pokemon is a franchise with a defined public of kids (of course adults play but it you get my point) and its also connected with nintendo
the closer you could get is to make a game for Wii, wich cannot handle this sort of graphics in the same level as a ps3/xbox.
The closer you could have is something with zelda skyward graphics, and a pkmn stadium fight, or we could say, Pokemon X and Y for wii instead of 3ds
Also, it main games/storyline is and has allways been made for the handhelds
another reason, is that graphics the way your image shows does not appeal for kids as much as the current art style, and again, kids are the main public, so its not interesting to nintendo invest on it.
anooother reason is that pkmn is a rpg based game, so if you dream with some sort of action fighting that a full 3d open world could provide, im sorry to say that its never gonna happen
>>12226461see X and Y trailer