>>12083003JUDGING YOU, GEN 2.
102: you can sit on your hair which is cool
103: Cool beard, would chill with
104: eyepatch AVOID
105: hawt
106: Looks like a bro
107: 11/10 would bang
108: total bro
109: nice boobs
110: Would chill with.
get it111: hawt
112: scary
113: Looks like a bro
114: Looks absolutely terrified
115: poke
116: that nose
117: looks like a zombie
118 sexy hair and beard
119: omg so kawaii xx!!!!!
120: Ginger sis
121: 3edgy5me
122: hawt
123: oh god
124: Looks middle aged
125: swag
126: them lips
127: Nose
128: would hang out with
129: probably tastes like lasagne
130: average guy
131: nice mullet
133: sexy hair
134: You have square eyes
135: No
136: 10/10 would bro
137: same type bros
138: you look like a man
139: hawt
141: look like a chill guy
142: team rocket is blasting off again
143: them sideburns
144: 10/10 would bang
145: you look like you want to kill me
146: GARY MOTHERFUCKING OAK with yellow shirt
147: Creepy
149: Short like me, yay.
150: you look like you are tall
151: kick ass beard
152: a fox died on your head
153: Is that a hat
154: blurrble
155: hawt
156: that poor driffloon
157: GRIN
158: Looks high
159: has some crazy beard action happenin'
160: would chill with
161: would be bros
162: gingersis
163: no comment
164: something has emerged from your hair
165: =w=
166: Fabulous
167: are you going to shoot me
168: another nose grower
169: another 69er
170: hawt
171: almost yellow
172: dodgy eyebrows
173: massive hat
174: cute
175: Bro-
176 -tier
177: 9edgy79me
178: mew is cool and so are you
179: shorts are comfy and easy to wear
180: Looks like a spikey wobbuffett
181: scary