>>12139915cute. like a darker version of joltick
>>1214663511/10 would train.
>>12139641too digimon-y with the the design. feels too unnatural and doesn't fit with the donphan evolution
>>12139273if only i could see what it was...
>>12137909X/Y magikarp confirmed
>>12137698bitch please, i'm fabulous!
>>12137711not remotely pokemon-like
>>12137702see 12137711
>>12137685like the idea with the scales, but not done too well in the picture
>>12137596FUCKING YES
>>12136966FUCKING NO
>>12136985well done. would train
>>12137588too cute, not worthy for battle
>>12137084too bland. the fire looks stupid and the electric mane is out of place
>>121372246fcdfkoi43r90fcjdsfo dfvlmdsocpaodp[2odc-0eitg
>>12137278great dunsparce evo
>>12137330i fucking love this concept and the overall design. would train both for my team
>>12137337my dick cannot hold it's fury
pic related. i call him norm