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No.12130806 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm trying to improve my competitive game but I don't want to use the same old same old Pokemon so I have a few questions for competitive/smogonfags here:

1) How important are the tiers away from battle simulators? I heard NU/RU/OU etc. are entirely based upon how often they are used and that there are competitively great Pokemon in NU/RU/etc. that can stand up to OU Pokemon.

2) How well do competitive teams work outside of multiplayer? I've tried using a couple of competitively oriented Pokemon in PWT and got my ass handed to me.

3) I'm really into the idea of double/triple teams and using the Pokemon to work together and getting a really good synergy going between them. How different is double/3v3 competitively from 1v1 competitive play?

4) What is the best approach to having not just a strong team but also keeping the battles fun and interesting instead of just a 1HKO or constant switchfest?

5) How important are good IVs really? I've heard they don't actually matter all that much unless you're in a tourney of some kind. But it's obviously preferable to get good ones.