1 first because it think it had the most solid designs overall. A lot of them standed out, but not oto much, and yeat none of them looked really "bad". I admit they may be a little of MUH NOSTALGIA talking, but whatever.
1 Second because Gen 5 has a lot of badass designs (I have a lot of favorites from it), but it's kind of a hit-and-miss sometimes. Misses like Vaniiluxe (>opinions). But the good far outweights the bad so I really can't rank it lower
3 third because altough it had a lot of badass designs, it also had a lot of shit, like Volbeat/Illumise or Lunatone/Solrock. But I found a lot of cool stuff so whatever, awesome gen for Pokemon
4 is a complete hit-and-miss. There's Gliscor, but then again there's Probopass and Wormadan.
2 is last because what this guy said