>>12061352>unless you really care that much about which is about Pokemon and which is about Battles>implying I don't.Also, which mons are available.
>Oh hay that Yveltal looks cool>later: Normal/Flying>Xerneas turns out to be Psychic/SteelIt's like when Palkia turned out to be fucking WATER TYPE. Or Ho-Oh turned out to be a slightly cooler Moltres. Etc.
>buy Y>X gets Heracross, I get Pinsir>X gets Skarmory, I get Mantine>X gets Kyogre, I get Groudon>X gets Whimsicott, I get LilligantOh boy, sure am glad I surprised myself with all the suck I was stuck with instead of knowing beforehand that I had access to the good shit.
"A boat's a boat, but the mystery box could be ANYTHING! it could even be a boat!" — you