>Go to GS for Meloetta event
>Look around in the shop first if they have something that interests me
>They don't but some dude, maybe 12 years old, brought his mom with him and was looking for GTA IV
>I go to the cashier to ask for the event
>The kid pushes me away to get there first
>Puts the game on the desk
>Cashier looks pretty annoyed
>I already get pretty angry at that fucker
>He screams at his mom to pay for it
>Hold myself back to punch him
>Suddenly the cashier starts talking:"Ma'am, I need to inform you that this game contains weapon and drug abusive, nudism and uses a lot of swear words."
>Women looks confused and starts looking at the kid
>He just stares back angrily and shouts that he already has GTA III so it's only fair to get it
>Woman looks at the cashier again
>"You know, they don't write mature and 18+ for nothing on them."
>The woman suddenly starts shouting at her son for lying at her and hits him
>He starts crying and screaming, everyone in the store already looks on him
>I can hardly contain my laughter
>She pulled him out of the store and leaves
>Cashier starts smiling at me and tells me that happens to him at least twice a month
>I start laughing again
>Have a conversation about X and Y and the 3DS
>Leave the store with two Meloettas and a grin
Just go there OP. Nothing really to be ashamed of. Most of them play Pokémon too.