>>12036801I didn't really want to post this story but I guess I dont really see the harm in it.
When I was a kid, My mom got me Silver and my brother and her knew how much I loved the game. We ended up taking a trip together which was nice since we rarely get to have any vacations. They would always ask me how my game was going because they knew it made me happy. I didn't know it at the time, but my mom was dying of cancer and this vacation was supposed to be her last time with all of us. It was terminal and she had already exhausted all her options to get help. I noticed her health acting odd, but she just hugged me so much and was just happy to see me happy.
That was probably the last family vacation I ever had. Soon after, my mom passed away. My brother was a bit of a loner and outsider, although always loving to me. So when I was taken into my Aunts care, they didn't really welcome him and told him to beat it. At this point we didn't have much family and I guess it hurt him a lot to see even during times like this, they just didn't give him a chance over silly reasons. He bought me Saphire when it came out and I didn't hear from him as much. His foster family was very strict and I later find abusive.
I didnt know it but he was going through a very dark and lonely period and finally on my birthday I get a phone call. I assumed it was him wishing me a happy birthday. Instead I had to go identify the body.
Growing up after that, I was just insulted and beat up simply for liking Pokemon. The kids broke my Gameboy and stole my game. From then on I gave up on it and fell into a depression feeling like the world really is dark and lonely. Of course that changed when I got older and realized I became what Ive always wanted to be.
Now here I am an adult man, and still at some times I feel exactly the same way I did all those years ago during our family vacation.