[30 / 10 / ?]
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This trio was by far the most suck-tastic one. If it were up to me there would be no emotional goodbyes, just a big round of BEST WISHES from everybody. Iris didn't need to be in a group to begin with; she'll be fine cruising along her journey at her own sluggish pace by herself because she's so damn self-sufficient and superhuman. Cilan has his own buttload of duties he needs to get back to and I think he's not gonna be prone to breaking up into tears. But he will give Ash and Iris one hell of a feast before leaving. And Ash will be Ash, or rather Ash will be the Ash of regression, and he would just be constantly optimistic and assure they'll meet again someday and that of course will never happen. What they will most likely REALLY do, against my wishes, is have Iris be a stupid tsundere about leaving the group of friends she constantly picked on and it will fail to move me in any way. Cilan will do feast-mania, Ash will be his stupid BW self, and he and Iris will shout a stupid "KODOMO NEEEE~" at each other while Ash departs on the ship, there will probably be tears I won't care about, because I'll be too busy being happy about this group splitting up for good. After all, this is Best Wishes. They love doing crazy stuff that either sucks or doesn't make any sense. I suspect the trio separation scene will be no different.
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Cilan's a bro. I'll miss him, though I'll also be glad when he leaves. He doesn't need to wear out his welcome like Brock did. Fuck Mary Sue though.
>Not the Hoenn arc OP confirmed for a complete retard. Max is without a doubt far worst than Iris. That became underlined when ;______________________; MUH DADDI LOS TIM3 2 STEAL ASH BADGE ND RUN LIK A FGT. Christ, that little piece of shit pissed me off even more when the fucking Jirachi movie was centered around him and his butt buddy Jirachi. Fuck. I'd sooner rewatch Best Wishes than deal with that whiney little faggot.
>>12154318 He's a fucking eight year old. That's how eight year olds act.
I enjoyed having a kid who actually acts his age instead of all these annoying hypercompetent fuckers.
Here's hoping for the next set of companions to be decent in Gen 6. Hope they include girl protagonist this time.inb4 French accent
>>12154325 And Iris is what, 10? WOW 2 FUCKING YEARS APART. L E MOTHER FUCKING L
Stop defending that little piece of shit.
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>>12154342 >Most of the ages of people in pokemon >Remotely mentioned Anonymous
The best part of this new season is: Iris: I'm going to Kanto too! I want to see the dragon-types of other regions! Only dragon-types in Kanto are the ones from Dragonite family, which she already has. Heh. Unless you count Kingdra. Since there's a lot of Horseas and Seadras in Kanto, probably there are some Kingdras too. But still, it's just one godamn species.
Marika Kato !!cxhpY4QLASr
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>>12154328 Almost wish they'd go with the Joan archetype thing. It'd never happen, but hey, one can ponder.
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They tried FAR too hard to replicate the organic-feel that the original group had, should have come as no surprise that the attempt crashed and burned. Cilan was an interesting character, though. Certainly better than Brock has been the past few sagas.
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To be honest, the only reason I found Cilan interesting was because of his voice actor and mannerisms (he's a carbon copy of Tamaki Suoh and Masaomi Kida). If he wasn't voiced by Mamoru Mayano, I don't know if I'd have liked him as much.
>>12154362 Shit son, she's in for a fucking disappointment.
good That said, is there a chance, a CHANCE, that they'll use the actual MALE game protagonists, even if just as sidekicks?
>>12154504 a chance that's infinitely approaching zero
>>12154504 >>12154509 > http://pokebeach.com/2008/07/second-pokemon-interview-with-masamitsu-hidaka-many-interesting-points > 7th paragraph > "So then I said, “Why can’t you just ditch Brock, have Ash, have Misty, and then bring in a new boy? That would be switching up things instead of having a new girl.” His following answers made me laugh my head off I had to pick it up off the floor and reattach it. He stated that they like to switch up the girls because it gives the boys some new eye candy every once in a while. He also said girls are more customizable and you can change their outfits, like when they are in their bathing suits (yes, he specifically said that). He also said Ken Sugimori designs a new girl with each generation and that gives them another excuse to switch the girl, though I reminded him that there is also a new boy with each generation too, and it wouldn’t hurt to use them." Interview with storyboard artist and previous director of Pokemon, Mr. Hidaka. Chance's of a boy protagonist appearing is slim to none.
>>12154616 Ahaha, what a sexist dude. At least the philosophy appears to have somewhat changed, as Iris clearly wasn't design with that sort of "appeal" in mind as the last girls have.
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>>12154699 It probably had to do with the age of the BW protags too. Can't have a 14 year old Hilda traveling with a 10 year old Ash after all. The girls have to be young to garner the most fan appeal~
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>20-30 something year old manchild still watching the anime
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>>12154616 >Iris >eye candy >bathing suit >using Iris for eyecandy instead of Hilda/Rosa Fuck the anime, that shit's inexcusable
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>>12154907 Spoken like a true fag.
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>>12154907 Ok is not as cute as Dawn
Nothing in this motherfucking multiverse is cuter than Dawn!!! but hey iris as a nice face, i like her hairs
my opinion and i have no fucking problems with her skin tone
this gives her a +1 in my fappy opinion . I give Iris a 8/10
where Dawn is 10/10 an Misty 4/10 Mister Twister !!fC+foubMbgX
What if Ash's new travelling companion is the region's Professor, who's a Child Prodigy?
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I think Ash/Dawn/Brock was the worst trio by far.
>>12155143 I hate child prodigies, they always come off as smug bastards that either learn a lesson about humility at some point or they don't at all but are always pricks, from this anime we have Gary and Paul.
If they're so mature, why do they act more childish?
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>>12156069 And Max, what a prick.
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>>12156069 >if they're so mature Nobody ever said child prodigies are mature. They're smart. They're frequently immature because they are told from a young age that they're above their peers.
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Misty was much worse. Brock being awesome back then doesn't make up for it. ESPECIALLY during the godawful Johto arc.