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No.12018497 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: Lucky moments.

> PWT unova leaders tournament
> vs drayden
> lead with typhlosion, he leads with haxorus
> -well better use fire blast and hope my bro survive the hit-
> fire blast , haxorus is burned
> -fuck yes!-
> haxorus used dragon dance
> -let's finish that!-
> outrage, dragon gem activated
> welfuck.jpg
> typhlosion survives with 36 HP, blaze is activated
> fire blast critical hit, haxorus fainted
> drayden sents out Flygon
> fire blast, critical hit
> flygon fainted
> icantbelieveit.png
> drayden sents out druddigon
> fire blast + choiceSpecs + blaze
> druddigon fainted
> DanielBryanYesYesYes.avi
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