>>12214857I mean, I would say no, but those sources aren't WRONG.
It's just that Doubles != singles.
In 4v4 doubles, Regi will be dead after 3-5 turns. There's little sense trying to fight that with something like Drain Punch, IMO, since the power isn't there. Regi's job needs to be, once the Slow Start fetters are off, to kill a minimum of 2 mons (preferably 3) and weaken another. Whimsi will have boosted your team during this time, so basically after these two are dead you've got two boosted mons in reserve to clean up.
Drain Punch will recover some of Regi's health but IMO it's like who gives a shit. Just using that move is more or less a waste of time; it's one more turn for Whimsi to inch closer to death and it isn't killing or weakening anything too severely, and all you're getting is a little HP back; nowhere near enough to gain back the full turn you just lost running that shit.
Zen Headbutt is okay coverage, but at what, 80BP?, I think Rock Slide is better. It's 5BP less, but it hits BOTH opponents, and if you need a coverage move (and really, the only time coverage is going to matter is up against something like Gengar that can't be touched by CG/Return OR Quake) it's nice to be able to hit BOTH mons to justify using the shit move.
ZH might be helpful to smack around any fighting types that threaten to give you a hard time, I suppose, but frankly if the opponent leads with a fighting type, boosted Crush Grip is still gonna bust their fucking face in (just aim for the fighting type mon on turn one), and if he brings one in after his first two mons are dead, it's like, just let Regi die, you've done enough, hit it as hard as you can with CG (which at 50% more BP + STAB boost still hits harder than SE Zen Headbutt) and make sure you've got a mon in the wings who can handle fighting types.