Keep in mind that these are people just like you.
New artists are also welcome and encouraged, regardless of skill level. Even if you firmly believe you "suck" at first, we can help you. So please, don't hesitate to come in. You are free to post your individual, non-requested work, however if you aren't seeking critique or actual feedback it is recommended you post elsewhere. No one likes a whore or a high horse.
Spectator feedback is highly encouraged, just don't be a prick. Pointing out flaws and giving suggestions will take an artist by leaps and bounds, just insulting them won't.
If you're really set on having your request done, it's within your best interests to copy and paste your request into a new thread when it has been made. Once the old thread 404s your request will no longer be able to be read and you have no chance of having it done. Remember patience is key.
Now let's party~
Old Thread:
>>11948971 DA Group: IRC: Channels: #/vp/drawthread #/vp/drawfags #/vp/drawfriends
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Requesting a Furret in a paper boat
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Draw the pokemon that represents you or your favorite in one of the ingame routes it can be found.
Still waiting on Mienfoo karate chopping a rock in half, and Maylene getting knocked out by a piece of that rock, either in the same image, or in a 2-panel comic format, whichever. If anyone feels like it, of course.Also have Maylene's feet in the image if you can.
requesting Darkrai riding Suicune.
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>>11955835 Its cute. I like it.
Thank you.
>>11952687 Eeeeeh.
Ended up becoming Hi Jump Kick rather than Blaze Kick.
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Someone draw me something bara.
>>11955888 Dude, I absolutely love that style. Is that in mspaint, or what?
Requesting a Butterfree eating nectar from a Venusaur's flower.
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>>11955888 Give yourself some credit, drawing with a two-color palette is hard enough.
>>11955904 I started out using the old MSPaint for it, but then I switched to the binary tool on Sai. Great for messy stuff since I'm too lazy for clean lines.
Requesting a Banette and a Chandelure playing, please!? Anyone can do it~
Hey mates. Requesting anything with Wigglytuff, if you feel up to it.
>>11955937 >Google Sai >one of the first links is Sai Paint Tool >"you must enable javascript to download" Guess I'll stick with paint and GIMP then.
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>>11955979 pretty sure there's links for it in the pastebin or on /rs/ if you bother to look
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>>11955979 check /rs/, there should be a dl
Mystical !eC/YSAGUPE
>>11955979 Download is in the pastebin.
>>11955979 >Not enabling Javascript Scrub, it's like you want your computer to be shitty.
>>11955881 >If anyone feels like it, of course. >>11955942 >please >>11955973 >if you feel up to it These drawthreads seem nicer than the ones on /a/
>>11955979 >Google Sai >See it requires javascript In the trash it goes.
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>>11956005 Have fun with your giant gaping security hole, bro.
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>>11956005 I wish I had a facepalm reaction image strong enough. But I just don't.
>>11956006 please try not to link to requests unless you want to do them, makes it hard to do scroll throughs for unfilled requests
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>>11956005 lrn 2 /g/
>implying that isn't just guaranteedreplies.jpg Anonymous
Requesting a pokemon version of this reaction face. Not really sure which Pokemon would be best for it though (preferably with the text on it too).
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>>11956012 stop forcing that "le hilarious mee mee XDDD"
>>11956024 Sorry, I didn't know there was an etiquette. On /a/ it's all just a big clusterfuck.
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>>11956039 >I can't add my own captions Anonymous
>>11955942 Haunted house right? Here's a quick plan I knocked up because I totally didn't scrap the last one I had and forget about doing it fullstop
>>11956046 Haha it's fine anon, it only takes a few seconds to see what the replies are. I
Ill be here for a few so if anyone has anything simple they want me to draw I can try!
>>11956070 Ivysaur rolling off/down a cliff.
Since it looks like this didn't get done, (if it did, let me know) Rerequesting something sorta lewd (but not really)Dawn sitting on a Stunfisk's beak, back facing its tail, looking back and smiling. Dawn would be good in this outfit. The Stunfisk should be flapping its fins. Please and thank you
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>>11956068 Awww you actually started it. Thank you so much, looks good so far!
>>11956070 Caterpie eating a berry please.
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>>11956078 I...I'm not sure if I like this.
>>11955999 >Download is in the pastebin. No it isn't.
>>11956113 What? Yes it is. It's even the first link.
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>>11956120 Yeah, a link to a brush pack, not the actual program itself.
Daily reminder that Photoshop is the only acceptable drawing program, and Sai is a cheap Korean knockoff program.
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>>11956130 >Cheap I'll take it.
>>11956130 Daily reminder that you're the only one giving a fuck about that.
>>11956130 Daily reminder it doesn't matterwhat tools you use as long as you understand how to use them and are comfortable with what they can do. A tool does not make an artist, it is knowledge.
>>11956136 Daily reminder that using Sai causes bad habits and cheap lines due to muh stabilizer
Mystical !eC/YSAGUPE
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>>11956143 You can turn that off.
If you want to create DeviantArt tier scribbles, use Sai. If you want to create actual digital artworks, use Photoshop.
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Check it out guys! I totally derailed that thread!!
taking a few requests again maybe while I avoid working on stuff I should
>>11956189 Anything with Bug Types being cute.
>>11956189 Mommy Galvantula with her baby Joltik on her back.
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>>11956189 Umbreon snarling and preparing to attack
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>>11956238 blew my fucking mind. Thanks!
>>11956167 w-would there happen to be a photoshop download for mac? I used firealpaca currently and I don't really like it that much.
>>11956189 Cute Bulbasaur please.
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>>11956281 There is.
I have it.
Happened to download a real copy when they were handing out free licenses though, so you'll probably have to pirate it Anonymous
>>11956098 >>11956077 I forgot that I dont have a way to scan these right now or take a pic (without it being a shitty webcam pic) so Ill have to scan these later but I have them done. Sorry guys!
Requesting Jynx in a maid outfit. Thanks.
>>11956300 Neato, are those pompoms or tiny torches?
I'd kill for someone to draw me a picture of a Quagsire in a suit and top hat, a fancy looking 'stache, and a cane. Or a monocle, just make him look like a classy motherfucker.
>>11956385 They're the headcap things of two other Surskits
Joltik !L9qZJ..U7I
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>>11956355 Thanks for doing them!
Requesting a ditto maid.Bonus points if the maid outfit is made from Ditto.
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>>11956404 That's gorgeous, thankyou so much!
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>>11956465 Uguu thanks based anon
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>>11956143 Daily reminder that only scrubs use the stabilizer.
Stop trying to use program choice as a way to convince yourself that you're better than others, because that's obviously what you're doing here.
Daily reminder to shut up and get back on topic.
>>11956238 Requesting a Psyduck and Ampharos holding hands, in that style.
Daily reminder that none of these reminders are made daily.
>>11956138 >Daily reminder it doesn't matterwhat tools you use as long as you understand how to use them and are comfortable with what they can do. This is the definition of privilege.
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RE-requesting for a mismagius making science
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>>11956544 Liberal powerwords pls go.
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>>11956544 No it isn't, you idiot. Unless it's some stupid /lgbt/ definition, in which case, get out.
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What people want to use is their choice, no one elses. Now shut the fuck up about it people, Jesus.
>>11956608 A Pokemon wearing shades drinking out of a Shuckle with a straw.
>>11956530 dude. my pet duck got out of the house somehow and was ran over the other day, and my favorite pokemon is ampharos. creepy.
Do people really hate that much the stabilizer?>is new, just wondering
>>11956629 It's a cheap quick fix that is used as a crutch and an excuse to be lazy. Like the burn and dodge tools, or MAH STYLE, or saying you have no talent and just give up and never try.
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>>11956633 ohgosh thats socute
>>11956644 >It's a cheap quick fix that is used as a crutch and an excuse to be lazy. No.
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>>11956644 Ok....
We can all move on then.
Thanks for the answer.
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>>11956654 He's right, but only when you use it for something other than its intended purpose. IE: smooth line art.
Requesting a Chespin riding Yveltals back with a weapon of your choice. Preferably with visible battle damage.
>>11956530 Seconding this for
>>11956623 sake.
>>11956654 It can be used as a cheap quick fix and an excuse to be lazy. Like all tools that can speed up the art process or help refine it, it can be used in the wrong way and cause people to stagnate and become overly reliant on them instead of learning the proper process to go about making the art they want and improving themselves.
Is that explain enough?
>>11956644 But what if I genuinely have no talent? Art teachers have told me to stay away from anything but sculpting which I'm so-so at. Or are you one of those people who actually believes anyone can be capable of anything? I'll always be subpar, even if I try outside of the mediums that seem to click in my brain.
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Stop replying to the trolls, geez. If you guys could just ignore them we wouldn't get these fucking derails all the time.
>>11956680 >It can be used as a cheap quick fix and an excuse to be lazy. Like all tools that can speed up the art process or help refine it, it can be used in the wrong way and cause people to stagnate and become overly reliant on them instead of learning the proper process to go about making the art they want and improving themselves. You're the same kind of person who refuses to use the undo tool, or the select tool, or even a tablet because its "lazy".
Fuck off, luddite.
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>>11956693 >green texting the entire post Blush
>>11956681 You can do anything you put your mind to, anon.
>>11956681 >But what if I genuinely have no talent? Talent is not the same as skill. Skill is earned, through lots of practice. Sure, having talent makes it a lot easier to develop skill. But someone who works hard and has the drive to better develop their skill, regardless of having talent or not, will always be better than someone who has talent with no skill.
Joltik !L9qZJ..U7I
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>>11956630 It's perfect, thanks so much anon!
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>>11956681 If you think you can't do something and continue to believe you can't do it you're not going to be able to do it, and nothing I or anyone else says can change that. The only way YOU can improve is is YOU decide you want to try and improve yourself. Learning anything can be a huge struggle, as long as you want to do it and enjoy doing it you will improve, even through all the self doubt, hate and people telling you to stop.
These generals are a wealth of resources and input, always happy to help and try and point you in the right direction and help you draw. I always try and give some help to people who ask. There is an endless supply of shit on the internet to teach yourself from.
>>11956668 dude no, I'm gonna tear up...
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>>11956724 Science has definitely gone too far.
>>11956723 Wrong.
Talent trumps skill, period. You cannot train yourself to be a worthwhile artist, you need to be born one.
>>11956742 >get a load of this guy Anonymous
>>11956742 >I will never try hard at anything because I am too lazy and would rather blame it on not having "talent" Anonymous
>>11956742 Unless you're someone with a disability, this is entirely wrong.
>>11956623 I too know the feeling of losing a beloved pet duck.
Stay strong, bro.
>>11956763 Still better than /b/.
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Hell yeah OP's pic! Thanks again to the artist for being amazing!
>>11956766 Not really saying much.
>>11956742 You think all the high-level drawfags just started drawing well from the get-go?
Admittedly it sure seems like it. Anonymous
>>11956713 It isn't efficient. I tried very hard in the past, and I've given up since because there's no applicable purpose in the real world when I hate what I'm doing and it takes too long for me to do it to be useful for any profession. Those artists who think their work is shit but people like it is is one thing, but when people hate your work which you yourself think is shit as well and you spent enormous amounts of time trying to prevent that then time to hang out the towel and move on to something you were born with an ability to do. Not saying you have to be supertalented at something to pursue it, but without enjoying doing something or having a minor proficiency in it there's no point to force yourself to strive for it just to pat yourself on the back and say I did it when you could've been doing something not so mastubatory for self satisfication. Sorry for the derail. As someone who's put forth lots of effort in the past that idea just bothers me.
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>>11956756 I think the inability to allow oneself to improve should be considered a mental disability.
>>11956775 >You think all the high-level drawfags just started drawing well from the get-go? No, but their talent allowed them to become as good as they are now.
A person with no talent will never progress beyond the DeviantArt tier.
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>>11956774 True enough.
>>11956777 As someone who I perceive to be pretty much what you described, I'm gonna have to say that you've only lost because you've already given up.
>>11956777 You're discouraged by the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Get over it and keep getting better.
>>11956787 Leave.
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>>11956801 Stereotypically chinese wooper
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>>11956800 >Leave. Excellent argument, you've certainly convinced me!
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>>11956739 You need this to happen, anon. We all need this.
>>11956752 I suppose I should've used the word ability then, but admittedly that sounds wrong because yes I'm capable of doing something, only that something won't be nearly as good as someone else doing the same thing in the same amount of time. And I'm not talking pros, I'm talking a complete amateaur could slapdash something that looked better because I genuinely have no eye for it.
>>11956801 Cute Squirtle
(Swimming by Seafoam island if you want to do a background as well).
>>11956787 You shouldn't use "DeviantArt tier" as a way to gauge people because DA literally spans from shit to godly. You should post an example instead.
We've seen many artists start here at the bottom of the barrel and become good (ex, Boogie, Joltik, etc), not through talent, but through work and practice.
>>11956815 >I'm capable of doing something, only that something won't be nearly as good as someone else doing the same thing in the same amount of time That just means more work. Which means you'll be even more proud of yourself when you get to that level.
So stop making excuses and get to it.
>>11956827 >bottom of the barrel Nope, they had a strong start.
>>11956818 oh you fucker, hooking me in with a background
>>11956838 1/10 not even trying anymore
>>11956827 >We've seen many artists start here at the bottom of the barrel and become good (ex, Boogie, Joltik, etc), not through talent, but through work and practice. Those people were born with natural talent, they never were "bottom of the barrel".
The posters who post in these threads with poorly drawn pictures, and eventually disappear because they never seem to get better, those are the people with no talent, and they outnumber the "good" artists tenfold.
>>11956832 >Which means you'll be even more proud of yourself when you get to that level. Except I won't, because I'll know it wasn't worth pursuing to begin with. My art will feel artificial, like a combination of techniques and filters to cover up my natural inability. It won't make me happy to produce something like that.
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>>11956851 I'm serious.
Their worst is better than Pendolom's best.
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>>11956724 thats amazing work
>>11956845 You will thank me someday.
>>11956530 >>11956623 >>11956739 Working on it now!
Don't cry anon! I'll make it cute for you!
I want to try to paint a pokemon. Suggestions?
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You are the only person who can make yourself stop being a bitch and get yourself to improve. Just shut up and get to work on improving what makes you happy, because if you do something shitty for the rest of your life because you never bothered to even try to become good at what you enjoy, then you're going to have one hell of a life, son.
>>11956838 Boogie was literally MSPaint tier when he started.
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>>11956854 >The posters who post in these threads with poorly drawn pictures, and eventually disappear because they never seem to get better, those are the people with no talent, and they outnumber the "good" artists tenfold. Those are the people who give up. Regardless of talent, you can become a great artist if you have the motivation. And of course the people who give up outnumber the people who succeed in getting better. That's why the people that succeed are thought highly of. It wouldn't be worth getting better if nobody understood the amount of work involved and didn't respect you for it.
>>11956881 Politoed in watercolors.
>>11956855 >My art will feel artificial, like a combination of techniques and filters to cover up my natural inability. God, you're fucking dense. I'm not trying to explain this to you anymore if you're just going to keep making excuses.
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>>11956885 You're thinking of Nuggets, sir.
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>>11956885 how long has boogie been drawing
>>11956889 OR here. 10/10, saved.
If you haven't been drawing consistently since your young childhood, you will never become a good artist.
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requesting Jasmine with Bisharp and Aggron.
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>>11956916 Just report it and hide, ladies and gentleman.
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>>11956916 Not necessarily; the less I draw and more I study other art, the better I an.
>>11956880 Oh god, this is gonna be so emotional.
>>11956916 >start studying art when I turn 16 >by the time I turn 21, I'm drawing Loomis-tier character models Cry harder.
>>11956832 Not the same anon, but I'm starting to wonder. My art's barely improved over the last two years, and I'm still not comfortable posting it.
Now that I think about it, how did you guys start developing your skills? Did you take art classes or just use online tutorials? Or something else?
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>>11956943 >Loomis Hes not even good, sorry to break it to ya.
>>11956885 The left is the oldest pic by him which I have saved, the right is his most recent DA submission.
And he's posted before about how he doesn't support the "talent" argument.
>>11956871 no I've already got like 5 to do you arse so you're getting a shitty two layer fill hmph.
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>>11956949 For me, it just involved analysing all the different kinds of art.
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>>11956955 The first one is still better than Pendolom.
>>11956955 Gotcha covered anon.
>>11956949 Study every different kind of art you can find. Expand to as many styles as possible. Practice as often as you can. Draw in your spare time, either practicing techniques or just doodling. Drawing is the same as playing an instrument; doing it and getting better at it are two different things. Every time you pick it back up, you have to try something new, and keep trying until you're good at it.
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>>11956949 I was drawing as much as I could also copying and studying your favourite artists' styles helps
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>>11956958 That is pretty good considering how much time you took. Thanks!
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>>11956902 I'm sorry anon. There's just things I have to fundamentally disagree with, and I'm not at all trying to say you need to be amazing at something when you start to ever be liked for it, only that sometimes it is better to be honest with yourself and go a different direction where you can still work hard but that hard work has a basis to form behind that'll make you shine when you finally reach your pinnacle and allow you to truly enjoy what you're doing. I frequent these things. I make requests often, and I truly love you guys who have worked hard to fill them because they are things I otherwise would not be able to produce on my own, at least not on a level I'd find satisfactory. My intention is not to discourage newcomers either, as I've watched some grow myself in these threads. I really love you guys and what you are doing here. I just know that my place here is as a requester giving interesting ideas to the bored artists who would like something to draw, not a person making the art itself.
If you don't sell your soul to the dark lord Satan (praise be upon him), you'll never be a good artist.
>>11956908 <3
>>11956900 thanks!
and to all the people here who think you need talent (trolls or not) I used to draw things like this and I think I've improved a lot since then lmao
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>>11956992 >If you don't sell your *anal virginity to the dark lord *theBoogie (praise be upon him), you'll never be a good artist. Anonymous
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requesting Hopsin with a Scrafty and a Whimsicott.
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>>11956949 I only really draw in drawthreads, I find it hard to draw for myself. I look at a lot of landscape process pictures and save a lot of pictures when I'm looking for stuff to reference. I can see what I do wrong in every picture and it's frustrating and know what I need to do to improve but never do it so it's slow going.
Here's the first fill I ever did.
>>11956992 >Satan You mean Odin
Joltik !L9qZJ..U7I
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>>11956949 I draw 5-9 hours a day, observe things, watch tutorials, study other artists work etc.
Mystical !eC/YSAGUPE
>>11956972 >taking that last hint DO NOT DO IT
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>>11956973 What this guy said. Train yourself to be flexible, and practice practice practice.
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>>11956667 OR here, if anyone took this can you post so? Also kind of bumping to show it in all this trolling clutter.
>>11957016 But TF2 is better than everything except BF3. Anonymous
>>11956994 I couldn't draw something that level if I tried.
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>>11957016 That, I take with a grain of salt. I just feared people would remain forever curious about the spoiler text.
Re-Requesting a sequel picture to this picture right here (made by Cynabun). Just as (Chibi) Roxie is preparing to finish the battle with Venoshock; the exhausted and badly poisoned (Chibi) Maylene musters every bit of her strength she has to unleash a devastating Gut'd Stabbed Hi Jump Kick/Facade to the mini rock star's face.
>>11957013 >Odin You mean Surt.
>>11957061 >Surt You mean Aku.
>>11957073 >Aku Lucifer all the way
Mystical !eC/YSAGUPE
>>11957037 TF2 only lasted for a week with me.
I've been playing Unreal Tournament for 8 years and I still am willing to play more.
A game that gets constantly updated got beat by one that only got a couple of oficial map packs in longevity.
And OR, I'm still working on this.
>>11957038 seriously?
i found a bunch more old pictures on my computer, apparently I even tried to make a fake region with gym leaders, fakemon, and everything...
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>>11957078 >Lucifer No thanks, I'll sell my soul to 2pac.
>>11957078 I exclusively worship my waifu.
Also unrelated to this silly tangent requesting yandere Roxie doing anything.
>>11957123 Maylene and Roxie are best waifus.
>>11957123 well I worship my husbado.
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>>11957151 Husbandos are fine too
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>>11957123 Gen V has too much win, waifu-wise. Skyla, Roxie, Caitlin, Elesa, Rosa, Iris...
>>11957109 Yes really, there's like a sense of shape at least in these, even if it is at a basic level. You know how things should look. The moment I go to draw something freeform my mind seems to completely forget the way anything looks and I try draw it from memory but it comes out looking like something that doesn't resemble my target in the least. I was always great at portraits or landscapes, because it was merely a matter of copying what my eyes saw before me down onto paper, but I'd always longed to draw simple cartoony and cute figures, stuff like Pokemon that you'd think would be easy but I find infinitely more difficult. Here's a laughable thought. I'd probably be happy if I could get to just DeviantArt level, because at least then I could doodle as I've always wanted.
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>>11956078 Rererequesting
>>11957144 Really? I thought it was Nuggets.
You all have shit taste.
>>11957103 if you do get bored with the regular TF2, there are a huge number of mods to keep it fresh.
my personal favorites are 10x and randomizer Anonymous
>>11957183 Nuggets is a girl?
>>11957196 Nuggets is a
trap Alcott
>>11957196 When I want him to be.
>>11957192 Is there a Drawthread Steam group?
We should play some time. Anonymous
>>11957038 1. Take a Visual Communications or Rapid Visualization course.
2. Finish your assignments, doesn't matter if it turns out crappy. Finishing for a passing grade is good enough. HOWEVER, just because you finish the assignment for the class does NOT mean you're done with the exercise for life.
>I don't want to spend money on a class No problem.
1. Pick up on one of those "How to Draw" books the board recommends.
2. Try at least one exercise the book (Loomis or otherwise) suggests.
3. Set deadlines. Realistic ones. Less "I HAVE to draw better than this guy!" and more "I suck at drawing hands, so I'll try to have at least 5 different hand gestures drawn a week"
4. Again, you may have to repeat exercises for the sake of better understanding as you. It's not a linear process. Just because you're moving forward in the book doesn't mean you don't re-visit techniques.
5. /ic/ for peer review or even if you really want to try and devote yourself. The point is to have a second pair of eyes to see where you need improvement and don't be a faggot with a persecution complex about feedback that's a mere observation -- they couldn't give a bigger shit about your personal feelings and more about where you are with your craft.
You either keep at it with information or you give up with ignorance.
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>>11957186 Is... is that Maylene?
>>11957103 OR Here.
Looking forward to it Myst.
It's looking amazing so far.
Oh Yeah. Joltik I couldn't properly thasnk you for the Maid Lilligant drawing.
Thanks a million Joltik.
It's been a long time since I've seen one of my requests done by you.
hint hint Anonymous
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>>11957211 your pic reminds me
i've been playing the adventure time game for DS...and it's pretty fucking good
It's pretty much Zelda II in the land of Ooo
Nuggets !dv3kjUmMa2
>>11957196 Do girls like Nate and Hilbert?
>>11957199 Shh, I'm still learning. >>11957201 Oh Alcott
<33 Anonymous
>>11957178 well, you should post something you've drawn or draw something simple right now so we can give you some tips or something? complaining isn't going to do anything, although I get what you're saying, I feel that way about music.
this was one of my first computer pictures, but it took me practice to even reach the level in the pic.
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>>11957252 I do.
But I prefer Grimsley.
>>11957252 Not to derail the thread or anything, but... I'd like to see a picture of Nuggets.
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>>11957258 >complaining Never my intention, and I'm dropping this entire thing now.
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Requesting a pokegirl of your choice dressed as Penelo from FFXII
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>>11957206 No but a lot of them have Steam.
I stalk them.
What are the drawfag OTPs? I request you draw a mini comic or picture about the drawfag OTPs either as their Pokemon or as themselves. You'll just have to slip some Pokemon in or link it into the thread if it isn't Pokemon related. It's actually pretty funny there just happens to be so many gays all in one area without it being a parade.
>>11956933 All done!
>>11957053 I'll try and work on yours next. I wasn't really happy with the first one, but we'll see how it goes
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>>11957181 why yes it is! The OR wanted a child, and Luke always seemed to be the type to have a furret..
>>11957328 Ban and Raggedy
Bren and Shame
Myst and Boogie
Joltik and Nuggets
and myself Anonymous
>>11957350 >someone else with Rags/Ban brotp This pleases me.
>>11957328 I ship Ban and landscape anon.
>>11957350 >>11957359 I demand to know why this OTP exists.
It's because of the banettes right. Anonymous
>>11957341 oh man I'm seriously crying. thank you.
>>11957360 anon pls
>>11957364 they're both adorable and consistently positive and showing willingness to learn and try.
Joltik !L9qZJ..U7I
>>11957328 Bren and Shame
Alcott and Nuggets
Mystical and Boogie
Ban and Raggedy
Anon and Pendolom Anonymous
>>11957378 Aw, you think I'm adorable?
I still ship you with Ban hue. Anonymous
>>11957390 >mfw I'm shippable CONFLICTING FEELINGS.
>>11957350 >>11957388 Alcott/Nuggets or Joltik/Nuggets, which is the true ship?
>>11957414 Actually if Alcott takes Nuggs then I have Joltik all to myself.
But otherwise I get both.
Hm... Decisions, decisions...
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>>11957341 That's wonderful. Thank you so much.
>>11957373 We're here for you anon.
>>11957416 welp, time to get back to drawing
>>11957444 >Paranatural Brofist.
>>11957350 oh also Enkki and Shiny
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>>11957454 The /co/ threads are wonderful. Scary, but wonderful. So glad people are loving it.
>>11957416 I... um, wait what? Please tell me this was something else that the name were replaced with or something.
>>11957350 >>11957388 >Implying one man is enough for me. Anonymous
>>11957414 >>11957430 I'm pretty sure I saw Alcott saying he was straight, so is it just a brotherly OTP?
>>11957480 No of course not.
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>>11957485 Now this I can believe.
>>11957480 This was all comletely
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>>11957506 >*completely genuine and original goddammit queue
>>11957490 >Alcott >cott >Whimsicott >cott They are meant to be.
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Have at you drawthread
>>11957514 It'd be even more perfect if it was more than a drawfag name.
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>>11957388 please refer to
>>11957237 .
No it has nothing to do with the topic at hand but, just look.
>>11957341 Excellent, I thank you for taking my request in advance. The first one wasn't all that bad to be honest. I could give off some suggestion, but they're very minor.
drawly !!9VarzkHemJ3
I am home from work, I am sorry I was gone so long! Someone in the last thread asked me for a Scrafty, here it is.
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>>11957416 >>11957485 >>11957495 >>11957506 Oh god, my eyes! My brains. The sight of it burns to my very soul.
drawly !!9VarzkHemJ3
For whoever asked me for a very skinny Bidoof.
>>11957636 That was me! I love it. It captures Aushcwitz-Bidoof perfectly. Thank you.
drawly !!9VarzkHemJ3
Someone asked me for a Chandelure. I am sorry, if you requested something else of me, you will have to ask me again now, I do not remember any others.
>>11957621 BTW thank you for the Cryogonal. I was hoping to give you a bit of challenge
;P drawly !!9VarzkHemJ3
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>>11957647 You are very welcome! :)
drawly !!9VarzkHemJ3
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>>11957652 No problem! I am happy to draw new things and I like challenges! I hope you liked the Cryogonal!
requesting something cute with musburry from the /vp/ makes a dex, and shaymin or furret
>>11957621 Thanks dear, your style is just too cute.
Also, happy birthday! I'm not good with timezones so but I made something for you.
Sorry for shitty art ;_; Anonymous
>>11957679 God Musbury really is cute. They had so many cute designs before they pushed to standardize everything and ruined the charm of so much of the gold they had.
>>11957706 I haven't been in a thread since the first iteration of the ice bird. Which now looks like a fucking mess and makes me sad, but hey if the majority wants it? Musbury is still adorable but yeah, google shows some nice earlier versions.
drawly !!9VarzkHemJ3
>>11957683 Oh my god! Thank you so much!
I do not even know what to say, I not think I would even get present this year!
You are so kind! :)
>>11957328 Well here you go...from my boyhusbando and me with love.
Ban the Slash
>>11957360 What.
>>11957832 Hey if it's not too much trouble could you draw me a Pinsr?
>>11957852 Love knows no language~
>>11957832 You're welcome! I wish I could have done a better job with it though.
>>11957751 When they turned Xochi into a waifu I said fuck it and finally left. There was lots more before that which bothered me, but that was the final thing where I could no longer stay positive about what they were doing so rather than stay and complain bitterly I just showed myself the door. Lots of the names and movesets and designs I helped push are still there in one form or another, but I'm glad a project like this was anon because otherwise I'd have them bar my name from it.
>>11957495 >>11957506 We all know that was silly propaganda to get us to read
Hands Down .
You know that, right?
TOTALLY NOT THE WRITER IN QUESTION !msOUNdt4dI Thu 11 Apr 2013 00:15:15 No. 11957929 Report Quoted By:
>>11957916 I have no idea what you're talking about, anon.
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>>11957648 Can I request a cute Lopunny?
>>11957909 Xochi was a cute little pokemon. Did you expect it to not become a waifu?
Waifus or not, they keep dropping cool pokemon for shit ones, so the final product is gonna be terrible.
drawly !!9VarzkHemJ3
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>>11957872 Here you go!
>>11957880 Don't say such things! I think it's wonderful! :)
>>11958020 too busy laughing that no one wanted to even entertain the idea of a evolving wool "clothes" but later make bidoof with a wool hat
which IS adorable but come on. Anonymous
>>11958020 The original purpose of it was to be partnered with the golden idol one which was going to be feminine, so no if anything I expected it to be a husbando and even then it should've stayed a cute mascot legendary, not go full Meloetta.
>>11957552 It is my last name.
>>11957490 I am, think more platonic love and Nuggets just wants to get in my pants because he thinks I'm supr attraktivv.
>>11957467 Am I doing it right?
I'm up for a request, doing by order of reply.
>>11958089 Isn't Xochi the gold one they still have? re you thinking of the red idol they scrapped?
Either way, they were both feminine as fuck
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>>11958102 draw me a sexy dunsparce
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>>11958102 A cute chandelure please?
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>>11958100 You are indeed-y.
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requesting a maid Lampent or Chandelure
Enkki !EsZLwuxZyU
>>11957252 They're okay but we all know that
Roark is best .
Taking a simple request or two
draw me a Scrafty doing cake stuffing.
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>>11958056 I don't really know much about this project, but I think that they stress way too much about the designs. People are bound to disagree on what looks good and if you keep refining it because of some little complaint it's never going to get done.
quick someone give me an easy request
>>11958114 Nah Xochi is the red one, unless they've changed that since, and I wish I still had pics of it before they trashed it when it looked male before the golden idol even made the dex.
Enkki !EsZLwuxZyU
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>>11958100 ALCOTT OH MY GOD
Requesting a family of shellos and gastrodon. Preferably east coast blue and green, or a mix of both. Sorry if this is too high maintenance, I requested it this morning during dead hours. If no one responds I'll stop asking.
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Requesting Koga being handsome.
>>11958156 Found the old wiki. Here's before Meloettaization.
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>>11958135 How about a sleeping Trubbish?
>>11958178 I would like to attempt it, but I'm a very slow artist and pretty much halfway finished with a pending request.
>>11958135 Stupid not so sexy but ultra kawaii Abra.
I mean brain exploding kawaii.
It's nice to see you taking requests again. Aloner
>>11958113 Do you mean pokemon images on sushi, or pokemon eating sushi? Or both?
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>>11958230 She's been on her honeymoon with Shiny.
>>11958233 Sushi made of various species of aquatic Pokemon.
If you don't have the time it's fine. If you want to do it though, I'll be up for a while yet.
>>11958218 in my opinion, it still looks like something that could be waifu'd
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>>11958265 Of course, but it is more gender neutral which suits a legendary better anyways. Could go either way really. Now go look at it now. It is bottom right of their dex image which is at top of every thread.
Phew! I'm done with homework, so I'll take a simple request before going to bed. Simple please.
drawly !!9VarzkHemJ3
>>11958243 I am going to attempt this.
I make no promises that I cannot keep, this may end horribly.
Ban the Slash
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>>11958339 Requesting a maid Serperior or something
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>>11958339 Someone to make a new thread is a start.
>>11958299 How about an Alakazam coming his moustache?
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>>11958339 sandshrew in a cornfield
>>11958317 Aloner is already doing it I think, but if you want to as well then go right ahead. You can make yours cute if it helps.
>>11958360 You mean combing?
drawly !!9VarzkHemJ3
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>>11958389 Pretty sure he did, but naturally that's not what my first thought was.
What has this place done to me? Alcott
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New thread:
>>11958405 New thread:
>>11958405 New thread:
>>11958405 New thread:
>>11958405 New thread:
>>11958405 Now with more mistakes and blind copy and pasting.
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>>11957579 For a moment there I thought I lost it. The program crashed as I was saving it.
I spent more time on this one, I hope it suits you!
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>>11958243 Alrighty! This took a while, but was very interesting to do.