raw, request, ask for critique.
This is not a thread strictly for requests and delivery, nor is it a thread for mundane ass patting and ignorance. This is a thread for /vp/-generated artistic content, discussion and growth. We are a community, we should act like it; because at the end of the day, we're all here to have fun and maybe learn a thing or two.
Requesters are free and welcome to request art from the artists who frequent, however please have some degree of courtesy. If your request is not taken, just try your luck on a different day. Spamming "bumps" or whining isn't pleasant for anyone. If, however, your request is taken, even the smallest of a "thank you" means a lot to any growing artist. Keep in mind that these are people just like you. Spectator feedback is highly encouraged, just don't be a prick. Pointing out flaws and giving suggestions will take an artist by leaps and bounds, just insulting them won't.
New artists are always welcome and encouraged, regardless of skill level. Even if you firmly believe you "suck" at first, we can help you. So please, don't hesitate to come in. You are free to post your individual, non-requested work, however if you aren't seeking critique or actual feedback it is recommended you post elsewhere. No one likes a whore on a high horse.
Please provide references as often as possible, especially for things outside the Pokemon universe. If requesting something from a separate thread or the old DrawThread be sure to copy and paste the request itself over instead of just posting a link, once that thread 404s it will be just another dead link. Remember, patience is key; don't bump your request every hour, it'll only put people off.
Previous Thread:
>>12277038 DA Group:
http://pokemon-drawfriends.deviantart.com/ IRC Network:
Rizon.net Channel: #/vp/drawfriends
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>raw, request, ask for critique. >raw thread ruined
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Requesting you draw your favorite gen 6 starter with your favourite most recently leaked Pokemon.
>>12283427 >>12283554 Well my first instinct when they were revealed wasn't to look for porn.
>>12283601 I'm not quite sure what to think
other they better reveal the english names soon so I can remember them for porn searching Anonymous
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>>12283669 Alcott, why do you deny us the D? ;_;
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>>12283700 Will you shut the fuck up already and stop with the spoilers
>>12283715 because he knows
>Alcott in charge of making a new thread
>>12277231 finally got to drawing this.
challenge: what are they saying?
for me, x-chan is saying "ride the gogoat" and dawn is just like "the what" also have a silly version of the request i'm gonna quick scribble out
I forgot the drawing anyway so I'll just copy my text.
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>>12283244 i know there are some others who'd like to see something like this too
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>>12283728 But now who will give us the D?
>>12283635 Okay. Spoilered for shitty WIP
:< Anonymous
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>>12283735 You see that homosexual bathing facility?
You must make haste to its location at once you causal plebian
>>12283717 Hello
sugar. >>12283691 Find out in the next episode.
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Requesting a picture of XY protags riding a Rapidash. Yes I'm admit that riding Pokemon may be limited to the goat, the idea of the new protags riding a flaming horse down some city street while enduring roasted "chestnuts" is too good to let go.
Requesting a Female Cofagrigus Gijinka. Sitting in a graveyard would be preferable.
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nothing happens, as usual
>>12283386 Gumbaroo for Ban. Seeing as you asked for it and it saves me spamming people with links to give him for when he's back.
http://youtu.be/VmOO5Y1wiIA >>12283715 >>12283728 >>12283733 Guys pls, I never make mistakes. It was obviously intentional.
>>12283749 >shitty WIP Hahano.
>>12283749 Holy fuck I love you. Not even OR but holy christ that is kawaii as fuck.
requesting a cute maid pokemon of your choice. Anonymous
>>12283801 Like I said
You know
>>12282768 uh well I usually don't do humans so it's kinda shitty, especially the hands, so I just made a rough jaggy WIP so maybe someone can give me pointers?
that is, if you even want me to finish it, 'cause I know it's not very good.
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Requesting a shiny lucario in super saiyan form
>>12283876 I would love to give you some pointers but I can't think of any at the moment right now
>>12283833 More than you'd ever know.
>>12283863 At least he died beautiful, he would have been proud to die for my sins.
>>12283919 >that guy on the left ritsubel
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>>12283735 here's the silly version. she's a zettai ryouiki senpai now
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>>12283930 You are now manually aware of the smooth criminal drifting in from the right.
Wow I really did not mean to click that.
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>>12283876 Maybe these proportions would work better?
I have a humble request. I just want a drawfriend to draw six pokémon of his/her choice, only rule is that they have to be doing this dance:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=O2U4-Vjo4l0 It would be much appreciated!
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>>12283876 Not OR, but you're not that bad with humans.
The waist is a bit too high and the arms could stand to be a little longer.
There's still a certain amount of appeal the figure still has in spite of these flaws though. Just polish some structure on hands, proportions in terms of the ratio of the legs to torso and a little bit of practice on fabrics/volume.
Honestly, I think this is something you can do.
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>>12283904 but still keep up the good work there
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>>12283801 saved for gumball.
I'd like to see any artist's interpretation of an Arbok or Ekans gijinka. Male preferred but female is fine, too. For some reason they are proving fairly difficult to find for me. I'm also curious as to what sort of designs people like in their gijinkas. Do you just dress a human in pokemon-inspired clothes or do you do the kenomimi thing where you add ears+tail or some sort of mix of features?
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>>12283801 Alcott pls
implying my coloring didn't ruin it >>12283831 I need to go to bed, but I might tomorrow, though I'm not very good at maidus
Waiting for ps3 updates, taking a simple request or two to pass the time.
Huh, the more I draw her the more I find her similar to Caitlin. Must be the hair.
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>>12284284 >that face Saving it for reaction picture.
>>12279424 Well this took entirely too long. Sorry for that OR.
Also kind of missed the opportunity to use that suggestion you gave, but I just had this idea in my head. I just imagine Spinda being oblivious to Yancham's smugness.
>>12284297 Simple being the key word but fuck it, lest give it a shot.
Alright friends, I'll take a few requests. I need to take a quick rest from the game I was playing partially because it was getting a little 2spooky4me and the esc key stopped working.. But I would love to take on some requests!
>>12284332 Sorry man, I guess my idea of simple is pretty stupid, haha.
>>12284377 Leafeon hitting Glaceon
>>12284377 your favorite Pokemon looking scared
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>>12284377 Could you do
>>12284023 please?
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>>12284397 Of course, just playfully
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i fixed birdy's scan, hope u like it guys
Hey guys, I'm gonna get a Tablet soon, my first one, my first one, but technically I don't know a fuck about tablets (just a few things about how to use it, and the fact that I want a Wacom Bamboo because idk). Any tip or recomendation that you can give me for choose and/or use a tablet?>filler picture unrelated, its my first complete drawing with Paint Tool SAI and I did it a few months ago.
Anyone up for the new yellow lizard Pokemon, but as a Sgt. Frog character, next to Porygon-Z as Kururu?
>>12284320 Heh I like it, I like it a lot. It make me think of some old cartoon duo. I thank you for this picture.
>>12284377 A Deino with sunglasses looking suave as hell.
>>12284413 Don't lose your spare pen nibs, put them somewhere safe and always keep a copy of your driver install. Be aware of pressing too hard, adjust your pressure sensitivity so you don't end up grinding your nib to nothing or scratching up your pad.
Do some requests once you get it and I'll throw more stuff at you since I don't feel like remmebering everything I said and talked to you about last time.
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>>12284468 Good idea, I second.
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>>12284413 I used to have a bamboo and before that i had a ginormous thing that I don't actually remember the brand for, but recently I replaced the bamboo with a monoprice tablet due to a very good review I saw on the web (just google "monoprice tablet review" and it should be the first). I had to upgrade my photoshop (I was using 7.0 previously lol) but after that it's generally been smooth sailing. Compared to the bamboo, it's cheaper but I like it better too.
I have no idea how monoprice functions with SAI though.
Enkki !EsZLwuxZyU
I really like the new bird pokemon taking requests, simple and/or cute preferred
>>12284413 That looks very cool anon. Wacom Bamboo aren't too bad. For your first tablet I would recommend a Bamboo Fun. Thats the one I use at the moment but I seriously want to upgrade to an Intuous
>>12284413 Get this one if you're looking for a cheap reliable tablet. This runs you about 60-70$
http://www.wacom.com/en/products/pen-tablets/bamboo/bamboo-splash But If you wanna spend a little more for a bigger tablet and a few extra things get this one which I have. This one is about 90-100$.
http://www.wacom.com/en/products/pen-tablets/bamboo/bamboo-capture Pic related, I drew this Wooper.
>>12284533 Draw the new bird pokemon.
:3 Anonymous
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>>12284533 Flame Charging Yayakoma?
>>12284413 save your money for a bigger wacom or find a cheaper alternative.
i've got a bamboo. it's a bit small for me, but that's just me.
>>12284533 New bird perched on new panda's shoulder?
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
Been kicked off my PC so the wife can play RO2 Any req I can do, human or gijinka and ill do my best on paper
>>12284574 Draw a Wooper using ice punch.
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>>12284478 Thanks. I will remember that.
>>12284556 >>12284538 Bamboo Fun and Bamboo Splash. Thanks for the tips, Anons! Since I'm not from USA, sadly I can't take the prices tips unless I find out for myself (where I live, the things are usually more expensive than in USA)
>>12284566 I think I don't need something very bigger, since the sizes of my drawings aren't very bigs IRL.
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>>12284391 Nah its cool, that SHOULD be simple I just suck too much. Going back to it because cyborgs keep slaping my my shit in rising.
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>>12284398 I don't really have a favorite, so I did my favorite released pokemon
Long time ago in a distant thread i shameless the master of idiocy unleashed a bla bla bla i was busy i did the sho minamimoto request...also taking some dsi requests.
Scar the Lion !Wj.GNJq7ao
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Requesting a Vileplume and a Honchkrow being pals.
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
>>12284591 Guh uh.... How does a wooper use ice punch, it has no hands...
Ill do a gijinka wooper doing ice punch instead since that can make more sense.
(I'm still surprised it can learn ice punch)
>>12284739 Wooper could use his tongue to ice punch things.
>>12284720 you request i draw it on my dsi, better hurry or i'll put tits on the panda.
>>12284784 I humbly request sexy clowns. The rest is at your digression.
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>>12284784 A zorua sitting on a trainers head.
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>>12284685 Thank you, shame, es glorioso.
Can someone draw Dio with a Zubat/Golbat/Crobat?
>>12284685 Draw some of the new Pokemon pls shame.
>>12284855 He could be holding a Yamask's mask.
>>12284685 Not OR, but that is so good. Is that a noise version of Garbodor?
Do you think there will ever be a sequel? Anonymous
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>>12284883 Mhm, that would be cool too.
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
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>>12284780 Too late, already done here you go. Crudely drawn and what not.
Completely redrew the right hand. I just wasn't getting it to look right so I tried a different position.
>>12285063 You still didn't fix her boobs
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
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Ok, who's got another human/gijinka request?
>>12284473 I hope this is suave enough for you
>>12285090 I just don't see anything wrong with them. I know they are to big compared to the official art but i'm ok with that. If you want your welcomed to make corrections on it and I will fix it.
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
>>12285063 Boob physics my friend for next time spoiler
since they do show nips TBH I think the image is fine.
>>12285117 They're way too big, and gravity isn't pulling them down.
>>12285130 At least post a better tutorial
>>12284765 how dID U KNOW??????/
Lord Zigra
Just threw this together.
Trainer Sashii
reposting my request of this
>>12279400 my raichu <3
Just want something cute =D
Sorry if I missed any posts in last thread
artist choice of what he should be doing <3 just something cute please and thank you
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>>12285152 Thought that was Parappa for a sec
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>>12285130 >>12285139 I'll mess around with them and see what I can do.
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>>12285096 That smile says it's good enough for me.Thanks for the pic.
>>12285145 you mentioned it being 2spooky and that you were partially playing it. I mostly went through the game letting the battle auto fight for me, and you use the ESC to go back in the menus.
I've seen it jump up in popularity since a long-going webcomic went on hiatus, so really it was just a lucky guess.
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
>>12285139 Okay....no wait can't post the link NVM
Azure google search: drawing breast physics, should be the first one from babe lab.
Any requests? Human or Gijinka perfered.
>>12285244 Ctrl+Alt+Del is on hiatus?
>>12285246 >Babe lab That's even worse, dude
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Requesting Servine writhing in a pool of maple syrup
>>12285261 Homestuck
so all the usual homestuck fanartists are making OFF fanart
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Requesting Yayakoma as the twitter bird
>>12285246 This post is looking for a gijinka
>>12284135 Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
>>12285271 You got one that is better then please share, if you're going to keep complaint about breast physics and what not then post something to help us improve. Remember we are a community to help each other get better and not bash on each others works.
>>12285244 yeah, I know a bunch of people playing it, and so I decided to play it as well. I like the sprites of everything, and the overall design, and it was going really well, but now that I'm towards the end and everything is all "waht a twist" I'm kind of losing interest.
That, and the fact that half of the "puzzles" are just trial-and-error bug me
>>12285160 Do you want it in a specific pose or anything?
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
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>>12285317 Okey doke, ill get on that.
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>>12285310 >fanautists FTFY
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Can we see something with Yveltal with Lugia?
Trainer Sashii
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>>12285340 no it can be anything =) as long as it isn't lewd
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Requesting a mothim and masquerain fighting over a streetlamp at night
>>12285246 A female cradily gijinka
>>12285318 Here's one
NOTE: artistic reference, not porn
>>12285330 How towards the end are you? Zone 3 or The Room?
I enjoyed the game, but I am a sucker for stories with unreliable narrators. I appreciate what the game tried to do with pointing out the linearity and illusion of control that RPG games have, but I can agree the pacing suffered from the random battles. (I say on a board specifically for a series of linear RPG games and millions and millions of random battles.)
I enjoyed the music, the art and talking about it with friends but yeah it has flaws. Overall I'd say I enjoyed the experience of playing it, though.
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
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>>12284135 Not so good but here ya go
>>12285310 Yeah, I've noticed that too. I don't understand why though.
I mean, I personally hate homestuck. I couldn't get past the first page when I tried it because the character looked just as disinterested in it as I was.
Is there a connection between the two things though?
>>12285502 They're both "hurr deeeeep" storywise
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>>12285438 I'm in the room. I already know all about what happens, simply because I figured it out before I even played the game, but I really do enjoy it.
I know this seems to be the cliche thing, but I definitely think Zacharie is one of the better players in the game because of what you said in pointing out the fact that it's a game.
The music is what pulled me into it; I usually hate playing games with music, but as soon as I heard the music during the random battles I left it on. It's the only reason I can stand going through so many of them.
Just going back through all the zones is a drag
eet waz fahn for mi. Let's do this again! Name a pokemon and I'll paint one for you
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Requesting a zapdos trying to growl at a confused raikou
>>12285518 OFF is kind of deep sorta.
Homestuck is a heap of flaming ships thrown in a pile of idiocy with copious amounts of shitty running gags slathered all over it.
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>>12285518 I dunno if I would say Off is "2deep4me" material. It's only until literally, the very end of the game it gets like that.
The rest is just beating up ghosts with a baseball bat
>>12285518 hurr deep storywise and popular homestuck fanartists played it and recommended it and so because the comic is on hiatus it spread and now there's a huge overlap between the OFF and Homestuck fandoms.
So not like a connection in that OFF and Homestuck have nods to each other in them but just an overlap in fandom.
>>12285586 Disappointing. OFF was kind of cool.
I wish I could draw worth a damn, but I just don't have the talent. Kudos to you guys.
>>12285604 I don't want to say 'my thoughts exactly' but... yeah my thoughts exactly.
I had all intents of drawing fanart for OFF because I enjoyed it a lot! Aaaand then I saw the fandom had assimilated some Homestuckers with more on the horizon I just... kinda... nope'd right on outta there.
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>>12285632 A wise decision.
>>12285622 Stop using that excuse and put pencil to paper or tablet pen to tablet anon. You're not going to draw how you want if you don't draw to start with. Do not think "oh I'm fucking awful why should I bother", think "wow I can improve by focusing on this so I can draw awesome later".
>>12285677 Procrastination is a helluva thing, man.
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>>12285632 To be fair Pokemon also has a lot of shitty fans too. Not all Homestuck fans are terrible. Try not to judge people too much by their interests.
>>12285700 Slowly but surely my friend. Slowly work on surrounding yourself with what it is you want to do, and chip away as much or as little as you want. You're not being lazy or dumb or negative, you're just feeling the waters and getting used to something new. Look back and go "hey I've already done this, I can do it again!", maybe you do more this time, maybe less, but you do something. You wanna draw right? Doesn't matter how long it takes you or if some other person works faster or slower, take it at your own pace cause it's you doing your thing.
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>>12285567 >OFF is kind of deep sorta. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
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>>12285391 Here you go anon sorry for such a mess,
Any other gijinka or trainer req?
>>12285632 I've drawn some off fanart but I make it pretty clear I'm not into homestuck. Just because you draw for one fandom doesn't mean you're apart of another
>>12285745 I just see my shitty creation and get all depressed.
>>12285802 I do, man. I do.
>>12285815 Then get better at art
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
>>12285787 Don't be look at all my shitty work I'm posting, people appreciate the work an artist does even a stick figure. Don't tell me that some kid will go to you show you their stick figure art and bit be proud of it? You say good job and encourage them to do better.
An artist isn't born over night it takes time. Where I was 3 years ago is nothing compared to what I am doing now and I'm still slowly improving and taking advise from my fellow drawfriends
On the bright side of having a broken tablet, I at least can finally learn how to use Colors! 3D
>>12283735 Only just found this thread. Nice! You should post it to your Tumblr, Ritsu-chan.
Butch !!1S35s3JKGWG
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>>12285671 That is so good.
NNNNGHHH Anonymous
>>12285844 >>12285834 Here is something I drew a few months ago.
>>12285883 Great, improve on that
>>12285883 Well. The colors are nice.
>>12285409 >When a woman is warm or not aroused her nipples are NOT sticking out. They soften to the point where you can't see the nub! Just want to point out that this is wrong. Unless a female is born with inverted nipples, the nub is always visible regardless of body temperature.
>>12285787 getting better takes time, as long as you try you'll get better. pretend you're like 10 and be proud of every piece you draw. you can cringe and laugh at it later. (pic related, i used to be proud of that old drawing)
>>12285852 maybe i'll post it with the hat switch one in a bit, I got sucked back into my comic so I only posted the silly one huh haha
>>12285920 >that 2004 drawing Azure
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>>12285899 Yea I thought that sounded weird too.
>>12285920 8 years is a lot of time.
>>12285920 Ah. Updating the Nuzlocke soon?
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>>12284685 Elikitel doing Gangnam Style?
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
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>>12285883 Not bad build off of it, use shapes to help out structuring your head, circles are welcomed as shown.
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>>12285883 >mouse well, it's a start. head over to /ic/, they have a lot more material for this.
stick to traditional media (pen and paper) for the beginning. it's easier to transition to digital from traditional, like learning basic arithmetic before algebra or something.
>>12285931 i have piles of stuff like it stored away and sometimes i take them out to laugh. there's one traditional drawing of i think sora from kingdom hearts (or some digimon character? one of the two) where i wrote "I can't believe I drew this" and i crack up every time.
>>12285954 it's very slow usually but drawing should always be fun i think so it never feels like i'm forcing myself to get better.
>>12285978 hopefully yea. the leak happened mid-inking and i dropped everything to draw the new stuff so i'm kind of behind schedule
>>12285796 You are controlling this guy who is a baseballe player, and you run around and beat up spectres with ur baseball bat
and sometimes u talk to a sabertooth tiger
and buy stuff from this fat fuck in a mask
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
Still looking for some req Trainer or gijinka...
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>meme spewing out the ass >thumbnail response jpegs >flaccid circlejerking >terrible art not even for entertainments sake >msn-tier "conversations" personal blog shit >gungnam style art requests that will undoubtedly be answered i-i cant do this anymore, and to top it off the never ending gutting of original content by moderators that must have even emptier lives than i do...
>>12286055 A frazzled looking zekrom gjinka
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>>12286020 Ah. What was your last update?
>>12286054 That first sentence makes me think of paranatural.
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
>>12286070 Male or female?
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>>12285920 >Draw it again I'm always horrified by the ones that stay the same or actually get WORSE.
I'm not even going to name names.
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>>12285787 I know where you're coming from. It used to be where every time I saw someone's art who was better than mine, I would spiral into this permanent depression because my art didn't feel up to par with it. It got to the point where art was no longer fun for me whatsoever. It took a long time, and a lot of painful recovery, but I've almost gotten to the point where other people's art doesn't matter.
In fact, my own art doesn't matter. It just matters that I'm drawing and that I get my joy from the act of drawing not from the product of drawing and how it compares to others. If you realize that the joy in drawing is because you;re drawing, and not drawing well, then it'll be much more enticing to continue drawing and it will you to improve in leaps and bounds.
A way to help, is to just draw what happens in your day, or what you know people do. A big part for me was not knowing what to draw. Now, I just turn on Nat Geo Wild and draw whatever comes to mind. I usually like doing amusement parks because they're so bright and fun and there's so many options for what to incorporate
>>12286133 Whichever you're more comfy with, I'm not too fussed
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>>12286110 It's kinda like that
if you want an idea of what the game looks like
http://gaarabis.free.fr/index_ms.php3?catid=02Gallery&topic=off I would suggest it; overall I give it an 8/10
if you look at any fanart, which I would suggest, some of them are really funny/good, just try to ignore the oceans of shit they're in
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>>12285899 It's visible, but it's not stiff. The picture in the post is correct.
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>>12283876 any updates on how you are doing?
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
>>12286150 Here ya go anon
I can stand to do a few more.
How is the anon dealing with Gardevoir and Renamon doing today?
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
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>>12286370 186 posts 50 images
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>>12286370 Up and down in the right corner one can press [settings] and check thread statistics, that will show you have many posts and images the thread has.
We make new thread around 300 posts.
>>12285563 Guess I'm just rubbish with cold colours, I guess
>>12285550 Electivire, please?
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>>12286430 11/10. That's a badass looking Heracross.
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>>12286430 Saved. That's a fucking awesome Heracross.
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Requesting Mewtwo dressed as a basket-ball player. Also please make it pose in that "I am the bestest" stance.
Requesting Hilda and gen 6 female protag walking down a road, joking around with each other
Enkki !EsZLwuxZyU
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
>>12286506 Hmmm..... Ill try my crude hand on his anon.
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>>12286535 eeeep!! thankyou!
>>12284806 If you've ever been on a gen IV complain thread you'll understand my choice
>>12284913 yep it is and i really hope so it's one of my favorite ds games.
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>>12286548 Magmortar doesn't have breasts
>>12284875 welp couldn't decide who to draw first, still pandabro and yellow lizard are my favorites.
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>>12286583 Not OR, but awesome.
>>12284468 Thirding this. Surprised no one took ink to paper.
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>>12286583 Requesting new pokemon doing french things
>>12286633 Dubs. It must be done.
>>12286633 I might do it in a bit, just finishing a request I forg--
>>12286643 Don't do that.
>>12286649 Excuse the btard. 100 bucks saying he's not the guy who got dubs.
>>12286643 >>>/out/ Anonymous
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Tricky dick. No delete for you. Point at him and laugh.
Anonymous 05/12/13(Sun)03:22 No.12286643Replies:
>>12286649 >>12286673 >>12286633 Dubs. It must be done
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
>>12286506 Here you go anon nicely crude.
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>>>/co/49480781 Not mine but some guy posted his drawing on /co/.
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>>12286548 >>12286583 That sum mad new art style, shamie. You've been hanging out with that bren boy again?
>>12286736 it's wonderful, thankyou!
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
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>>12286770 No prob,
Hmmm noticing that drawing on paper yields me better results than drawing off a tablet.... Anywho any other pokemon trainer or gijinka requests?
>>12285160 heeeey sorry that was me last thread asking, I started doodling and didn't finish anything in case you wanted something specific so here's some chus
>>12286386 All right, you have my attention... what was the request?
Trainer Sashii
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>>12286790 oh those are so cuuute <3
you have such a cute style
>>12286800 It started up innocently enough but after some time it ended with
Gardevoir and Renamon trying on each other's clothes.
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>>12286988 I don't think so Tom.
/r/ing these Pokémon dressed as the respective Teen Titans. Robin = the new robin Raven = Gothitelle Beast Boy = Ditto Starfire = Deoxys Cyborg = Golurk
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>>12286827 How would that even work? Renamon in garde's dress and gardevoir naked with gloves?
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>>12287188 I'm sure there's a tasteful way to do it.
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>>12287069 >implying Starfire wouldn't be a Clefairy >or more literally, a Starmie Anonymous
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>>12287188 This with a mewtwo, pretty please.
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>>12286477 I'll touch it up when I get back
Finally finished. Did all 3 different colored variations of the female trainer from what I could see in the corocoro leak.
>>12287340 Now that you're freed up can you do this request:
Gallade gijinka as a ninja partnered with a female ninjask gijinka. Thanks
>>12287340 is it just me or is her right hand really confusing? It looks all backwards and broken and I'm trying to mimic it IRL and it doesn't match up no matter what I do.
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>>12287355 And a wizard pantslizard using Blizzard.
>>12287361 Have you seen a pitcher hold a baseball, seem about right, now the left hand that is a bit off bit you can't poopoo a great HNNG image
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>>12287374 Aaah I see it now, thanks. It's not "poopooing" on an image, it's asking about something that may of been wrong with it so that the artist could fix it, but like I was saying it was just me not seeing it right.
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>>12287355 Sorry anon i'm all tired for the night. But if I get time later i'll work on it.
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I'd like the redone with a sableye if anyone is feeling dangerous.
Maybe the penis's are unnecessary.
>>12287684 What are you doing?
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>>12287691 fishing for attention during dead hours by the looks
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>>12287691 Exactly what it looks like.
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>>12287684 The boobs look off.
Don't say I missed the tits?
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>>12287777 Ya did.
But if someone saved it it will probably go up on Paheal
>>12287684 Keep the dicks, drench her in semen.
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>>12287798 Danke big brother.
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>>12287786 Even though it's deleted from this thread, I agree with this
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>>12287875 Yes, you've posted this before. Do you want something?
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>>12285899 No it's not, you idiot. Women don't have permanent nipple erections. Do you not realize how annoying that would be?
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>>12287875 Not enough boobs, where is the maid outfit? And shouldn't he be buried under a ton of sneaky pebbles?
>>12285899 And not only that if they are wearing a bra, a heavily padded bra, you can't see nipples at all
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New Thread:
>>12287915 New Thread:
>>12287915 New Thread:
>>12287915 New Thread:
>>12287915 Anonymous
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>>12287684 >>12287798 Why were the tits deleted?
>>12287945 This. Some women may have nipples that do stick out a bit more but never at the size they are when erect.
>>12288051 Do you have
female breasts?
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>>12288074 I happen to have
chicken Anonymous
>>12288074 I happen to have
chicken breasts
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>>12288099 Well Doctor, you're the expert here. Anonymous
>>12288051 It is a sad world you live in.
Requesting Spinda desperately trying to look like the new panda.
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drawfriends please draw the new goat running really fast in a grassy meadow pls ;_;
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
>>12288127 Made a quick sketch of your req.
Ergheiz !jRVgSRJOnA
>>12288224 Yea... My iphone camera takes those huge image files, dunno how to drop the res on them
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>>12288239 Try and play around in settings, I don't think apple would make it that hard to change the resolution.
>>12288127 chicken breasts are perfect, so soft, tender, juicy.
>>12288304 I prefer to cut the breast up and fry on the pan for a couple of minutes. Now that is tasty.
>>12288315 You
culinary bastard, is that good way to treat the breasts?
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Someone make a KFC with the gen 6 bird, since ya know the new region starts with a K
>>12288328 Oh yes, just add the spice you feel like while turning the bits around for maximum feast.
>>12288354 I like to massage them and get them nice and tender before I get ready to slop them down. Once they are ready I can't wait to put those big juicy breasts in my mouth and have the juices flow.
If someone could draw the new protagonists in gen I's watercolor style that'd be awesome.
>>12288375 Oh come on, it's not like they die or anything. As long as you stop the bleeding.
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>>12288391 sure why not i'll try
>>12288403 Seriously the fuck are you talkin bout anon
>>12288421 They're talking about chicken breasts. Are you stupid? Follow the chain of replies.
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Pendolom stop shitposting
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>>12288447 Still requesting a sautéed gen 6 bird with the colonels secret herbs and spices.
>>12288386 >linking your thread that is wrong No.
Requesting Totodile using water gun in a different style to the usual Pokemon style.
>>12288391 made an attempt on the mmc
might not really be a good attempt at the style but it was fun? i think i'll start on the fmc now
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>>12288545 That's not bad at all, I think you got the idea down. I like the pose and the coloring. Thanks!
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There's so many threads, I'm not even sure which is the "actual" thread... Rerequesting Gardevoir wearing Diane's Dress.
>>12288545 and now with the fmc horray
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>>12288667 christ, work on her face and you're good
alcott's gf
Will sell my body a requested drawing for money working Black 2 rom
>>12288729 >asking for roms on /vp/ >ever What are you using to try and emulate it?
alcott's gf
>>12288736 It's like I want cory in the house
Acekard 2i
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So is that lewd guy from Friday night still around? I'm curious about a sample of his work.
>>12288729 Draw me the new panda or bird.
I have nothing to give you.
alcott's gf
>>12288753 th-thankyou anon!
>>12288833 I will a little later, promise~
Mystical !eC/YSAGUPE
>>12288903 296, still not autosaging.
>>12288913 Lets be friends
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>>12288920 ur mum will be a friend lmao
>>12288865 So since I got you your rom, do I get to request a drawing?
Joltik !L9qZJ..U7I
alcott's gf
>>12288929 You do indeed.
pls don't make it difficult my skills are limited Anonymous
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>>12288939 Dawn, Drifblim, Weezing, and Garchomp on a picnic. Anonymous
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>>12288375 Do you have that in a not shitty size?