>>12165773You see those coloured squares at the side?
The number with the voltorb by it tells you how many voltorbs there are in that row or column and the other number tells you the total of the numbers in there.
Now you want to avoid voltorbs and "1"s. Voltorbs because they'll end the game and ones because they don't up your total so why risk it.
If a row's total is 5 then don't bother opening any on that row and flag them as possible "1"s or voltorbs. Sometimes in the lower levels this can be enough to identify where the all the voltorbs are and win.
If you need more than that, when the obvious bombs and "1"s have been marked out use the numbers and voltorb totals in the coloured squares to figure out which squares have big multipliers in them and which have bombs. Most of the time, if you check this against the columns and rows that intersect the one you are working out it should show if you have the right layout or not.
If you want to play it through without thinking though and aren't worried about occasionally dropping a level then just flip the squares where larger numbered columns and rows with small voltorb totals meet. About 2/3 of the time you can win with that tactic, but it will take longer than playing the game properly and is less fun.