>>11999856Not sure if you've noticed but the most powerful defensive pokemon in the whole of Gen 5 is part grass aka Ferrothorn. If anything it's the part grass that makes it so powerful, exactly because it resists water, electric and ground.
Offensively hitting Super Effective on Water, Rock and Ground is damn useful, outside of grass your only option of culling bulky waters is electric which can be telegraphed too easily.
On the other hand with Ice, almost nothing in the game gets STAB on it culling it's power, since Mamoswine is the only one with anything resembling defenses and resists, not to mention a ridiculous number of non-ice types get a ice move. Also most people seem to miss that with Steel types being a requirement due to dragons still being overpowered it has a knock on effect which means there'll always be something to laugh off a ice attack.
Defensively Ice is 100% always a disadvantage, it's neutral to everything except Ice. Weak to Fire, Fighting, Rock the 3 most dangerous offensive types next to Dragon.
What people seem to be missing is pure grass is ass as a typing. But as a secondary typing grass is a blessing in a lot of cases. With Ice there is never any advantage what so ever to it.
Summary: There really is no typing that is worse than Ice.